Chapter 19

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Thank u sooo much for this....❤️💕💕

2 days passed like this.

In these 2 days Abhi and Manish was busy looking for amar. Sid was happy that they didn't came to him again.

It was on the day before Sidshek birthday. But both of them was not in the mood of celebrating their birthday...Abhi was keen in finding amar and sid was keen in escaping from there...

In the evening Sid was sitting in the lawn of the mansion. He was allowed to roam free but there was no way to escape as the guards were everywhere.

He was just drowned in his thoughts when he felt someone's presence behind him. He turned and saw a guard standing.

Sid: what now.....I am not in the mood to go inside now....

The guard remained silent.

Sid: don't u hear me....go from here... Leave me alone....

??: Sid.....the guard called startling him. He immediately stood up.

Sid: said in utter shock....

Amar: shh....don't make noise....we have to go from here before anyone notices us....

Sid: but dad....

Amar: there is no time Sid...come lets go....he grabbed his wrist and dragged him from there silently. For the first time in the life Sid felt that the grip of his dad is so tight and he is not at all giving attention that his grip is hurting him.

They successfully went out the mansion and went towards the car. Sid looked at the CCTV camera and looked away quickly....

After nearing the car sid hugged amar tightly....

Sid: dad...I am sorry...I should have listened to u.....he said crying....

Amar: it's ok bacca....I am here na....u are safe now...

Sid: but dad...I was really scared...he torchered me so much....see....he said showing his burnt scar.

Amar: I am sorry's my fault....I should have found ur location earlier....I am sorry...said letting a tear from his eyes which is obviously fake

Sid: no don't's me who is at fault...I should have listened to u.....

Amar: it's ok come lets go from here before they realise that u have escaped.

Sid nodded and sat in car and amar started driving smirking internally....

Amar mindvoice: now no can save u siddharth....get ready to meet ur mom.....

In the mansion.

Bantu who was in the control room saw sid going out with amar.

Bantu: ohh shit.....ABHI.....he shouted running to them....

Abhi: what happened Bantu....Manish too came there....

Bantu: Abhi....sid....

Manish: what happened to Sid bantu.....he asked panicked.

Bantu: amar took him with him uncle....

Manish/ Abhi : WHAT......

Bantu : yes come and see this.....they went to the control room and saw the footage.

Abhi was fuming in anger when Manish was worried for sid's safety.

Abhi: Bantu....sid is in his location....I want him before 12 clck in the's our birthday tomorrow....I can't lose him again....

Manish: don't worry Abhi.....I won't allow that amar to harm my sid in anyway....

Then they started to search for him.

With Sid.

Amar took sid to a abandoned warehouse...where his men are waiting. But sid was not aware of anything.

As Abhi and Manish was searching for him amar just killed the time by roaming in the city. It was finnally 12 am and it was sid's 18th birthday .

Amar: Sid...I am sorry....I was planning to give u a huge surprise on ur 18th birthday....but today we are here....happy birthday baccha....u are 18 now.....he said hugging him...

Sid: thank u so much I wanna ask u something....

Amar: what Sid...

Sid: dad...why did they kidnapped me....I mean I got to know they are mafia people and they are really bad....whats the connection between u and them...

Amar: there is no connection between us's just a property problem ..I have some property here in India. They want they were asking me from long time and also threatened me with ur name only I never allowed u here ....

Sid: I am sorry dad....he said looking down with teary eyes.

Amar: it's ok sid....nothing is important for me infront of u....i was sentimental in that about that property...but it made my son almost to go away from me....i don't want that....I will give them the property so they will never disturb us again....

Sid: ok dad....after that they will not come after me na....

Amar: they won't and they can't....but that property is in ur name sid....u have to sign the papers...

Sid: ok dad I will sign it....

Amar: ok then....the papers will be ready in the morning....come lets sleep now....

In the morning....

Abhi and Manish was searching for sid. On the other hand...

Amar: sid...happy birthday baccha...

Sid: thank u dad.....he said hugging him.

Amar: sid.....the papers are sign it...

Sid: ok dad.... He took the paper from him to sign when Amar touched the gun at his back.

Amar mindvoice: happy journey to heaven siddharth....

Siddharth signed the papers and gave to him. Amar was about to take the gun from his back..........
To be continued.

Is Abhi and Manish going to lose sid again that too forever......?

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