7- The Gala

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hi guys, this is a filler. 

I didn’t waste any time on the phone with Colt, instead I profusely apologized to Janine and left her at the restaurant to finish off her meal, I left a 20 dollar bill on the table just in case, and then caught a cab all the way to the address Colt sent me. The address of his apartment.

It wouldn’t be the first time that I’ve stepped into his territory, however, it’s a first for his apartment. And I don’t know if I’m feeling anxious about this emergency that he’s informed me about, or nervous about being in his apartment. It’s strange.

I push all thoughts aside and will myself to stay calm because I’m only anxious about the emergency. When I reach I’m first greeted by a doorman with very kind eyes. I run up to the reception desk where they call up Colts room and make sure that I’m not some reporter or “unauthorized personnel” as they call it.

“First right, first left” He man behind the table says just before I enter the elevator. I follow his instructions and run down the hallway as fast as I can. I breathe heavily and knock on his door while resting my arms behind my head to calm down and increase air flow. I learnt that trick in 7 grade P.E.

Colt answers the door “Hello” he sends me a charming smile. I look over him once to make sure everything is alright, then I notice his shirt, trousers and bare feet.

“Emergency?” I ask, feeling dumbfounded.

“Oh yes! i needed help choosing a tie” He says, moving deeper into his apartment, but I still wait outside.


“Yes silly, for the Gala dinner tonight” he turns around to face me. I point at him and then at myself, trying to fit it together.

And then it finally sinks in.

“You texted me saying that you had an emergency”

“Correction! I called” He smiles again.

“And your version of emergency is that you can’t choose a freaking tie?” I ask, my volume slowly rises.

“Well, when you put it like that it doesn’t sound very justifiable”

“That’s because it’s not!” I say, feeling clearly annoyed, which he senses.

“Ok…” he surrenders “I won’t do it again, but now that you’re here you might aswell help me” He looks almost innocent, but I glare at him and stomp into his apartment. Still feeling quite fuelled about what he I pretended like I know my way around his home, so I walk through a door that I presume to be his closet, instead I walk in to find his bathroom. “Yeah… how about I show you where the closet is” he chuckles, but I can’t find anything funny about this entire situation. I shoot him a sarcastic smile and follow him into a large closet.

“Holy-“ I stop myself from continuing on in front of my boss.

“What’s wrong?”

“This is a very big closet” I do a quick spin to look over my surroundings, there are so many cupboards and drawers and shelves full of shoes that my eyes don’t focus on any one thing.

“Where are the ties?” I ask him after snapping myself out of it. He walks me over to the other side of the room where he pulls open a sliding wooden door, an automatic light turns on and reflects off of the white shelves that have premade cubicles. Each square holds a unique tie, matching cufflinks and a pocket napkin. I stare at it in awe. “Which suit are you wearing?” I gulp and look at him.

He points down to his torso and legs where he’s wearing a very fitted titanium white shirt with skinny black trousers. I look him over once, being subtle and pushing away any inappropriate thoughts that dare to surface. I focus on the ties in front of me as I speak, “a wise man once said that the eyes are the windows to the soul. So if anything, you need to let that soul of yours shine” I reach out to a striking light blue silk tie with matching blue cufflinks that mimic the view of water when the sun reflects its light on it. “This is perfect” I say and hand it over. I finally look at him head on and I realize that he’s been staring at me the whole time. I take a step back and break the eye contact. My angry demeanor returns.

“Well, if your emergency drama is done and dusted id like to go back home now” I cross my arms over my chest.

“Aw , I really thought we were having a moment there” his playful attitude takes me off guard, and that sly smirk across his face just rubs in the fact that he saw me squirm for a second there.

“You wish we had moments” I backlash. He grins at me again and I have an urge to smack it off his face. But then I remind myself calmly ‘he’s your boss. You cant smack him… but you can picture it’ so I get my satisfaction through that.

“You should come to the Gala tonight” he says, leaning on his closet door, looking steamily sexy.

“I can’t” I retort simply.

 “Why not?”

“it’ll be boring”

“Wow. I’ll try to pretend like that doesn’t offend me. You’ll be accompanying me to it. I assure you, it wont be boring”

He has a point “I don’t have anything to wear” I shrug simply. It’s all about the clothes in these events.

“I can arrange that for you before the car arrives” his hands are now in his pockets and he looks arrogant but confident.

“Let me just check up on my friend, who I –by the way- ditched in a very nice ITALIAN restaurant for your petty emergency” I scoff.

“Someone’s passionate about Italian food” I ignore his comment. That jerk doesn’t even comprehend the important aspects of what I’m saying! I call up Janine to check to see if it’s okay that I go.

“Oh yeah, don’t you dare worry about a thing, I’ll call up Emily. I’m sure she’s free tonight. I’ll stay over at her place, or else I’ll just go home” Janine sounds too enthusiastic to be sending me off and away in prince charming’s arms.

“Fine” I give Colt a pointed look.

“Fine as in you’re coming?” He sounds almost hopeful, but his body positioning hasn’t even changed in the slightest.

“Yeah, you’ll have to organize the dress though” I shrug simply “Like compensation” I joke.

“You’d think that spending a night out with me would be satisfying enough” he chuckles, and I allow myself to crack a smile.

“And hello! We need to talk about boundaries okay! I don’t need to come over for your closet malfunctions” I wave my hands around.

“We’ll discuss it” a corner of his mouth lifts up as he smiles lazily, I mentally swoon.

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