15- Exhilarating

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My Mood had changed drastically by 4:30, both Colt and I were awake now.

I didn’t feel insecure about the situation at all, instead I was angry. My blood was boiling. In what godforsaken universe is it okay to touch a woman the way that large man had done earlier? Who gave Al Muhammad the right to boss around my boss? Why the hell would they threaten him using me?! A storm was building up in my chest and I wanted to explode.

I wanted to punch someone or something, I wanted to smash that beautiful crystal vase in front of me onto the too happy looking wallpaper.

Colt noticed my rising temper and held me still, I didn’t even realize I was pacing around the room “What’s going on in that mind of yours?” he asked me calmly.

I folded my arms across my chest “I’m angry”

“Christopher Columbus could’ve figured that out” He tried to joke, I gave him a blank look, not in the mood. “Okay, sorry, why are you angry, Moore?” He questioned.

“Because why the hell would they threaten you, using me!” I voiced my last thought. He sighed, a deep and mysterious sigh.

“They just read whatever signs they saw” he explained “I promise nothing will happen to you”

“I’m not afraid of that!” I whined, my hands balled into fists, I hit them against his chest lightly. Feeling frustrated.

“Then what are you afraid of?” he asked, his eyes searching mine. I was taken aback by his question. What was I afraid of? I was afraid of the fact that he would get hurt because of me. Because they’ve used me as bait, and it worked, and if they do it again, it could hurt Colt. I was afraid of that. And then I felt stupid, my own life was at risk, and I was worried about Colt getting hurt. I questioned my own sanity for a moment.  He shook my shoulders lightly.

“You” I spoke softly. He took a few steps back, maybe I made him uncomfortable. I regretted speaking out loud.

“Why are you afraid of me?” he voice rose slightly, he looked hurt.

“Not of you” I corrected myself “For you” I finally looked up at his blue orbs, he took one large step towards me. Embracing me tightly, my ear was pressed against his chest, he had a strong heartbeat that was racing.

“You don’t need to be scared for me, but for yourself. I’m afraid that they’ll do something” I could hear his voice, it vibrated through his chest. Calming me down.

“No, I’m fine” he pulled back, searching my face, and a small smile broke out.

“You’re stronger than you look” He noted aloud, I smiled at his statement.

“I want to punch something” I said, feeling the anger bubbling back up. 

“Punch me”


“Punch me”

“No!” I yelled, a smile forming on my lips. He bent forward, his eyes on the same level as mine.

“I dare you” He teased with a whisper. I controlled my breathing and gave him a sly smirk

“I don’t think you can handle it” I said confidently “I’ve bruised people before” I added in for good measure.

“As if you’re the only one” he challenged. I raised my fist, and slammed it against his arm. I could feel his muscle contract and move with the impact of my punch.

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