13- Trouble

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Hey! I realized that on wattpad, usually we cant communicate very well :(

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Please vote and comment if you feel like it's worth it! recently everybody has been voting and i love votes, but comments are what keeps me going and that's the truth! I love feedback, negative or postive. 

As I lay on the couch, tossing and turning uncomfortably, I was sure about one thing: Colt Parker was not offering me to share his bed. And that’s what made me feel like a basic idiot.

I was the earliest to rise. I walked onto the balcony that faced the open waters. Dubai at dawn was definitely something worth seeing. Deep shades of purple, orange and blue blended softly, and there was a pleasant, salty wind that enveloped me. I heard the sliding of the glass doors behind me, signaling somebody’s entrance.

A pair of arms trailed around my waist. Strong, but smooth, a reassuring touch that I blissfully leaned into. I didn’t know what I was doing, I didn’t feel like I was in control of my reactions. I knew it was Colt behind me, and I didn’t want to move.

His hair tickled my chin as he dipped his head into my neck, kissing it softly, I shuddered. I turned around, to face him, but his head was still buried in my neck.

“What are you doing?” I asked him the question I had no answers too, but I desperately wanted to know.

“I don’t know. But if you’re not okay with it, then tell me to stop” his voice came out smooth, but needy. I didn’t say anything as his hands glided up my sides, slowly making their way under my shirt, his fingers digging into my waist. I wrapped my hands around his neck and he began kissing my jawline, slowly moving towards my mouth. And then, after what felt like an eternity, his lips met mine. The kiss was dominating and intense, he bit my bottom lip and I moaned, his tongue explored every part of me and my fingers tangled themselves in his hair.

Every moment since our last kiss, I waited for another. His left hand traveled down to the waistband of my sweatpants while his right still gripped me. I took in a shaky breath as he lowered his hands, tracing over my underwear, he rubbed lightly, making me shudder in his arms. His touch ignited the spark that he had already lit.

I kissed his neck to stifle the moan that was rising.

I woke up with a start. I paused for a moment and my eyes widened in realization of what just happened. My body was tingling and I was embarrassed. I got up to use to guest bathroom. I washed my face, I was completely flushed. I wanted to change my underwear, but Colt was probably sleeping, and that would be a breach of privacy on my part. So I decided against it.

I felt dirty, really, really dirty.

As I got out I looked at the balcony. It was almost dawn. And the view was pulling me towards it. I opened the doors and stepped out. The taste of salt was the dominating factor, and I felt a sting as I breathed it in. Unlike in my dream, the air around me was thick with a cool breeze, the tide was still quite high, and my hair swirled around me in a tornado of its own.

This time the doors slid open, and I pinched myself. They say that when you’re in a dream you have an extra finger, I counted ten. I was definitely awake. I turned around, it was Colt. My insides clenched, I shook my head to erase the memory of my dream.

He smiled sloppily. “Good morning” he said, I replied to him and turned to lean my hands on the balconies railing, he did the same. His body just a few centimeters away from mine.

“About last night. I knew you weren’t offering to share the same bed” I said, out of the blue. I still felt stupid about my response.

“Okay, let’s just say that” he said cryptically. I looked at him, I couldn’t read his expression. Those blue eyes were the ones that melted into mine in my dream. I had to remind myself to keep calm. I could feel heat rising to my face. “It’s interesting, when you blush, it’s never just on your cheeks” he pointed out. Ignoring the fact that he noticed a detail about me, I shot him an angry look. I always used to get teased in school, I literally turn into a tomato. My entire face goes red, it doesn’t look very attractive.

“The sun is rising we should go inside, the associates will be up soon” I whispered because he was just staring at me. I didn’t know what else to do.

“We’ve got a minute or so” he said. I looked back out to the ocean. We stayed quite, the door slid open and this time it was Edward. We took it as a sign to wake everybody up.

While colt took a shower, I pulled out some clothes and fresh undergarments. I waited outside for Colt to be done in the shower and when he got out of his room, I had to look away, he looked handsome.

“I’m done” He said to me, and I smiled and walked past him to shower.

The smell of his body wash had overpowered every other scent and it basically calmed me down. I locked his rooms’ door and began to dry myself. Business meetings would start in the morning so I wore a high-waisted pencil skirt that reached past my knees and a pale pink half sleeved top. I moisturized myself and walked out feeling a little more confident about facing Colt.

I reminded myself that we had decided on being good friends and I had to play my part. I knew I had to calm my senses because that kiss was a one-time thing, and that dream never happened. And it definitely wouldn’t have happened if he hadn’t done what I wanted him to do, which was to kiss me. And lucky me, because I still wanted him to do it.

I pushed all thoughts and feeling aside and sat next to him on the couch, Lydia and Colt were engaged in a conversation I had no interest in. I turned the TV on while waiting for the others.

After fifteen minutes we were all up and moved towards the elevator. I was the last to leave, locking the room door behind me. Colt turned to face me, he was 10 feet away, my eyes locked with his overlooking me. As I felt the heat rising I commanded myself to calm down. He shot me an approving glare.

After breakfast we moved to the reception where we were told that an SUV was waiting for us out front. Edward had lost some strange bet and was made to sit at the back. Ahmed, Lydia and I shared the middle row and Colt sat next to the driver. Knowing him, he was probably itching to drive instead.

The driver drove fast. He was moving at 140 kilometers per hour and it was scary the way we were zipping past everything, it moved in a blur, I gripped onto my seatbelt, my knuckles turning white with a dull fear.

He finally stopped outside the Burj Khalifa, and I felt nauseous. Especially after breakfast, his fast driving wasn’t something I wanted to get used to as yet.

We moved up the floors in a quick but steady pace, after a certain number, my ears popped. I flexed my jaw, trying to open them back up and Colt shot me an incredulous look. I pointed at my ears with wide eyes, and he rolled his.

We reached the offices and we were greeted by a strong and well-built man with light skin and light brown eyes. My breath hitched slightly, he was handsome. Not like Colt who had a vibe of sophistication, but like a very attractive villain in a movie, the kind who gets into trouble.

“Good Morning, I’m Hussain Al Muhammad” He focused his eyes on me and shook my hand with a tight grip. I didn’t have a very good feeling about this.  


I'm really very sorry for not uploading in 2 weeks. it inexcusable!
also make sure you add me on BBM, Snapchat and Insta!

I hope you liked this filler!

Please vote and comment if you feel like it's worth it! recently everybody has been voting and i love votes, but comments are what keeps me going and that's the truth! I love feedback, negative or postive. 

 Thanks :*

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