22- Strong and Foreign

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Dedicated to speeddemonforever for being the first voter for the previous chapter :)

I got up off his bed, but not before noticing my painting staring right at me. The one I gave him from when he came home. I smiled, feeling content.

After dinner, I waited patiently to be told what happened at his home, but god forbid that he opened his mouth so I started sulking. It was getting late and I wanted to go back home, knowing that if I stayed I'd cave this time. It was difficult to refrain from jumping onto him at times.

I decided to prod him a little bit "So...care to tell me why you came back home with everything flashing red, horns sharp and steam coming out of your nose?" I cracked a joke- well, I tried to.

He sighed, I have a strong suspicion that he thought I'd forget. "Just the usual family dinner" he said with mock happiness and my hand searched for his. He flinched slightly at the contact but he didn't bother moving his hand out from under mine.

"What happened?"

"Nothing. Chad told dad that his girlfriend might be pregnant, which caused mom to lose her shit at the dining table, including Candice- who started screaming 'how dare you'. Dad of course took it like it was a business crises and tried to calm everybody down which frustrated me for some odd reason. Somehow, mom linked his irresponsibility to my abundance of it in the business front. Which, due to recent events, I'm questioning. So I told dad that I needed to speak with him. And then he lost his shit, and overall the whole thing was just stressful" He took in a few deep breaths. I could sense guilt and anger pouring out from every fiber of his being. And I didn't know what to do. I got up and rubbed his shoulders, they were tense, but soon relaxed.

"What did your dad say?" I said, still applying pressure in the said area.

He sighed for the nth time to today "He was fucking pissed" Colt grumbled "But he said that we need to call in for a meeting with Muhammad and his trash goons. Negotiate perhaps. They're dangerous" he added at the end, as if I didn't already know. He pulled my arm and sat me down on his lap. I tried not to put all my weight on his legs.

When he didn't add anything, I spoke "You know it'll be fine, right?"

"Do you really believe that?"

"I trust you enough to believe in you. I know you'll sort it out. And I'll be here to help you through the whole thing" I assured him, placing my hand on his cheek, his stubble scratching my palm and finger tips lightly. His brows furrowed considerable and he looked antagonized.

"No" He stated simply, I shook my head in confusion "I don't want you to be involved. Enough has happened. They will use you, it's too dangerous for you" The way he said 'you' made me pull back my hand.

"In case you haven't realize Colton, I'm already involved. And they will use me as a leverage whether I'm with you or not. Don't you get that? Don't tell me you're so daft" He pushed me off his lap lightly, but the hurt that followed was not as gentle.

"Don't tell me that you're so daft"
"I don't think you realize Colt. You need me, you need help with this one. I can and will help you"

"I don't want your help Holly! Stop giving me grief! For fucks sake" he held his head in his hands and pulled at his raven locks. I made no move to comfort him.

"Well. I'm a part of this firm. I was there for the entire trip. I am already involved. It's too bloody late" I was seething, I spoke between clenched teeth. My jaw contracted painfully.

"Better late than never"

"You choose Colton. You either fire me, or involve me" I gave him the ultimatum that surprised me and picked up my purse. I was hoping that he'd stop me so I paused for a millisecond, and turned to notice that he was facing away from me. I wanted to make him flinch. So I slammed his door shut and tried to wipe my tears before they fell. He is going to fire me. The one guy I could possibly love in the future is going to fire my ass before Monday.

I impatiently and repeatedly poked the elevator buttons. Why isn't it moving! I heard a door slam shut my gut told me that it was Colt but I refused to give him the satisfaction of looking. The elevator doors finally opened and I could hear his footsteps ascending towards me in quick movements, just as it was about to close, Colt's hand pushed them apart. He got inside, pressed the emergency stop button. The doors closed and I was now stuck in an elevator with someone I was genuinely pissed at. I would've tried to unlock the stopper, but his broad body was blocking me.

"I won't fire you" I remained stoic as he spoke "But fuck me if I care for you Holly. How could you be so daft? Huh? How could you be so stupid?" He sounded pained "Can't you tell that I feel strong and foreign things for you? So sue me if I'd do whatever I could to make sure you wouldn't get hurt. I know I you're strong, I know you can handle it. But I don't want to watch yo-"

"I can-"

"Shut up. I'm talking" He said without malice. "You will be involved, but only because you've left me with no choice. take this in whatever way you please: if I fire you -terrible idea by the way- then I wouldn't possibly know if you were alright. So no, i need to know." I didn't know how to feel about what he said, but he looked mad so I hugged him and gave him a chaste kiss. he relaxed in my arms.

"Stay the night" he said, rubbing my arms. I was oh so tempted to say yes but I refrained from doing so.

"I've got a lunch thing with Janine, so I can't tonight" I frowned slightly.

"Cancel" he said, confusing my emotions my nuzzling me neck. Stay strong holly, stay strong.

" I've canceled on her far too many times, it's getting ridiculous" I sighed "I'll see you tomorrow night anyway, I need to cook remember?"

"I do" he smiled and kissed my forehead.

We said our goodbyes.
The minute I reached home, I collapsed on my bed- feeling exhausted.
I fell asleep to the visual of striking blue orbs.

VOTE, COMMENT AND ADD! (Follow if you wanna!) I want to read your precious comments!

As you can tell. This is a filler chapter!
Things are about to get super intense💁 I don't think you're all ready!! Haha

Wanted to tell you guys that I've got an entire plot ready for my next book! Dont worry- I won't abandon 'ASCEO' it's my baby.

❤️ cheers.

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