Chapter 22

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                              I said if richa1512 updates obsessed lover , I will give 3 here is the 3rd update....and the 1st chapter of THE PALACE WILL be updated in some enjoy....

Again Manish  started to fight when one of the gaurd tried to stab him but Manish dodged it quickly but the knife cut the skin of his hand....

Sid: no...papa....he came running to Manish but amar suddenly caught him and caged him between his arms with gun on his head.

Manish/ Abhi: sid ....they got shocked and went towards them.

Amar: stop....stop there right now.....or else u know what will happen.....he said pressing the gun more on Sid's head while he was struggling.

Manish: Amar leave him please....don't hurt him please.....

Abhi: amar I am warning u....let him go....

Amar: do u think I will listen to u....

Then suddenly more of amar's men came there and started to fight. Amar used this as a chance and dragged Sid from there. He took him to the car.

Sid: leave me....he said and tried hit Amar. But Amar threw him on the back seat. Sid tried to push Amar and come out. But he hit sid with the gun making him unconcious.

He was about to get in the driver seat but someone pulled him from back and punched him hard.

Sm1: how dare u to hurt my brother..... Abhi Shouted and looked at sid who was lying unconcious inside the car. He tried to go to him. But amar pulled him and threw him on the floor. Manish also came there and they started to fight.

After sometime

Ama: even if I don't get the property it's ok...but I won't let him to come to u.....he said and took a gun and aim at the car's petrol tank......


A gunshot was heard and Amar slowly fell down while blood coming out from his chest. The gun slipped down from his hand and he fell down dead. Abhi and Manish turned to see who was that... Bantu was standing there with his gun. He came near Amar.

Bantu: don't even think of hurting my kiddo...he said smirking at the dead Amar.

Abhi and manish came running to him and hugged him tightly....

Abhi: thank u Bantu thank u soo much ...

Bantu: dont u dare to thank me again....he is my brother also...don't forget Abhi I was the one who made u to realise that he is ur brother....  he is my kiddo....

Abhi just hugged him tightly.

Manish: ok ok stop ur bromance....let's see what happened to Sid.

Abhi/Bantu: haa papa/ uncle.

They went and opened the car and took sid out. His side head was   bleeding as amar hit him with the gun.

Abhi: sid...sid please look at me ...he said crying.

Bantu came with water and sprinkled on his face. Sid slowly opened his eyes. He saw Manish and quickly hugged him.

Sid: papa.....he said hugging and crying.

Manish: it's ok baccha ....u are safe....we are don't cry....he said wiping his tears and kissed on his forehead.

Sid turned and saw Amar lying dead.

Sid: I never wanted to see him like this.....he said while a tear came out.

Manish: it's ok now come lets go.....then four of them went from there ...

Manish made Sid to sleep after treating his wound. Abhi Was just silently sitting beside him all the time.
His mind was fighting fully with the thoughts of him torturing sid and his love.

Bantu: Abhi....I know what's going on in ur mind...but please give him some time bacchi....

Abhi: I can wait my whole life everything I want is he should be safe...he said while tears brimming in his eyes.

Bantu: it's ok Abhi....he will surely accept u and love u the way u do....he said and hugged him tightly. Manish came there.

Abhi: he ok....

Manish: haa Abhi...he is I need to talk to u...

Abhi: say papa...

Manish: see I know u are feeling guilty and u are stopping urself from going to him...but baccha understand one thing....if u go near him only he will come near u...if u keep distance means he will not get chance to know about ur love for show ur u are there for protecting him always...make him trust u....I hope u understand what I am saying....

Bantu: I was also telling that only papa...

Abhi: ok papa....I will try to mend my mistakes...but first i have to make him to not get scared of me..

Manish: haa...we will do that and all come and sleep u really have to rest now....

Then Bantu and Manish took Abhi to his room and made him sleep.
To be continued.

Can Abhi win sid's trust .....what he will do for that....guess here

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