2- Jason Biggs

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A soulful voice was playing the background, Ella Fitzgerald to be precise. She’s got a lovely voice. I’m currently trying to distract myself of the tall 6 foot 4 inched man with slick gelled back hair, a style that is currently in fashion –yes, I am aware of the latest trends, I don’t live under a rock. He’s handsome no doubt, his aqua eyes are smoldering and his smile makes me want to punch his face and scream out I command you to not look so good! His suit is sharp and black, he's wearing a tie, a lovely shade of brown, like when a latte meets a vanilla coffee. His pearly whites are just something else, and I would stare for even longer if I hadn’t realized that he is going to be my future boss. And by future I mean Monday. I concentrate on Ella Fitzgerald’s voice again.  

“Hello, nice to meet you Mr. Parker” I smile professionally once he lets go of my hand.
“Nice to meet you too” He says, putting his hands in his pockets “Holly, you said your name was?”
I nod “Yes, Holly Moore”.
“Ah, you’re my PA, are you not?”
“That’s me, Sir” your PA, only for work, no pleasure, none whatsoever. It's a slightly dishearenting thought, i'm sure all women would agree - including my five year old friend with the poster. It’s an inevitable emotion. 
“You don’t have to call me Sir”
“Sorry Mr. Parker”
“Neither Mr. Parker. My name is Colt, I’d like to be referred to as that” He doesn’t say it with any malice, instead he passes on a sweet smile. We talk for a few more minutes and I also introduce him to Janine who looks too start struck to move.


I wake up at 7:00 am on the dot. Today is Monday and it has come too soon. Funnily enough, I am nervous to meet Mr. Parker, and last night I spent an hour fussing about on what to wear, I called Janine and sent her pictures through quickchat asking her what she thought would look better on me. Normally, on a day that doesn’t involve Colt Parker, I spend 5 minutes picking out my clothes… five. And that seemed to escalade fairly quickly, but hey, in my defence, i was trying to impress the new boss. My clothes were ironed and were placed on my couch. Janine has picked out –via the internet- a pencil skirt and a smart white, long sleeved top with a black border, which had a black bow tied at the point where the V-neckline met. I tucked it nicely and pulled my hair back into a high ponytail. I had already set aside a pair of white leather pumps. I picked up my bag, my travel mug that was full to the brim with coffee and a banana. I walked out and locked my door with ease.

The nerves only kicked in when I was outside my office. I paid off the taxi driver and I was just standing there, in the middle of the road. Might I add, like a complete idiot?

As the elevators opened up, exposing the 13th floor, all I could notice were the many cleavages that were on display today. I guess I wasn’t the only one trying to impress the CEO. However, I’m not going to lie, my approach seemed much more subtle as compared to the skanky outfits I spied out on the way to my desk. There must be a rule about dress-codes somewhere in the Parker with Sons Employee Code Book. I look back at the glassy office that now belongs to Colt Parker. He sits, with his feet perched up on his mahogany desk, flipping through what I think is a new Forbes edition. His posture doesn’t resemble his personality at all, if I remember clearly, at the business party, he was completely well mannered. .

I walk in to greet him, and as I do, he snaps his fingers “I’m guessing that you’ve forgotten to get me coffee” He doesn’t look at me as he speaks, and if I don’t deem that as intimidating and irritating, I don’t know what to.
“Um, yes Sir, I was just coming by to ask you how you want your coffee” 
Liar” he sing-songs, and places the magazine on the table. I was right, it was Forbes. I give up, I’ve been defeated, and he caught my lie “Fibbing is a bad habit. Hasn’t you mother ever taught you that?”
I don’t have any witty remarks to show off with today, I’m too nervous. It’s the first day on the job with Junior Parker over here and I have to control myself. I’ll wait about a week before I start showing him my true colors, unfortunately for me, he only waited two days. 
“How would you like your coffee?” I ask him, trying to change the subject.
“Ah! Classic deflection, but to answer your question, without sugar and with a teasespoon of milk” It was easy enough to remember, I take my coffee the exact way, sans milk.
“I’ll go and fix that up now, and then maybe we can discuss your schedule” I smile politely.
“Yeah, whatever” He mumbles. I roll my eyes as soon as my back is facing the man who is clearly not the one i met two nights ago. 

I clear my head in the office kitchen. 
“Oh hey Holls” I turn around only to be greeted by Jason Biggs. I have to control my gag reflex as I turn to face him. The fact that he isn’t calling me by my full name angers me. Jason Biggs is notorious for his "flirting" skills in the office. Six employees have left in the last 4 years, two of which were my close friends who told me about his umcomforting behaviour. 
“Holly” I correct as sweetly as I can.
“You look good” he smiles, showing off a set of straight teeth. He looks at me up and down without a care in the world. I feel violated, and the day hasn’t even begun yet. I mumble a thank you and walk out with Mr. Parkers’ coffee.

“What took you so long?” in the span of 5 minutes, he sounded grumpy, he was pacing his office, his hands on his hips, effectively tightening his shirt around his chest, my mouth parted slightly. I don’t know what’s more inappropriate, me telling my boss (who’s very hot) that I just got hit on by a 30 year old man, or me thinking that my boss is hot. 

“Sorry Sir, Mr. Biggs caught me, he was discussing business” 
he shook his head, dismissing me with a rude wave of a hand. 

I reached my desk, the landline was blaring. 

“Hello?” I say into the phone.
“Yes, hi, my name is Lucy, I’m calling in for Colt” the voice sounded so sweet, like wind-chimes.
“Of course Miss, hang on a moment” I put her call on hold and phone my boss.
“What?” he says glumly.
“Miss. Lucy is on the other line, I’m transferring her call to you now”
“Good” he sounded slightly happier. After connecting her call, I checked my emails and twirled around in my seat until Mr. Parker called me to his office.
“I need you to book a table for two at some italian restaurant” He’s facing the large window that overlooks a beautiful sky line. 
"Yes, Sir"

When Mr. Parker leaves for lunch I’m left alone circling the perimeter of this floor. All my work today had been completed and I was free.
“Holly, how come you haven’t left for lunch yet?” my senior, Mr. Biggs asks me.
“Sir, I was just finishing my work” I tell him. 
“Actually, I need your help in the conference room, to look through some files” he says, unbuttoning his collar and pulling his tie downwards. It’s practically an unsaid rule to say no to your boss, so grudgingly I agree. Jason Biggs' boss is, of course, Mr. Parker.

The conference room is the only room in the building that has real concrete walls, for privacy purposes of course. There are boxes lying all over the places and papers are scattered like there had been a tornado.
“So you can just pick up a box and start” he says. Tactically I leave the door of the room open, in case I need to flee.  

One hour into our silence work, Mr. Biggs asks me a question that makes the highlighter I have in my hand spaz and cut a neon yellow glow through an entire paragraph “Are you seeing anyone?”.  
“Oh shit!” I whine, looking at the mark I created accidently.
“Don’t worry about that, ” he says bending over me. I freeze, feeling awkward due to our close proximity “I’ll send Phillip to get another copy printed of this” He completes, his tie wagging side to side in my peripheral vision, I can smell his over powering cologne and it makes me want to sneeze. 

“What is going on in here?” I turn around to see a stoic Mr. Parker. His black hair is messily strewn, and his collar button has been undone as well, but unlike on Mr. Biggs, it looks temptingly and magnificently wonderful. I sneeze three times in a row, it was embarrasing. I have allergies!
“Oh Colt, we were just looking through the Jackson case files” Mr. Biggs said, sounding rather moody.
“Oh really now, Jason?” Mr. Parker mocked his tone of voice. I felt awkward and the room was getting incredibly stuffy.  I had no idea what to do because I’ve never bared witness to such a show down before. 
“Um, I have to go and finish my work” I stutter and get up. I wait by the door because Mr. Parker’s chest is blocking my way. I stare straight ahead, avoiding all chances of eye contact. But he bends down anyway, keeping a safe distance away. 
“Are you okay Miss. Moore?” He asks, his voice void of any emotion.
“Yes Sir” I gulp and he makes room for me. 

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