29- Fear

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It has been a week since they barged into Colt’s apartment.

Since then two things have happened, I’m temporarily staying at Colt’s place and I haven’t been to work much.

But today-today is a brutal morning. My wound has finally healed and now all it needs it’s a slight touch of foundation. However, what we couldn’t do the day after the incident –which was to call up Al Muhammad and get him to our office – is happening today. I dress myself in black, hoping that it radiates the vibe of professionalism and calm, however not feeling the same within.

In fact, both Colt and I move like robots through his home. Coffee, check. Briefcase, check. Wallet, check. Purse, check. Smile, trying to keep in check.

Although I have no idea about what’s about to happen at the office I’m almost certain that Colt does, and he seems to be prepared too.

I sit at the kitchen counter, reading –with shaking hands – through my emails, catching up on whatever I’ve missed. Colt kisses my forehead before leaving, he has to stop over at another office, but he left the driver and car for me, taking with him some rented automobile that he would never actually own.

While there are dots, still clearly waiting to be connected, so obviously staring me down, I don’t attempt to do so. Colt asked me to steer clear and I know he wouldn’t unless it was for the best, so I didn’t. Don't get me wrong, I was dying to know what he's hiding, but I've to accept what is. There will be a benefit.

I say hi to Patrick, a middle-aged blond haired man with a smile that display his crowfeet almost elegantly- if it were possible. He is Colt Parkers chauffer. The SUV has a certain stillness to it, perhaps, slightly eerie.

In high school, English was one of my favorite subjects, and through that we learnt of a literary device called ‘foreshadowing’. The concept basically outlines the hidden clues in the text that the reader usually overlooks, but, actually serve as clues to the climax and ending… what is to come, hence, it “foreshadows” the events. Strange instances in my own life have proven the natural existence of foreshadowing.

Like right now.

The stillness. 

Perhaps that could be foreshadowing too?

But the drive is silent and speedy. Upon reaching the office I feel the stares.

It’s not like I’ve been gone a long time. Have I?

My hand subconsciously pats over the foundation bottle in my purse. Perhaps the mark is showing? Can people tell? My hand hovers over the cut until I tell myself that I’m just being paranoid.

I thank Theo Parker for installing this metal detector, you never know who could be carrying a gun.

I walked, consciously pulling my neck out and straightening my posture. The stillness is starting to get to me- I need to disconnect myself from the environment.

My role today was vital. Calling in Al Muhammad was something that needed to be precisely calculatrd. Colt told me that I would receive a text from a private number, that was my cue to call. Noticeably the office is on high alert, most employees have noticed and questioned me about it, too.

At 12:45 pm my personal cellphone buzzed violently, causing my hands to tremble on my lap.


It was simple and straightforward enough. I picked up the receiver on my left, my eyes scattered nervously around my surroundings.

"Hello" a thick Arab accent greeted me harshly.

I cleared my throat "Good afternoon Mr. Muhammad, this is Holly Moore calling on behalf of Mr. Parker"

"Why so formal, Holly?" He chuckled.

"Duties. You landed here yesterday. Is it possible for you to come in, say about half an hour?"

"Inshallah, Holly. I'll be there"

"Thank you" I said and hung up swiftly. I sent s text back to the private number.


I spent half of my free time making three cups of coffee, two for me and one was made subconciously. Colt hadn't been in his office yet... I had no idea whatsoever of his whereabouts. Nobody bothered me- surprisingly. Jeanine had called 2 minutes before Al Muhammad was due to arrive. I was anxious and definitely fidgity.

My phone vibrated before I could hear the footsteps.

Theyarecoming, cometoconferenceroomonfloor 16.

My breath hitched, the footsteps were louder and had much more definition and purpose. I dropped my phone on my lap without sending the confirmation message back.

"Holly" Al Muhammad shot me a coy smile, it was enough to crack fear through my body like a whip.

"Good afternoon Mr. Muhammad"

"What happened to the fiesty Holly I enjoy oh so very much?"

"Follow me to the conference room, Mr.Parker is waiting for you" I swiftly try to shift the focus... At least it worked.

The elevator ride is full of tension- not the good kind - and awkwardness. Although not needed I feel the urge to make small talk, with anyone but him.

I idly wonder if he knows what his men were always upto. Did he send them last night? Could a man have such vicious thoughts and ideas ? I didn't feel like believing so. But I knew deep down that Al Muhammad is the sole reason for my misery right now.

The elevator doors part and a handsom looking Colt waits for us on the other side of the bullet proof glass. His expression and stance is stoic and unnerving, at that moment nothing scares me like he does.

Not sure if this is considered cliffhanger ! Sorry for not updating in so long!!! missed writing and You guys :*

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