1- Farewell Mr. Parker

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Today is the 50th anniversary of Parker with Sons; it’s a huge corporate law firm that I work at. You must have a few questions.
No, I’m not a lawyer.
No, I’m not a paralegal.
And I thank god that I’m not a receptionist. But what I am, is a personal attendant and or secretary as it wisely says in my contract.

I work for Mr. Theo Parker; he’s a 60 year old man, with a 50 year old law firm that has been passed down the generations.

I wake up on time, as usual, and take a hot shower. As per my routine, my clothes for today have already been ironed and are waiting patiently for me on my reading couch that sits in the corner of my room. I wrap myself up in a white towel and tip toe my way out the toilet, I’m afraid that I might catch a cold if I don’t put some clothes on. Shivering slightly, I dry myself off, loving the privacy of your own home. I put on my moisturizer and slip on the grey dress that i had picked out. I had checked the weather reports for today last night, and I had kept a baby pink cardigan -that resembled my skin when I was a newborn- out and ready to wear. My shoes were waiting by the door.

I picked up my bag and checked my phone, I had received no calls or voice mails from Mr. Parker. Without needing a reminder since it was a habit, I stopped off at Gloria Jeans where I picked up an unsweetened coffee for my boss as well as a bagel and a latte for myself.
I had asked the taxi driver to leave since my work place was a block from here. I had no issues with walking in heels. I reached 10 minutes early, as per schedule. I locked up my purse in the last drawer of my table, which was directly outside Mr. Parker’s glass office. There was not even a single cemented wall in any office in the entire building, instead all work areas were made of glass. The associates got cubicles in a separate area. Mr. Theo had the largest office since he was the CEO as well as the owner. I took a sip of my latte before entering his office.

“Ah, good morning Miss. Moore”
“Good morning, Sir” I returned his toothed smile and handed him his coffee. Mr. Parker was definetly a handsome man, he was tall and well-built for his age. He had a smart cloud of white hair that was slightly curly, but it never failed to look neat. He was dressed in a white suit and a brown tie and he twirled once in his chair.
“Do I look appropriate for the meet?” He asked allowed.
“Yes, as always, Sir. Let me run you through your schedule” I sat on the leather chair that was opposite him, he leaned forward as if he could read and understand the paper, except he wasn’t wearing his reading glasses at the moment.  “So you have a meeting with two potential clients today, and your daughter wanted to meet you, she’s coming at 3:00 pm on the dot. Mr. Biggs wanted to run a few cases by you and the celebration is in an hour”
He made a humph sound and rested his chin on his closed fist “Well, I don’t want to meet the potential clients send them to Jason Harley. Also, call up Samantha and forward her to me, you might have to make a reservation for us at that new lunch place on the other block, I don’t remember its name” He waved his hand in the air as I took down notes “Tell Mr. Biggs that he can meet me after the celebration but before the lunch. That’s all, thank you Holly” he smiled and I took that as a cue to leave.

I was busy working and swapping all of his appointments and dealing with the crappy moods of the two clients until it was time for the celebration. I was outside the conference room, standing beside Mr. Parker, who whispered down to me “Call for their attention, I have to make an announcement”.
I did as he said, some people sat down on the countertops while the rest were seated on the chairs, my boss was standing at the head of the table.

“As you all know, we have an event tonight to celebrate the 50th anniversary of a firm that my father started with a strong belief that we can change people’s lives. It doesn’t matter if it’s a probono or a large corporate company that needs our help; we do it, without asking any questions, because this is what our firm is all about. I am aware that we are supposed to be celebrating, but I have news. I’m resigning from my post as CEO and owner of Parker with Sons” a sea of gasps erupted from the employees, and I was frozen, shocked. I had no clue that he was planning this “I’m well past my desired retirement age, and my son is more than ready and capable of taking over this company. You will all meet him tonight, formally. Now let’s continue on with the celebrations” Way to let a bomb drop, Boss.

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