28- Breathe

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Dedicated to AngieluzRosa because she freaked out at the end of the last chapter and that made me freak out. It was a beautiful moment.



He's holding a Hollister, and it's glistening so threateningly, almost mimicking the glint in his eye.


My eyes shutter to a close for a few seconds, Vladimir has my phone in his hands.

"Let us see where your boss is" his accent, thick and venomous.

I want to scream no, but my throat feels dry out of fear. I tug my arms, hoping that his stupid guards can let me go now. My phone looks small and insignificant in his palm, facing upwards, the ring echoes through the house.

Please don't pick up.

Don't pick up, don't pick up, do not pick up.

"The number that you have dialed is currently not available. Please try again later" I breathe a sigh of relief. Vladimir cuts the call in an instant, a sick smile playing on his lips. I look at him, feeling better about the fact that he couldn't get to the one thing he wanted, Colt.

"I guess we'll need to raid his parents' house next" a man from behind me chuckles. I tug at my arms again "Quit pulling woman". I look at the carpet in disappointment. Trying to think of ways to get out of this mess. Maybe I could kick out backwards, make contact with the crotch and run. But I've to be honest with myself, I can't pull off a stunt like that. My wrists begin to ache and I try to angle my body in a better position to take some of the strain off. My ringtone causes my head flick back painfully.

Please don't be-

"Ah, I was waiting for your call" Vladimir sounded causal.


He placed the phone on his palm again, it was on speaker I could hear him breathing. Colt is alive, at least that's something. I'm glad he's breathing but I'm not glad that he has called back.

"What the- Who is this?" Colt is clearly enraged.

"Colton Parker. We've met before. My name is Vladimir" He paces a short 4 feet back and forth.

"Where's Holly?"

"In front of me. Why don't you let me ask the question tonight, eh?" he sounds casual- it's almost scary.

"You're bluffing"

"Don't test me, Parker. You won't like the end result" He spits onto the carpet. My chest heaves out, trying to take in as much oxygen as possible. When Colt didn't reply he stalked towards me with heavy steps, steps that thudded with the beat of my heart. "Say hi to your boss" I said. I think I could hear Colt whisper something quietly 'no', I think he said. I didn't look up at Vladimir. I wasn't going to say anything.

He grabbed the sides of my mouth, pinching painfully, trying to force me into compliance. I pressed my lips shut. "SAY IT" he yelled, the stench of his breath blanketing my face. I shook my head against his strength, making it tougher.

"Bitch won't listen like this" guy behind me said.

Colts voice suddenly rang out "I believe you. Don't touch her" but Vladimir wasn't listening. I froze. What was he thinking? He swung his hand backwards, his gun making contact with my face, white hot pain. A waterfall of it, making me screech out in shock and pain. I shook my head, trying to make the pain let go, but the throbbing continued as liquid trickled down my neck to my t-shirt. Silent tears and whimpering was all that could escape from me, I could hear a distant shouting, Colt. Soon those dried up and I breathed heavily.

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