26- A Dream Come True

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Sorry I know I haven't updated in a long while! I do hope you enjoy this! I'll dedicate it to the person I have in mind when I have my laptop!

It's Monday, which means I have to go to the office. During High School, when I had a boyfriend or a crush for that matter, school used to become exciting all of a sudden. We enjoy those little moments we can recite back to our friends during break and lunch. Whether we were interpreting it correctly or not, it didn't matter. But now, even with Colt in the office, work is still a drag.

Especially with Jason Biggs, who was standing in front of my desk, looking nothing more than impatient and expectant.

"Good morning Mr. Biggs" I smile despite myself.

"Morning Holls. It's not a good one. My secretary is dumber than I thought" my eyebrows shot up. He was talking about Veronica. I remembered her from last Monday. The heavily chested one. I ignored his comment. I would be unprofessional of me to say anything.

"What can I help you with?" I smiled up at him.

"I need you to sort out an appointment. I want to meet with Parker" He stated easily- he could've called though.

"Alright. Twelve thirty work for you?"

"Perfect. Thanks Holls, you're a life saver" He smacked his hand on the table and I focused on my laptop screen.

Colt wasn't even in right now. He was in a meeting with the new clients and then he'd work on the Al Muhammad situation with a Mr. Parker. I sighed as I sat back and took a few minutes off.

My phone buzzed on the table- it was my mother.

"Darling! You haven't visited since last week" dismay tangled through her voice.

I squeezed my eyes shut "Yes, yes. Sorry about that. I could come today after work" I reassured her.

"Nonsense, honey. I'll meet you for lunch at that Italian place next to your office" I was pretty certain she was talking about the café across the street.

"Alright. See you then" I smiled despite her not being able to see me. We hung up and I got back to work.


"Hey" Colts voice rang through the office. I looked up at smiled at my boss. Of course nobody knew we were dating now - and of course, nobody could find out. Parker with Sons has a board of directors to make sure he doesn't get out of line anyway. And obviously, my career is the one that'll be at stake. After all, I'm just your average secretary.

"Morning, Boss. You've got an appointment with Jason Biggs at noon"

He stuck his tongue out at me, his back facing the rest of our colleagues "What are you doing for lunch today" He said, covering up our conversation by going through my planner for his day.

"Meeting my mother. Lunching across the street"

"Aw would you look at that, bonding time during working time"

I knew he was joking, so I rolled my eyes playfully, enjoying the friendly banter "Har har Mr. Parker. Very funny"

He winked "You know it" and I mentally swooned. He walked past me, his hand barely grazing my shoulder, and into his office.

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