6- The Emergency

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"I'm still waiting for you to answer.." He crosses his arms and leans back into his chair.

"It doesn't matter, I got it anyway. You're my boss, so please ask boss-like questions" I say stubbornly. No matter how I got this bruise it shouldn't concern him, unless of course he's asking like a genuinely concerned boss. Which he is evidently not.

"Hm. Fair enough. Are you alright?"

I smile at him, feeling lighter now that he's dropped the inquisition "Yes sir!" I salute with a laugh. He chuckles at my gesture.

Once we're done with lunch he asks me to fetch the Al Muhammed files - it's a thick Manila envelop with a collection of photographs all stuffed into one L shaped folder. It almost too heavy for a file it's size.

"Do me a favour Holly and get me a drink please"

"Coffee again?"

He smirks "No, something a little bit stronger" I almost blush out of stupidity. I look around his office trying to find out where he keeps his poison while he goes through the files. I walk to a cabinet at the east corner of the room where a tray rests with a bottle of aged whiskey and a bucket of ice. Upon opening the bucket, i realise that there are only a few cubes left, so I better get it refilled. I pour the whiskey into an etched glass, filling it about a third of the way, and then I add in the three remaining cubes. I twirl the glass and leave it on a coaster on the coffee table. Absentmindedly he takes a long sip and then sighs as he flips through the pages.

"Perfect" he says, licking his lips - something I wish I hadn't noticed. I sit opposite him while he reads with concentration. "So first email Al Muhammed and give him our flight details" I take notes as he speaks. "And then arrange our transport to and fro. and my details for Al Muhammed I mean our mobile numbers, room numbers, hotel, flight, everything!" I nod along "also put together a team of about three of our finest people, we need them on Monday. If it isn't possible- or if Jason doesn't want them to miss too much- keep them in Dubai with us only on Monday and then ask Biggs' assistant to book their tickets"

"Makes sense. Now, there won't be much time for your team to do probono cases"

"That's fine- hand them over to Biggs. He'll pass them onto the first years. You need to brief the associates who are joining us because Al Muhammed is a very important client. He's got contacts with the Sheiks in the Emirates. If we can get him on board, we'll become richer in experience and wealth. It's the perfect transaction. I need you to go through my presentation once"

"I'll do that" I smile. All of a sudden I can see all of his tension. The young man looks aged, and it's almost sad. "He's a really important client for the company isn't he?" I cock my head to the side. He shifts uncomfortably and then glances at his closed doors.

"I'm telling you this in confidence" I nod seriously and give him all of my attention "the company is slowly sinking. My father had to resign because he couldn't keep up with our losses"

" I had no idea we were going through a dip"

"Oh that was the point. He didn't want anyone to know, so that no one would leave"

"How bad is it?" I ask, moving onto the same couch as him.

"Pretty bad, we might have to merge- but that's worst case scenario. If we bags Al Muhammed we will be set. Because Emirates equals oil equals income" he says, and I know he feels better because he's telling someone, this confidence is always required in a PA and boss relationship. it's something I thought I shared with Mr. Parker, but I guess I was badly mistaken. He chugs the rest of his drink down and I go back to my desk.

I checked my reflection in my small compact mirror and I wondered how on earth Colt Parker noticed my eye. He must've been staring hard. Or maybe it was the angle of my face...but there's no way he could've just noticed it randomly.

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