20- Dinner with Him

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banner image is of the Moores' Residence.




I could hear Taylor Swift being blasted through Jade's window- I guess 17 year old finally graduated from Justin Bieber. Sorry- that was a mean joke.

Colt started redoing his tie, my hand slapped his away "Take the tie off" I commanded. He looked smug.

"Miss Moore is too eager to undress her boss" he winked flirtatiously. I wanted to slap myself for blushing at his stupid comment.

"We're going and meeting my family- not a new client" I reminded him casually. He snorted in response and threw his coat jacket and tie into the car, he undid a couple of buttons and looked handsome as hell.

"Ah my sisters are going to freak out" I mumbled to myself, pulling out my phone to text Meagan and Jade.

I rang the doorbell twice, Jades head bobbed out of the window.

"I'M COMING" she yelled down, clearly not recognizing or noticing Colt Parker.

"She is going to flip out" I said evilly, rocking back and forth on my heels.

"Why is that?" I looked at Colt, confusion laced in my expression...wasn't it obvious?

"Because Colt Parker is joining us for dinner" I said as if it was the most evident thing. "Christopher Columbus" I added jokingly.

"Har Har who knew Holly Moore had a sense of humor" he added sarcastically, we were fighting like an old married couple. I enjoyed our friendly banter.
I realized only then, that our hands were linked and our fingers were intertwined. And now that I was aware of it I couldn't stop thinking about the way our hands fit together. The opening of the main door shunned my thoughts away.

My father Was standing by, looking as lost as ever "Hello dad" I smiled and leaned in for a hug, I think Colt froze because I circled both my arms around him, but I had his dead limb in one of them, i spared him a sideways glance, he gulped noisily.

"Well introduce us" My father urged.

"This is Colt Parker" I didn't know what else to add, he wasn't my boyfriend yet but he wasn't just my boss. I left it ambiguous.

"Good evening Colt; I'm John, Holly's father as you must have gathered" he laughed at his own line and Junior Parker added a bit of his own.

"Good evening, Sir" I wasn't expecting manners to this degree. I smiled internally. My father's gaze travelled down to our interlocked hands and even though I wanted to pull away in a way to rule out any doubts and speculations- I couldn't. He opened the door, ushering us in with his warm words.

My father bent down slightly, and whispered in my ear "Your mother is going to have a lot of questions" He warned.

Maegan was sitting by the fire in the living room- the TV was blaring.

"Who's playing?" I asked out of habit.

She signaled for a minute with her pointer "GO YANKEES!" She yelped, jumping to her feet.

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