11- The Raid

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I've dedicated this chapter to ForeverSummer7 because while i was writing i'd keep on getting a notification, she was reading through the chapters so fast, voting for each one. Thank you :) 

unfortunately i dont think this chapter is that great, but perhaps (hopefully) i'm wrong. Please comment, i love reading the comments and i've started replying. I'm really sorry for not being able to update -it has been 2 weeks, i know. I've been very sick. 

Also, thank you for 8K reads, i wasnt expecting it so soon. 

I'm all better now, and i promise that the next chapter is going to be great (hint). 


Rule number one of Flying is: To always wear comfortable clothing. So I sported a pair of slacks and a sweater that made me look professional yet seasonal. To be true, we’re travelling first class- since the company is paying for it – which means that Colt is paying for it- which makes it all the more fun – but he was vain (to say the least) enough to say, and I quote, “If it were up to me we’d be on a jet in T minus 20” and by then I was really tempted to smack his checkbook out of him.

I was concerned about the lack of entertainment, but I never questioned the food. If there’s one thing I’ve learnt from the past whilst travelling with Mr. Parker (senior of course) it’s that the Parker’s travel in style. That makes the PA happy.

I was booked to sit next to my friend, the very handsomely dressed Junior Parker. He wore jeans with brown suede boots that were neatly tucked under the ends of his pants. The human eye could faintly remark the lines of his chest and abs that left a subtle embellishment on his white shirt, a grey flannel coat kept him warm on a cold day like today. But I didn’t dwell on it…much.

The three associates had reached before time- not surprised- and were waiting for us at the gate the plane was assigned.  We didn’t exchange pleasantries but we all sat together. Colt looked intimidating while he read the business section of Gulf News, this was probably done to look menacing in front of the associates. I excused myself to buy a couple of books to read on the plane.

Lydia – one of the three tagalongs – accompanied me to the bookstore, a place where I tend to lose myself. I was caught up in the bestsellers section, but then I moved to the romance section then to the YA fiction, the non-fiction section, the Indian author section. And finally once I scanned the entire store, I was stuck and dammed, and the entire staff of BlueBooks knew it.

“I’d read this one” Sultry and sexy- Parkers voice resonated through me. I didn’t turn, I didn’t have to. He held the book in front of me and I scowled and grunted.

“I’m not reading your autobiography” I narrowed my eyes at the bookshelf in front of me.

“Why not” he almost whined “I promise you, it’s not that bad”

“I doubt that. Your Vanity would’ve come through by the first chapter of the book, friend

“Bosses order” He tries to veto me.

“Don’t even try” I giggle confidently and glide over to the next section, hoping – praying that a cover will catch my eye.

“Just give it a shot” He reasons and I shake my head “Fine. Damn you, Moore” I smile to myself, and for him with pity. I finally pick up what seems to be a second edition of ‘An Italian Wedding’.

The flight itself was slightly delayed, by the time we’d taken off, I was tired, perhaps even exhausted. Colt was sitting beside me, but like the gentleman that he tries to be I bagged the window seat.

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