14- Threat

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The honey eyed man didn’t radiate manners as the automatic doors slid open and he sat himself down. The room we were in was sound proof and hidden away from the rest of the floor with its opaque walls. There was a window at the back wall but that was it. The rest was sheilded. 

I sat at the head of the table, away from the associates and Colt, the men who accompanied Al Muhammad sat across from us.  I felt nervous and fidgety, sitting so far away from my people. Colt turned to face me for a moment, he sensed that something was off.

We listened while Al Muhammad spoke in Arabic to his neighbor.

“Ok, let’s cut the shit” The suited man next to him spoke, he had a head of curly hair and a heavy beard “Our company has been threatened” He states matter-of-factly. Colt nods while the associates kept quiet and took notes- which was what I was supposed to be doing. But I was too busy being nervous about this meeting.

“For what?” Colt spoke, his dominating voice resonated through the room, I was thankful to hear it. Settled me down, but only slightly.

The curly haired man and Al Muhammad shared a sideways glance. I looked between the two of them. The next words that slipped out of his mouth caused me to retreat into my seat, cowering away from the men on my left. “Drug Smuggling”.

Colts eyes flashed to me for a moment and I wanted to drag him out of this room. My senses were immediately heightened to an all new level. My palms became sweaty and I rubbed them across my pencil skirt.

“I need time to think about this” Colt said honestly, catching up to where this conversation was going. Al Muhammad clicked his tongue, and finally spoke.

“No Parker. You have no time to think” He looked at the three associates who also looked taken aback and Ahmed’s eyes were nervously flicking around the room. “Leave the room” he ordered them. Holding the most power in the room. I began collecting my things and pushing my seat back, ready to leave.

“Not you” Al Muhammad didn’t look at me but he was addressing me for sure. I paused, feeling an ice cold shiver running down my spine. Colt’s expression was hard, his jaw clenched as he stared at Al Muhammad, he spoke in Arabic again. The huge man behind him walked over to me, my heart raced as he grabbed onto my arm and dragged me to the seat next to Colt. I was trying to take in deep breaths through my nose.

“Where are the associates?” Colt asked, I knew that a tempest was raging inside him.

“Sitting outside. They aren’t your concern right now Parker” Al Muhammad assured him. A part of me relaxed. He nodded his head once, and the big man from before rose me to my feet, feeling over my pockets and his hand travelled to my backside, patting it slightly.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Colt snarled at the large man, but he just snickered. He pulled my phone out of the pocket on my waist and threw it to the middle of the table. I finally started to breathe again when he let me go. I felt violated and wronged. Colt was the next to be searched. He had two phones on him, both were snatched out of his possession.

The curly haired man was about to speak but then Al Muhammad raised his hand to stop him. “We were doing clean business with an Indian company” he began “All the shipment for the oil and whatnot had been ready and approved by both parties. We were loading at the docks when one of the smartasses decided to accuse us of smuggling drugs” Al Muhammad got up and he started pacing the length of the conference room “Can you believe him!” he chuckled maliciously “He was trying to find a way out of the deal. He told us that he found the stash and that he’d complain to both, local and international authorities. He tried to threaten us. We need you, specifically to go and negotiate with the company. Understood?” he was clearly done, his palms were now resting, 4 feet apart, on the wooden table. He looked in control, and strong.

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