Chapter 9

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Abhi went to his father and sat beside him who was lying on the bed with oxygen supplies.

Abhi: papa....he is here papa....his son....he is here....don't worry papa....I will make him to pay for his dad's sins..amar will surely regret what he did with mom....

He kissed his forehead and went towards his room. On they way peeped into the room of Sid and saw him sobbing lying on the floor.

Abhi mindvoice: this is just starting baby ...u deserve more than this....

Nearly 3 days this 3 days amar somehow got to know that sid is in India and now he is searching for him. Abhi was constantly beating him and making him cry and scream in these 3 days. No one dared to stop him as everyone knows his anger and also about his revenge. But all were feeling sad and pity for Sid.

The only one who supported Sid was Ramu...he made him eat and drink water afterall he needs energy atleast for crying.

Bantu was out for some other work and doesn't know anything about Abhi being torchering Sid. But he was having a strange feeling about sid and he was trying to find out why.

Sid was sitting in the corner of the room hugging his knees when Abhi entered the room. Sid was scared but somehow he gathered all his strength and his courage to speak with Abhi...

Abhi: are u ready for today's quota baby.....he asked with a evil smile.

Sid gulped and nodded his head in a no to him.

Abhi: ohh baby this nodding will not help u....

Sid: no bhai.....he said pleadingly

Abhi: what did u just said....he went and made him stand and grabbing his cheeks harshly....

Abhi: what did u said now....

Sid: bha--- but he was cut off by hard slap by him. Tears started to roll down from his eyes when abhi's eyes became red in anger making Sid to get scared more.

Abhi: how dare u dare u to call me with that name....if...if ur bloody father wouldn't have killed my mom on that day now here I will be having my mom and my baby bro/ sis of ur age to call me bhai.....

But he ruined our lives in just a fraction of second and here u are calling me bhai....huh.....he slapped him again. Sid was shocked to hear all this. Off course he will. But what made him more shock was what Abhi did next.

Abhi: rohan....get that now...

Roh: but sir....

Abhi: I said now.....

Rohan just nodded in yes went out and came with a iron rod which was burning in heat. Sid saw that gulped in fear.

Sid: please no....please I will not call u with that name ever after but please no.....he pleaded.

Abhi: rohan start the voice recording....let's make his dad to hear his screaming.....he said took the rod went near him. Sid was pleading like hell to not to do that. But Abhi didn't gave any damn and he finished his work by burning sid's hand. His scream was fully echoing in the house which got the attention of Bantu who came to the house just now.

He ran to the room and saw sid just slided down the wall becoming unconcious.

Bantu: Abhi....what the hell have u done.....he said seeing the burning scars and other scars as well on Sid.

Bantu: are u mad Abhi....

Abhi: send that to his dad....he said turning to rohan.

Bantu: to send what....he went to rohan and saw he has recorded the screaming voice of sid. rohan left after that Bantu turned to see Abhi again going towards Sid. Bantu quickly went and stopped him.

Bantu: are u gone mad Abhi.....what have u done....when did u became this much heartless....

Abhi: yes I am heartless....because his father made me like this....

Bantu: yes his father did it but what  he did to deserve this ...he is just 17 yaar....he is a kid ..

Abhi: if his father wouldn't have killed mom on that day means by now I will be also having a baby bro/ sis of his age show and shower my all the love in him/ her....but see today neither my mom nor my sibling is with me.....he said and fell on his knees crying....

Bantu: Abhi I know how much u have suffered I have witnessed everything being with u....but what did he do yaar....he is just a kid what is the difference between that Amar and u....

Abhi looked at him with a teary eyes confused.....
To be continued.

Ok guys as I said the harsh parts are finished and next will be something which u all will love....and I am really sorry for the last 3 chapters. It was necessary for the story to go further....

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