Chapter 5

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After 7 months.....

Abhi was in his father's study room. He was searching for an important file which he needed for the next deal. But something got his attention. A diary. Yes his father's diary. He took it out and saw the year....

Abhi: 2004......a tear escaped from his eyes....

Abhi: I miss u mom....

Then he took the diary and went to table and started to read. He was just turning pages when came to an end on the date....13th September 2004.
He started reading it.

Diary note.

   Hey Abhi....If u are reading this diary means I am not with u now....I wrote this to say u something which I couldn't say directly to u. Yeah it's about what actually happened on that day....


    As it's 13th September 2004,it was abhi's 7th birthday and he is coming back from the hostel after nearly 6 months. Manish and Sandhya was really happy on that.

Manish: Sandhya everything is ready na.....he should be really surprised after seeing all this....

Sandhya: off course he will Manish....but i am waiting for his reaction on this......she said carresing her baby bump of 8 months....

Manish: he will be happy after knowing about it but firstly he will ask
(In a mimicking voice of Abhi) " mumma why ur belly is looking sooo big....are u eating lots and lots of junk foods" .....he said laughing....

Sandhya: Manish....u are not less than a kid....

Manish: yes...and after that I will tell him" no Abhi, u baby bro/sis is inside ur mom's belly....he/she will come to this world in next 2 months"

Sandhya: yeah Manish I am really waiting for his reaction...and all also look at this cake and say how is it...I baked it for him.

Manish: it's really good

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Manish: it's really like u....

Sandhya: ok go and get him home soon...I am waiting....

Manish: ok bye we will be here in 30 minutes.... 

After 30 minutes.

Abhi and Manish reached home and Manish found something fishy as he didn't found any of his guards there.

Manish: Abhi stay here I will come now....

Abhi: why papa...I want to see mom....

Manish: yeah baccha...but there is lots of surprise for u na....1st thing starts from here so be here....u are a good boy right....

Abhi: ok....I will wait here....but come soon....

Manish: I will...he left Abhi there on the door and went inside. The scene which he saw infront of him was horrible.

Sandhya was shot and she was bleeding and lying half concious. Manish ran to her and tried to wake her up.

Manish: Sandhya...what happened....what...

Sandhya: Manish...amar betrayed us....he wants ur position and also our property...Manish this house is gonna explode....take Abhi and go from here....

Manish: no Sandhya...I am not going to leave u here come...

Sandhya: Manish...I can't make it....already lots of blood has I can't please go from here...u have to be alive for Abhi....go....

Manish: Sandhya please....

Sandhya: I am sorry Manish....I couldnt give u this angel....she said touching her baby bump and pushed Manish away from her

Sandhya: go Manish....go...take Abhi from here....

She really pushed Manish hard and he was near the door when the gas cylinder exploded and manish came and fell down near Abhi when he was scared of seeing the burning house infront of which contained his mom.

Abhi: papa....papa...what happened....

Manish: Abhi.....he hugged Abhi tightly crying.

Abhi: mumma.....he said crying looking at the house.

Manish's guards came and took him to the hospital.


I am  really sorry veer....I couldn't give u ur baby bro/sis and also I couldnt save ur mom...

Diary note ends.

Abhi was on tears now reading his dad's note on the incident on his terrible day.

Abhi: don't worry papa....I will not leave that Amar and his son...they both are going to pay for this....and I promise u....

After that he placed the diary in its place and went away when his thought of revenge was on its peak. He called someone...

Abhi: bantu I think it's time......let's finish our plan....

Bantu: I am on it Abhi.....
To be continued.

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