12- Basic idiot

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Felt like updating! so i did :P 

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Thank you :* 

Soon enough it’s time for dinner, and I’ve never felt so relaxed in my life. That sensation however, was quite short lived, soon I was answering questions that were being shot at me from all three associates. I gave up answering, they were behaving like children, and Colt came to my rescue “You can ask her at dinner” he kept on saying to each of them. I thanked him.

We decided to get ready for dinner. Burj Al Arab was fancy, and so it was an unsaid rule that dinner wear was formal too. I was having trouble with my suitcase, the couch was not a stable surface, I didn’t have a closet like the others- I didn’t have a room or a bed like the others, but I wasn’t fussed.

“You should’ve given someone else the couch” Colt said, he was dressed in his black trousers and white shirt, almost ready for dinner. He looked good. I averted my eyes before it was too late.

“Would you like the couch?” I joked with him.

“Yes” he said, I looked at him, he has his straight business like face on. I shook my head. Sometimes he was too much of a gentleman. Junior Parker had extremes, sometimes he was vain and rude, and other times, he was sweet and caring. And god, did I love that side of him. In those brief moments I felt like when he kissed me. I felt madly infatuated by him. And while it’s a great feeling, it always leaves me sad. Because he’s the man that’s out of my reach. Not like John Sawyer, my childhood friend.

“No, I’m good here” I tell him solemnly. Finally fishing out my dress.

“You’re struggling”

I huffed “Well that’s not because I’m going to sleep on the couch! It’s because I don’t have closet space”

“I’ve got space in mine” He says.

I continue fishing for my clothes “I’m not stealing your closet space” I say frankly.

“You’re not stealing it if I’m giving it to you” I could almost hear the rolling of his eyes, and that’s when I pulled too hard, and the suitcase toppled over. Exposing my toiletries and personal undergarments. My face began heating up.

“Turn around!” I say frantically, trying to cover his eyes, trying to push him away.

“Too late” he smirks at me. I was embarrassed, and I knew I was flushed, a deep red.

“No! Turn around, go away, let me clean this up alone!” I wanted to cry. The last thing I wanted was for my boss slash crush to see all my bras and panties and tampons fall out of my suitcase. Since it toppled over upside-down, everything I had intended to hide at the bottom were the only things in the spotlight.

He bent down to pick everything up and I covered my face with my hands. This is not happening.

“It’s no big deal Holly, I have sisters you know” I still didn’t move. And when my brain finally started working I screamed out a thank you and pushed him away, so that I could clean up my mess.

10 minutes after this little fiasco, I walked with my suitcase towards his room and knocked on his door timidly. He answered at first knock and smiled, the orange glow radiating from his room made him look handsome in the deep light. I felt myself smiling too.

I snapped myself out of it, I mumbled a few incoherent words before being audible “I need some closet space”

“Hmm. I’ll think about it” He said, slowly closing the door in my face. I stood still and confused. Was it because he was embarrassed too? After seeing all my…items. I mean, if I’m not comfortable seeing people’s items then why would he be. “Holly I’m kidding” he says, and the door is open again. I shoot him a broad smile.

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