17- Dazed and Confused

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That's Hussain Al Muhammad on the side! isn't he hot O:) 

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I guess, in short, you could say I was dazed and confused. I had half a mind of banging on his room door and demand to know what his problem was, why couldn’t he just stick to the whole “just friends” thing? Why the hell couldn’t I just stick to it? At this point all hope was lost, after that kiss, I knew that I was in too deep.

They say that with some kisses the anticipation is better than the actual touch but my oh my was that kiss everything I imagined and more.

We were getting ready for the dinner with the Al Muhammad family, and even though it was a formal, business outing, I wanted to impress Colt. But I had no idea what to wear, it wasn’t that easy to look stunning when you’re too busy trying to stay calm and forget the feel of warm and soft lips on my own.

I wanted to slap myself.

I thought of where we were going, the Atlantis hotel on the Palm Jummeirah. It was a fancy place no doubt, I could get away with showing a little bit more off than usual and the bronze tint I had picked up, thanks to the Dubai sun.

I wore a gold sequin dress that had a beautiful camel coloured base to bring out my tan more, it reached to my knees, I wore my nude sandals that had comfortable block heels and a thin faux fur coat that was a mixture of chestnut brown and the colour of sand. Pleased with my choice of clothes and convinced that it was appropriate enough I piled my hair into an elegant bun that was primarily swirls of my hair, I allowed a few tendrils to hang loose. I felt beautiful and confident, whether he liked what I was wearing or not. I walked out with my head held high. A bottle of wine was left by the room service so I helped myself to a glass to calm the nerves. I was fidgety and restless, I was developing strong feelings for my boss. I couldn’t wrap my head around it without cringing in the process.

I’m stupid.

Really very stupid.

I took in a few breaths and practiced what I’d like to say to him about what happened earlier.

I don’t want this to affect our business relationship, but I really wanted it to.

You have you remember that I am just your secretary, I was undermining myself too much.

That kiss meant nothing, it was the biggest lie yet.

I needed to call someone and figure this out, what if I said something wrong? And during all the pacing I was doing my eyes finally looked up to spot a very handsome looking Colt Parker. Our eyes locked and I couldn’t get myself to look away, my mind was stuttering.

I was gawking and he cleared his throat. I wasn’t even focusing on his face yet I was capturing in every detail. He moved closer to me, drinking me in slowly – I noticed. I couldn’t even blink, and I really wanted to. His hands were in his pocket and his coat has magically landed on the couch. He was close enough to reach out and touch my face, and that’s exactly what he did, and like magnets we attracted each other, drawing us closer and closer until our lips were merely millimeters apart. His breath was fanning my face hotly and I couldn’t concentrate, all I could think about was those lips and that muscular back. My hands moved up into his hair, and I almost felt bad about running it.

Here it was again, the anticipation of the kiss.

“You know you can tell me if you want to stop” He whispered, and I shivered, goose bumps spread across my skin like wildfire. I decided against speaking and saving myself the embarrassment of sputtering out incoherent words or stuttering out my sentences, so I pulled him close using his neck, his lips met mine and I was enveloped in a warm blanket of lust and passion. His skilled fingers pulled my fur coat off in no time and with no struggle. I arched my back, pressing into him further. He grunted and pushed me against the wall. I was beginning to love the walls that he uses as support. His hands travelled down from my neck, briefly over my breast and down the length of my stomach before he finally settled on my butt, lifting me up, I used the wall as a back rest. He bit my lower lip, causing me to open my mouth, ready to protest, but then his tongue entered, moist and exploring, suddenly all protests were lost. I was tugging at his hair with one hand while the other ran down his shoulder muscles that were flexed and attentive. Loving the feel of his strength I grabbed onto him tighter. His left hand cupped my thigh while he placed wet kisses down my neck. His phone started blaring, pulling me out of the moment, I stopped responding to his touch, and he noticed, immediately letting me steady myself on the ground.

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