5- All About The Blues

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I wake up with a start, almost as if I was reliving last nights punch. I take in long, deep breaths. Realizing that Jani is no longer underneath my covers, I get up and try to find her. She sits on my couch with a blank face, holding a cup of –probably- cold coffee in her hands, the steam that should’ve been rising, wasn’t there.

“Jani…” I move towards her, concern laced in my voice. I also notice her red eyes “Have you slept at all?” She shakes her head. And I wish I could spend the day with her, but I have to get to work.

“I’m sorry for last night” She says to me. I wrap my arms around her shoulders.

“You have nothing to apologize for. I’ll see if the police can locate that bastard” I control my rage once again.

I look at myself in the mirror and realize that the bruise around my eye isn’t visible, maybe it’s only swollen. I take out concealer from Jani’s purse and put it into my own, just in case.

I tell her to stay at my place until I come back from work, I didn’t give her any space to disagree. I explained that this way I’d be able to work with some form of peace of mind.  


The first thing I do when I reach my table is call Langdon, after a short and to-the-point conversation, I hang up and prepare Colt’s first coffee of the day. I walk into his office, and he is smiling at me. I shoot him a wary look before placing his mug on a coaster. When I look back up at him he’s still smiling.

“Someone woke up on the right side of the bed today” I say, testing waters. This could be another one of his facades.

“Shut it Moore, I just realized, that we know nothing about each other” I give him a blank expression with a side of raised eyebrows.

“And that is a problem because?” I cannot comprehend what he’s trying to say.

“It just is!” He stands up “Like, what’s your favorite colour” I look at him, what is happening, I realize that I haven’t blinked even once, so I do just that, a sharp pain stabs my eye but I keep my expression controlled. 

“Even I don’t know my favorite colour” He stops pacing at my words, now it’s his turn to glance at me strangely.

“You’re so strange Moore” I want to change this subject, I don’t want to talk about our interests, and my nonexistent favorite colour.

Junior Parker sits back down and sips his coffee “I called up Langdon, the tickets will be confirmed by later tonight”

“Lovely” I turn to leave and walk steadily out of his door, “Blue!” I hear his voice, I smile to myself, but I don’t let him see that. It’s nice to experience his good days. 

I sit on my leather chair and gently touch the area around my eye, I flinch at the contact, it’s stinging, I pull out my pocket mirror and look at my reflection, there’s no sign of discoloration.

My phone rings and it startles me, I pick it up in a hurry.

“Holly”  a nasal voice sounds.

“Miranda” I acknowledge her. I don’t like this woman but I have to sound professional. After all, these calls do get recorded for better service they say.

“Could you forward me to Mr. Parker”

“Hold on a second” I put her on hold and call up Colt.

“Oh, finally! I was waiting, have you finally figured out your favorite colour?” His rugged voice staggers me for a second.

“No Mr. Parker, I’m forwarding Miranda’s call to you”

“Fine” he mumbles, almost childishly “Oh, my office for lunch, we need to go over Al Muhammads files, I need you to take notes”

Working through lunch. Splendid.


It’s a minute till lunch and so far I’ve created a packing checklist for Junior Parker, I don’t know if he actually needs it, but it’s been a good way to pass my time. Todays a slow day, everyone is sluggish, even Colt is in a good mood – and I have a feeling that that says something.

I walk to the kitchen to get myself a cup of coffee. Mr. Biggs’ office is right opposite the kitchen, and sadly, I’m not even surprised that he showed up in the kitchen the minute I did. I push it aside, thinking nothing of it

“Hey there, Holly!” he smiles at me.

“Hello Mr. Biggs”

“How’re ya doing this fine morning?” he leans into the counter, his head resting against one of the cupboards.

“Good, thank you” I finally look up, and I can see Colt watching closely, his office is diagonal left to the kitchen door, his arms are folded, but he’s a good distance away. I pick up my coffee and without saying a word to Biggs I walk to Junior Parkers office.

“I’m not even going to pretend that I didn’t notice that”

“It doesn’t matter” I say. A man from the kitchen brings up two plates, one for the both of us I’m guessing “So where are Mr. Muhammad’s files?” I wonder, looking at his empty coffee table. I scan the room, trying to locate the files.

“Food first” he states, and tucks his napkin into the middle fold of his collar, noticing his impeccable manners, I’m forced to place a napkin on my lap, protecting my trousers from delicious food. I pick up  my knife and start to eat the potatoes.

I’m blissfully unaware of the fact that Colt, my hot boss is eating across from me, and sometimes –maybe I’m just imaging this- I can feel him glancing. It’s nice to know that a conversation isn’t always needed. I realize then, that I hadn’t checked on Janine since I left. I pull out my phone from my pocket, and check any notifications. I send a quick text to her asking if she’s alright. The background music so far had been his knife and fork moving across the plate, and I realized that it had stopped, I looked up to find him staring at me.

More specifically into my eyes. I froze, act casual.

He places his cutlery on his plate, leans back into his seat and crosses his arms.

Continue eating, be casual. Come up with a lie! He’s going to ask about your eye you fool!

“If you’re done texting I’d like to eat now” he says, and I can finally breathe.

“Sorry, I was just checking on a friend” I wipe my mouth in a lady like manner “She’s going through a rough patch”

“Hmm, well then now that you are done, let’s continue”

Hopefully, he won’t pick up on the eye today, but I feel the pain worsening, so after lunch I’ll go and check on it properly.

I look down at my plate and continue eating, all of a sudden he pokes my eye.

My bad eye. And I wince loudly.

“How did you get that?” I cup my hand over my eye, protecting it from him.

“Why did you poke it?!” my words come out like a whine.

“Because, you’d deflect again”

“Well that’s because it’s none of your business!” I say sharply.

“How did you get it?”

“I fell” I look at him with a pointed expression.

“Liar”  He uses his stupid sing song voice again. But I’m not giving up this time.


so i know it's been a while since i've uploaded anything substantial, and i do apologize for that.

It's your comments that have inspired me to upload a chapter, sorry if it's a dissapointing one, i have high hopes for this story, so please be paitient with me.

That's all i ask!

i promise i wont stop uploading.


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