24- Beauty

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Dedicated to Dashbob28 for being human and forgetting details! Thanks for commenting! Ill add in a proper dedication when I get my laptop :)

Enjoy reading x

I sat in my bathroom processing everything that hapoened at Colt's place and the undeniable tension between the father and son. When I got back out after digesting the facts and washing my face Jani was sitting on my couch, upside down. Her head was dangling off of the cushion and her long brown hair was sprawled beneath her, swiping my floor.

"What on earth are you doing?" I clicked my tongue as I pulled on my sweatpants.

"This is my new thinking pose..I think it helps me concentrate?" Her Brows furrowed funnily.

"Interesting" I rolled my eyes.

"What are you wearing to your hot bosses place?" She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, but from this position it looked absolutely hilarious. I bit my lip to hold in my laughter. "you guys have been spending a lot of time lately"

I hadn't told Janine about anything that had happened or is happening with the company and colt and I. I demanded it be kept that way. If anything she's the source of normality for me, the issues surrounding me right now have left her untouched and therefore being with her isn't another Vessel for this madness. God that sounded like a cheesy supernatural books line.

I plopped down on the couch beside her, I observed Jani for a moment, she looked comfortable so I mimicked her posture. I was slightly shorter than her so my eyes were lined up with her mouth. She scooted herself up slightly, and turned to face me.

"Do you like Colt?" her question threw me off guard and the blood collecting in my brain seemed to pull me down.

"Like as in, like like? Or like?"

"This isn't eighth grade, Holls. You either the hate the guy, like the guy or love the guy" she said matter of factly.
Love would be just a tad bit too extreme for this situation but it was definitely way past the like stage for sure, and it was being reciprocated...right?

"In between like and love" I choked out the latter word in embarrassment and I didn't even know why. I felt stupid mostly, for falling for my boss. That sort of stuff only happens in books and apparently with whips and leather restraints. It was strange how unexpectedly expected this was. The feeling was there when we first shook hands, more accurately, when he barged in on Jason Biggs.
I didn't know how to define love, I had experienced it once before obviously. people have gloriously romanticised the idea of falling in love so nowadays it's a usual statement 'people fall in and out of love'. I had learnt to love little things about Colt, like his expressions, his hair, the flecks of gold in his prussian blue eyes, his definition of emergency.
He had said before that he felt strong things for me, I hope he meant every word of it because I could feel the situation and the feelings sucking me in like a blackhole and there were two things I was certain of. One, I was falling in love with him and two, I didn't want to get out of the blackhole.

And Janine knew. I knew that she knew that I knew that she knew I was falling in love slowly. The realisation of it sent me into an internal frenzy. I groaned loudly, frustrated with myself more than ever.

"HE'S MY BOSS" I cried. Jani simply chuckled "how can you find this so amusing?" I whined.

"Because it's perfect. Like a fairytale" she mulled over the thought while I wanted to banish it.

"This is no time for me to be falling in love! Not with what's going on with the company but also because of the fact that Colt Parker is my BOSS!" I sat up, the blood was rushing back down and circulating again, Jani lifted herself up too.

"I know it's a strange realisation, but I think it's extremely romantic and perfect" she was gushing.

"I have to go over in an hour! How am I supposed to act?" The entire dynamics of the relationship changed the minute I gave my brain space to digest the information, emotions and gut feelings. "no no I will act normal! I have to! He's my boss"

"Shut up, Holly" I heard Janis voice, faintly.

"And then I'll loose my job and then my apartment and then I'll be broke all because of this one gu-"

"shut up! You're totally overreacting. Just be breezy" she directed me. I nodded.

"Breezy" I said in an agreeable tone " i can be breezy. I'm breezy right now"

Janine rolled her eyes "calling yourself breezy goes against the act of being breezy itself" I nodded.

"Sorry, love guru" i said with mock enthusiasm.

"Let's go get you changed" Jani pulled me up and dragged me to the bedroom. I was dazed and genuinely lost in thought while she pulled out yoga pants and a tank top with a white cardigan. I slipped it on without any resistance. I paired it up with a pair of plain black flats. I was getting ready to apply makeup.

"No! None of that today. Lip balm" she ordered handing me a tube of Nivea Lip Balm. As I finished adding things into a causal bag Janine told me about he french hunk.

"I want to meet him!" I said as enthusiastically as a child waiting at a stall to hop onto Santa's lap.

"And you will. Dinner one of these days?" I nodded briskly. I was all set to leave. Janine and i shared a cab, it dropped her off on the way to Colts apartment complex.

I wiped my sweaty palms on my pants. Why am I so nervous. I cursed softly and lifted my hand to knock on his door with a trembling stance.

The door handle was pulled downwards -but I hadn't knocked yet.

"Yeah, you better leave now, or else you'll bump into her" I heard Colts voice from inside and a female orchestrate a reply, but my heart was pounding in my ears with fear and ultimately...sadness.

The door opened further to reveal a dark haired beauty and Colt, both staring at me with wide eyes, except the female had a look of pride and a familiar twinkle in her orbs.

I stood there gaping like a goldfish.

first one to comment and guesses correctly who the new character is get s a dedication!


So what do you guys think?
Who's the mystery woman?!

You know I love comments the most!

Sorry I hadn't uploaded in a while! I have exams going on but I decided that I NEEDED to upload a chapter because enough is enough. Mind you, IVE typed the whole thing out on my phone and I'm sure most of us are accustomed to the crazy autocorrect thanks to Apple.
Sorry if this is short!! I dont know how much I've written but I know it isn't a lot.

Hope you enjoyed it xxx

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