8- The Gala Part 2

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I let a yawn slip out while we wait for my dress to arrive.

“Would you like some coffee?” I says almost bashfully. I look at him, he’s sitting on the couch with a dignified posture, and you can tell that he owns it and this is his territory, I’m draped over the opposite couch. The fine leather stitching and the plump cushioning makes me want to sleep on here forever.

“That would be nice” I admit, and follow him to his kitchen, where I sit on a tall barstool that takes me a minute to jump into. I guess that the reason as to why his stools are so high is because he’s a very tall man himself, so it only makes sense. Thankfully his back is towards me so he doesn’t see my awkward self-doubting moment. Just the strong scent of the natural coffee beans wake me up. I rest my head on my hand as I watch him glide around the kitchen, fetching mugs and taking out a pot of sugar.

I’m quite surprised to notice the absence of a maid. “Don’t you have a maid?” I ask as subtly as I could, which wasn’t subtle at all.

“I do” I can almost sense his smile “But she gets off work at around 7” he says and brings over two mugs. “Sugar?”

“I’ve got it” I tell him, taking the spoon out of his grasp and filling it up once. I sip the coffee slowly, the steam rising from it creates a tinge of humidity around my eyes and cheeks. I sigh after the first sip, the coffee is perfect.

“You like it?” I asks, taking a seat across me, but minus the struggling.

“Yes” I nod “Okay, let’s talk about boundaries” I say.

“Right now?” He rolls his eyes, I give him a look so that he knows that I’m not impressed by his comment.



“Come on! It’s important” I reprimand him, but as politely as I can, he finally submisses.

“Fine, secretary tell your boss what not to do” I says playfully but I narrow my eyes at him.

“The secretary has a life”

“Yes! And it revolves around her boss”

I take another sip of my coffee, the heat seeps through my throat down, and it soothes me. “No it doesn’t. Now, you can’t call me over for a wardrobe malfunction!” I scold him.

“But it was an emergency!”

“Here, let me give you an example of an emergency” I say with sass, I pretend to use my phone “Holly? Is that you? I’ve got a problem. I just got into a car accident and I’m dying, please come and help me” I mimic his deep voice and he smiles at me.

“First of all, I don’t sound like that. Second of all, if I was dying, I wouldn’t be able to call you, genius” I huff at his words.

“I don’t mean that exact example” I say, feeling like my over exaggeration was obvious.

“Then what do you mean?” He retorts, and just as I’m about to answer, the doorbell rings “Saved by the bell” he might’ve won that argument, but I seriously need to draw some lines with this man.

He saunters over to the door, his shirt is still in pristine condition, I subconsciously notice his butt, but I keep that observation to myself. He opens the door and a short and stout man stands in between Colt and the hallway.

“Package for Mr. Colt Parker”

“Yep” he signs a paper and takes the translucent garment bag, and two smaller bags, he shuts the door “So, I guessed your size”

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