30- Catharsis

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DEDICATED TO ALL THE NEW, EVERGREEN READERS AND HannahBrussLeahy for being a quick reader :') 

When I saw Colt just standing there looking beautiful yet somehow disturbingly silent, something fluttered inside me- now, what worried me was the fact that the flutter wasn’t one with positive connotations. In fact, the flutter soon turned into a nasty burn that made me want to turn back and do something to stop whatever was going to happen. I left the men in that confined, and soundproof place and I was not happy with it. But what could I do now? I forced myself to move back down to the main office.

The silence that surrounded me was created by me. My ears were ringing and even conversations that were taking place around me couldn’t be heard. The elevators ding was what pulled me out- but only for a second. They closed slowly, and the view I had of Colt was shut.

As I reached my floor, a group of five men in black suits were waiting for the elevator. Their presence sparked my own interest but for some reason I decided against it. I sat at my desk, wondering if I could go to the IT department and see what was going on from there. That sure as hell woke me up and for a second I questioned my judgment this would be me spying on Colt Parker, I forced myself to think that this was the right decision. Something irked me and I needed to satisfy my thoughts.

I quickly turned my laptop on and searched the directory for the floor and room number of the IT department.


Seeing Holly leave calmed me down slightly. Her being as far as possible from this room was the only thing that kept me sane. I heard fumbling through my earpiece as I focused on the man in front of me.

“Muhammad” I kept it simple as I shook his hand. He was solid, it was not difficult to tell that he could definitely take me down in a fight. As long as I was only admitting that to myself, it’s okay.

The earpiece started buzzing again- making me twitch slightly. Muhammads eyes narrowed in on me.

“Why did you call me here, Parker? What happened to a normal phone conversation?” His arms were folded across his chest, I mimicked his movements. We were testing our dominance on each other without even realizing.

“We need to talk about the case. The real one” I added in a harsher tone. He scanned the room twice. His eyes following on the cameras and the microphone on the large table and the walls.

“Well then be sensible enough, and turn this shit off. This is all confidential information” He stated, his eyebrows furrowing. I gulped. Hopefully the earpiece would be enough to save the company. I tried not to think about the consequences of turning off the extra equipment as I moved to the admin computer and started shutting the cameras down.

“We’re still good with just the sound, Mr. Parker” The voice spoke into my ear in a sharp octave that caused me to flinch”

“Something wrong?” Muhammad raised an eyebrow. I wish I could punch you.

“No” I answered confidently.


I moved swiftly through the maze of the upper corridor that constituted to the IT department with its titanium white walls and dark rooms and uniformed white clothes, I felt like I was a mouse in some lab. I searched for room 302, and when I found it I barged inside.

“Well then be sensible enough, and turn this shit off. This is all confidential information” I heard Al Muhammad’s voice from the large screen, there were different angles of the same room blown up onto the screen. Al Muhammad looked angry.

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