27 - Mr. Nine-One-One

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I'm saying cute things at the end of this chapter :*

dedicated to Emina2016 for cute comments and voting and whatnot <3 enjoy!

I know Colt and I had –officially- only been together for a day, it felt like much more time had passed.  My thoughts drifted to him more often than not as I made my way to his apartment block. Upon  reaching the door, I realized that I had no way to enter his ‘humble abode’ I stood there like a moron for exactly two minutes before searching under the door mat and the flower pot for his spare key. I returned with nothing, only to check on top of the door frame, my fingers grazed over a piece of metal – the key.

With a satisfied sigh, I opened the door and walked in. I checked my phone regularly, it was around 7:45 pm and there was still no sign of him. I inspected his fridge and found a bag of frozen peas and a frozen chicken. I hate peas, but I took the chicken out to defrost it. I worked quietly and efficiently- the silence was almost too loud to bear and caused a sense of panic to race within me, but I just focused and gave the respect the produce in front of me deserved. I looked through his pantry which was mostly filled up with chips and popcorn packets, and one lone pop-tart box. But through all the garbage, I found what I was looking for – a packet of pasta, upon closer review it was fettuccini, thick and long, flat noodles. I took out a jar of arrabiata sauce; which is basically garlic, tomatoes and red chili. I usually make my sauce from scratch, but he didn’t have tomatoes in his fridge. I remembered catching my eye on some mushrooms and peppers, so I pulled them out and started chopping while the pasta boiled.

My phone buzzed loudly in my purse- Colt had finally called. I dropped the knife and ran towards the noise. Disappointment clouded my satisfaction that coursed through me as I saw Janis name light up the screen.


“Why the sad tone of voice” She said, articulating her words with sharp edges.

“It’s Colt” Jani knew that Colt and I were now dating, I had called last night, when I got home and all the details of the night afore to it came out like mouth diarrhea

“What happened to Mr. Nine-one-one?” I smiled half-heartedly at the name she gave him.

“Mr. Nine-one-one?” I questioned with some form of amusement.

“Well yes, don’t you think it’s apt, considering how many fake ones he’s pulled on you?”

“You’ve got a point”

“Anyway- what’s going on with him?

“He left the office at, like, twelve. Really abruptly, and he hasn’t come back”

“He could be working, Holls” Jani replied with a sigh and a matter of fact tone.

“I guess you’re right” I replied, just so that I could stop thinking about it. Call me the weird and attached girlfriend if you think that’s apt, but it doesn’t feel right. The balance is off.  “What’s been going on with you” I finally moved from my stoic position and got back to chopping the vegetables. I turned around to find that the water was nearly overflowing from the pot, so I quickly slowed down the temperature.

“Christophe is taking me out this weekend- to meet his parents” Jani gushed, I could practically hear her turning red- if that were possible. Christophe, I guessed, was the French guy she’d told me about.

“Jani, is it getting really serious? Have you started packing? What are you wearing? Shit you must be nervous, I’d be nervous! This is amazing, shit, he must really, really like you” There I went with my mouth diarrhea again, all she did was laugh with a full heart. She was so pumped.

“Please take care of my apartment okay!”

“You didn’t have to say that! I would’ve anyway” I chuckled. I turned the heat on a smaller saucepan and put it a little bit of butter, then the jar of the Arrabiata sauce came next, followed by the vegetables. I covered the pan with a lid while she described his physique is great detail. Soon she had to go, they were meeting for dinner tonight to discuss their plans and I suddenly felt the absence of Colt again.

With a heavy heart, I finished the pasta and cursed when I forgot to put the chicken in the oven. After sorting the protein out, I focused on draining the water from the pasta, pouring the contents into a large metal strainer and then back into the same pot. I lowered the heat, putting it on a warmer setting and then poured the sauce over it, gently mixing it into the pasta. I couldn’t leave the apartment until the chicken was ready- I didn’t want to be responsible for burning the house down.

I had nothing to do, so I lay down onto the couch and turned the TV on. I ended up watching ‘The Ugly Truth’ wishing silently that I could look like Katherine Heigl and have a physique like that. And can we just take a moment to appreciate Gerard Butler. After he acted in PS. I Love You, I could never look at him in the same way. He’s dreamy.  I turned the TV off soon after the movie ended.

A shove of the front door caused me to wake up with a start, I still felt sort of groggy but I was alert. The footsteps were heavy, they weren’t Colts, the intruders wouldn’t be able to see me, I was hidden by the couches backrest. I didn’t dare to move, but I could hear my own breaths, so I closed my mouth but then the air wasn’t coming in fast enough.

I heard mumbling, or maybe yelling, I couldn’t tell. My ears felt like a bomb had just exploded. I didn’t know what to do, but I rolled off of the couch silently and under the couch. No noise was made thankfully. I turned my head to the other side. I could only see the ends of combat boots and thick legs covered in black pants.

“Clear” a heavy voice resonated from where Colts bedroom would be, I could hear and see his feet move towards the rest of the group from the space between the floor and edge of the width of the couch. I stayed still and even held my breath, thinking that they could hear that too. All five sets of feet were moving around the house, I could hear people fumbling in the kitchen. But then one of the men were quickly approaching the TV area. I held my breath, the adrenaline allowing me to keep it in longer than I hoped.

“Boss, someone was here” The voice above me spoke and I squeezed my eyes together, keeping them shut.

“The couch has sagged with the body shape” Another man said- maybe boss “Boss, the knuckle head is right” I involuntarily shook. And quite let out a breath before sucking in another one through my nose. What the hell is happening, all thoughts escaped me when I heard his voice.

“Vladimir” he answered the phone in a serious tone, he was definitely Boss. My nails tried to dig into the wood of the floorboards as I was being dragged out from the safety of the couch, I screamed, but it wasn’t helping. I was pulled up to my knees by my hair. My eyes frantically searched for something or someone who could help me right now. I took in heavy breaths, my chest expanding desperately and my heart beating uncontrollably.

"Look who we have here!" Vladimir had a heavy, throaty laugh. Like he smokes a pack a day. I will not show fear. I will not show fear. I repeated the mantra in my head as two men held onto me and three stood watching.

Vladimir nodded, an evident signal, because then a man began searching through my pockets as the goon behind me lifted me to my feet. His hands roamed places that should've only been touched by my boyfriend or a doctor.
"She's full ain't she?" I wanted to growl at the dog. I was tempted to hurt him but decided against it. His hand moved to my butt squeezing it painfully "just trying to find your phone" He justified with a sick grin. Vladimir chuckled too, playing around with his gun.







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