25- Seal The Deal

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Dedicated to MegGarber! She was the first to predict correctly :) well done! I'll dedicate it to your properly when I have my laptop!

Next chapter will be dedicated to anyone who can come up with their own Nickname for Colt!!' The more creative it is the better! And it will be used as the official nickname that Holly will use to address him!

I think I was staring, I'm not quite sure. God graced her with a hanful of looks. She had beautiful charcoal locks and striking blue eyes, and to make myself feel better I shifted my gaze back and forth between the two beautiful people standing behind the doors, I was looking for evidence of their relationship. Brother and sister? The eye colour and the hair colour matched, but the eyebrows didn't .Why would they? She gets them done...perfectly.

"Hey!" Colt stood there with a nervous smile. I had heard and he knew. I would've said sorry for interupting, but he had made it pretty clear that the woman in front of me was leaving soon.

"Sorry" I spurted out words, despite myself.

"Is this her?" the woman asked, I mused over the fact that she knew a 'her' how many her's were there. I looked a Colt, he nodded, and then looked at me almost apologetically.

The woman in front of me perked up immediately, I blinked several times as she introduced herself "Hello! I'm Samantha" She introduced herself with what could only be identified as grace and her red lips made it look even more flawless.

I smiled back, it was impossible not to "Hello, I'm Holly" I introduced myself shabbily in comparison, she dragged me into the apartment. I was still musing over what she meant about the 'is this her?' comment but as she pushed me down onto the largest couch and sat next to me, her body angled towards me, it hit with a force. Samanatha Parker. I had to schedule many lunches with her and Mr. Theo Parker.

"I've heard so much about you!" She gushed.

"No she hasn't" Colt groaned from his seat on the lone couch and I wanted to laugh. He was embarrased.

She blantanly ignored her brothers comment "You described her well, Cole" she used a nickname I hadn't heard yet, but it suited him "But her hair isn't brown, it's like a honey suckle brown" She added wisdimonically. I laughed awkwardly. I was being discussed through the family now.

"Are you kidding? Brown is brown" He groaned "Leave Sam. You need to meet dad on your way back" I think he was emphasizing the 'dad' for my benefit.

"I'm going to leave, before he throws a hissy fit"

I rolled my eyes "I think I know what you're talking about" I reply, remembering the time I went out for lunch with John during the lunch break and he lost it. At least he apologized.

"Ah! She speaks!" Samantha nudged me playfully "It was lovely meeting you- even if it was brief"

"Bye Sam" Colt grumbled and pushed her out the door lightly, she kissed him on the cheek and Colt sighed as he shut the door. "That was my sister" he blurts out really quickly.

I laugh "I know, I had to book many appointments at restaurants for Mr. Parker and Samantha" I smiled, not mentioning how I freaked out internally for a good two to three minutes.

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