Chapter 25

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Abhi and Sid went to college. Both of them were so silent all through the ride. Sid got out at the entrance.

Abhi: why u got down here itself....

Sid:huh...u..u wait here...I...I will come in 15 minutes.

Abhi: ok...but u don't have to stammer like this while talking to me....

Sid: hmm....he went into  the college.

Sid went to the principal office and submitted his application. Principal greeted him well as Manish has informed him already.

Prin: Siddharth u can join the college from next's thursday today....

Sid: thank u sir....

And then he left.

Abhi was waiting in the parking lot. It was nearly 25 minutes after sid went.

Abhi: where is he....he said he will come in 15 minutes and it's more than 25 minutes....shall I  go and see....what if he gets angry on me for not listening to him...ok let's wait for some more time.

It's been nearly 40 minutes...

Abhi: enough is's too late....I should go and look for him.

He was about to go when he saw sid coming towards him. He seemed to be in hurry.  He silently came and sat inside the car. He didn't even uttered a word.

Abhi: what happened Sid...why were u soo late.

Sid: no..nothing....he said not even looking at him.

Abhi: sid...tell me what happened baccha....he asked touching his cheek when he winced in pain.

Abhi got shocked and checked him fully. His eyes turned red in anger seeing sid's cheek red in colour.

Abhi: who made this to u....

Sid: it's nothing....

Abhi: sid...please tell me who did this...

Sid: seniors....

Abhi: how dare they....he turned to go inside but sid held his hand and shooked his head in a no.

Abhi: I am not gonna beat them Sid. Now u come with me...

Sid: no....he said getting scared.

Abhi: I told u na....I am not gonna do anything come....

He took Sid inside the college and they were at the centre of the ground..

Abhi: hey hello guys listen to me all of u......he said and removed his mask and goggles. Everyone got shocked to see ABHISHEK NIGAM there. The principal also came there.

Prin: Abhishek....what happened

Abhi: nothing sir...just wanted to clear something for all...

Prin: is u all know who is he...but one more thing....he also studied in our college only...despite his family and other business things...he was a bright and good student....

Abhi: he u all got to know that I am ur super senior and u all also know who I am and what I he is SIDDHARTH NIGAM my one and only brother who is gonna join here.... I warn u all...dare u to touch him and make problems for him....the next day u will not be in this college....GOT.IT..... everyone nodded their head in yes.

Abhi: WORDS.....

Everyone: yes sir....

Abhi: those who dared to slap my sid on the very first day of to come before the crowd before I make u to come ....

Sid: please don't do anything with them....

Abhi: I am not gonna do anything sid...calm down...

4 boys came before of everyone from the crowd shivering.

Boys: we sorry will not be repeated ever....

Abhi slowly went towards them. Sid was really scared thinking that abhi will do something terrible with him.

Abhi: principal sir...I want u to take actions on this....

Sid sighed in releif.

Prin: I will look to it Abhi...

Abhi: thank u so much...sid come lets go....

He said went to towards parking when sid silently followed him...
To be continued.

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