Chapter 34

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Nikhil: stop right there Abhi....don't u love ur brother.....

Abhi just stopped where he was. Nikhil looked at Arjun and arjun signalled to his men and they surrounded Abhi.

Sid thought that Abhi will fight back but for his shock he was just standing ideal letting them to beat him.

Sid: no please...please leave him....don't beat him.....

Nikhil: they will not baby see the real fun....he said and pushed him to one of the goon and went near Abhi. Abhi was now lying on the floor with full of blood coming from us body. His eyes was stuck only on the knife which was placed against sid's neck.

Nikhil went and started to beat Abhi with iron rod. Sid was just crying mess.

Nikhil was about to hit abhi's head with that rod.

Sid:bhaiya nooo.....he shouted and finally he freed himself from the goons grip and ran towards Abhi. Abhi was lying half concious. Sid ran to him pushed nikhil aside and hugged Abhi tightly not letting them to beat more. Arjun signalled them to stop.

Abhi slowly took sid's hand and kissed on the burnt scar and.

Abhi: I am sorry Sid.....

Sid: bhai...I am sorry...I should have listened to to u....I am sorry....he said and hugged him again tightly. Abhi was just smiling and letting all his blood to go out as he won the mission. He got to hug his brother and he called him bhai.

Arjun came there.

Arj: cute is this brothers relationship nikhil....actually I thought to send Abhi only 1st to heaven but it looks like if we send Sid first means it will be more fun ha.....

Nikhil: haaa boss I am ready....

Arj: then go ahead....

Nikhil came near Sidshek and gripped his metal rod tightly getting ready to hit sid. He rised his hand and was about to hit him...but.....

But before the rod could hit sid....Abhi caught the rod a few inches before and pulled it from nikhils hand and hit him back with the same rod making nikhil to fall on his back at a 2 feet distance. Abhi quickly got up with the support of sid and done a flip with the rod and caught it correctly and showed it towards others....

Abhi: don't u dare to touch my brother in front of me....he said and wrapped his hands around sid's shoulders protectively.

Nikhil was about to hit him again but Abhi started to fight with them as his baby bro is safe in his hands now. He was looking soo furious that he is not gonna spare anyone now....the first one to die for  his anger was nikhil only....

Abhi: how dare u trap my a blink of an eye nikhil was dead on the floor and abhi was standing with a gun in his hand.

Abhi: sid....close ur eyes....I don't want u to see these things ...

Sid: but....

Abhi: I said close ur eyes.....he shouted.

Sid: ok bhai....he just did as he said. Soon manish and Bantu came there with other men. This time police also accompanied them. Police surrounded them all. But before police could arrest Arjun he shot abhi with his gun from his back. Police shot arjun there itself.

Sid: nooo....dada......he shouted and ran to him. He caught him before he fell on the floor. Manish and abhi also came there...

Abhi: papa....I fullfilled my is Sid......he is fine....

Sid: but not u...papa....let's take him to hospital.

They rushed to the hospital. Abhi was taken into OT and all the others were just standing outside. Sid was crying in guilt.

Vaishu and avu came there crying. Vaishu went to sid. Sid saw her with tearfull eyes and was about to hug her but.....she slapped him hard making everyone to shocked.

Sid: di.....he said crying more.

Vaishu: don't....don't u dare to call me again like it's ok for u na....for u he is lying lifeless like this....

Sid: I am sorry di....he said crying more and looking down.

Vaishu: how many times many times I told u...that nikhil is not a good guy....and stay away from...see what have he done today.....if anything happens to Abhi today...I won't leave u Sid....I won't leave u....she said crying out her heart.

Sid knelt down on his knees before her and joined his hands.

Sid: I am sorry di....I am really I got to know how much the words of our lovable ones is valuable....I am sorry...I won't let anything happen to my Dada....but please forgive me....please....he whispered the last line.

Sid: from now I am here for him di...I won't let anything happen to him and I won't let anyone to harm him again...I promise u .....I am his blood na.....I will also keep my promise like he did....I won't let anything happen to my Dada....

He was continuously saying ' I won't let anything happen to dada'. Vaishu saw him and realised he is calling Abhi as bhai and Dada. And she remembered she slapped him. she slowly knelt down before him and hugged him tightly. He also hugged her back so tight that he was longing for this from so much time.

Vaishu saw sid shivering and understood his condition and started to console him.

Vaishu: it's ok sid....don't cry...I am here....see vaishu didi is here ..she said like she used to tell before in dubai when he was bullied by others.

Sid: please di...forgive me....please don't leave me....please don't hate me....

Vaishu: it's ok baccha....see I am here only....I am not gonna leave u ever....Abhi will be fine now stop crying....see I am telling u na...stop crying now....said and he somehow calmed down.

Avu came and took him from vaishu's embrance and hugged him indicating everyone is with him. Vaishu went to Manish and Bantu and asked what and all happened there.

Vaishu: don't worry uncle....he is ur hero right ..he will come back to us....he will come back for sid for sure.....

Then she went and stood before the OT rooms door and saw him through the circular window on it. She saw him fully covered with wires attached to machines.

Vaishu: sorry Abhi...I can't break down now...I have to be strong for others....but I am also scared of loosing u...please came back....she said while a tear escaped from her eyes.

After sometime the doc came out.
To be continued.

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