10- Family First

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Hey guys! sorry for the late update, i've been very busy lately! But i've made it a long one so that should make up for it! 

Thanks for reading! 

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I staggered into my apartment feeling strange and conflicted. Two emotions that I wasn't particularly fond of. 

I took a moment to balance myself 'did that really just happen?' My fingertips hovered over my lips, he was about to kiss me.

I leaned back against the wall, feeling weak in the knees. I don't want to go to Dubai with him anymore. Oh, who am I kidding, that's what's kept me going this entire week. But I don't know if I can resist him any longer. Tonight was too so close to what I've wanted since I've known him. I was about to give into the temptation, heck – I practically had! 

And after Dubai, it was time to succumb to my losses, he won the bet tonight. I groaned, and moved towards the toilet, I was trying my best to take the dress off carefully but it wasn’t working out very well, instead I pulled in all the wrong places, the sequin scratched my face uncomfortably. By the time I pulled it off I was breathing heavily, loving the lack of restriction. I slipped into my pajamas and watched some TV for a while, slowly falling into a deep sleep.

The next morning was a tough one, I was nervous, and for all the wrong reasons- Colt. Wrong because he is the boss. But I decided that I would create a façade, nothing has changed, and nothing is different. Except for the fact that both of us are friends now.  We aren’t stuck in that colleague phase, so that’s a step up.

My day at the office was easy and thankfully not awkward. I had made some plans with my family tonight, so that we could catch up before I went out of town. My mother taught me everything I know about what goes on in a kitchen. I didn’t want Colt to know that I cooked, because then the idea of the bet would’ve been even more appealing to him, but one of my dreams since I was a child was to start up my own little café. I was excited to spend time with them, my mother more so.

My only problem during the office hours was to deal with Jason Biggs and the questionable team of associates that he chose.

“Holly, just tell Jason to get the team he put together to the conference room, I’ll be there in 10” I nodded as an acknowledgement. I smoothened out my cocktail skirt and walked towards Mr. Biggs’ office my pumps slowed me down by a fraction. His secretary wasn’t in, as per the usual, so I knocked on his glass door.

“What” he spits, I stagger back slightly and I clear my throat once.

“Who have you selected for the Al Muhammad team?” I asked him, my confidence not once fading.

He looks up, slightly disgruntled, but then his expression changes to one of recognition, as if he just noticed me in his office. He looks me over once, looking slightly confused. “Sorry Holly. Right, the team” he hold up his pointer to signal a minute while he opens and searches through his drawers roughly. I wait patiently “Right, there’s Edward Waters, Lydia Thompson and Ahmed Hussain”

“Alright thank you” I scribbled down the name and without another word I moved towards the associate section, which is basically a large room with countless numbers of cubicles, it was a busy yet boring place to be. Young lawyers and paralegals who are readying themselves for their future jobs and clients who are hungry for so much knowledge and exposure.

My pumps stop drumming on the wooden flooring when I finally stop moving, in a moment, all eyes in the room have turned towards me. I flick my gaze around and then read out the three names I was given by their boss.

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