4- Putting Up A Fight

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  I was grateful when I woke up to notice that it was 10:30 am. Therefore implying the fact that it was a weekend, I stretched out like how Sally – my cat when I was 13 years old- used to, enjoying the cracking sensation in my bones. I knew that my morning wouldn’t be a good morning if I didn’t get up and treat myself to a cup of steaming coffee.  
I adjusted my sweatpants and jumper as I got up and first folded my blanket, making my room look ten times cleaner.

I wondered why my mood was so good today. And then it hit me like a crisp slap. Last night Colt and I had worked our butts off while enjoying Chinese. It was amazing to say the least.

I had decided to ring up Janine today and plan a night out in town with her, it was a well needed break.
“Look who’s decided to call! How’ve ya’ been woman?” Jani asked me in a sweet voice.
“I’ve been more than great” I smiled inwardly, not wanting to lash out all the details in one go. I could hear her gasp and something drop, if I wasn’t mistaken it was probably a pile of magazines.
“Does a boy have anything to do with that?”
Man would be more appropriate” I chuckled “Anyway, i was wondering if you wanted to go out clubbing or something ton-“
“OMG! Please let me record this! Holly Moore wants ME to go clubbing with HER. This is just unreal” I felt oddly amused and embarrassed at the same time by her reaction.
“Yes.. I guess you could say that I’ve turned over a new leaf. I need to have some fun”
“And fun you shall have! I’ll pick you up at eight, don’t be late!”
“Okay Jay-Z” I said, trying my hand at a joke since she rhymed her last sentence. There was a moment of perceptual silence.
“Right… Have you had your coffee yet?”
“It’s brewing as we speak”
“I figured” She scoffed, not unkindly. We left our conversation at that and time seemed to pass at a slow rate as I awaited the coming evening!

I balanced by laptop and its charger in one hand and my coffee and phone in the other as I made my way to the dining table to start going through my work emails. I had a touch screen Lenovo, a laptop that had been supplied by the company. The “Hotshots” of the firm, i.e. Mister Colt Parker  and Mr. Biggs had Macs.

I fired up my email account on outlook and clicked the Send/Receive button to make sure I hadn’t missed an email. My heart nearly lurched out of my chest as I saw a red exclamation mark that symbolized urgent next to a very familiar name, Colt Parker. It was my first email from him.

From   : ceo_parker.colt@parkerwithsons.com
To         : sec_moore.holly@parkerwithsons.com
Subject: Dubai

Dear Holly,
I trust that you are enjoying your weekend,  however don’t forget to call Langdon and confirm the tickets to Dubai, we are leaving next week. Call me once that is done and dusted.
Also,  I need you in Sunday night, I need to go through some more case files. It’s not up for discussion however I hope that it’s not a great inconvenience. 

Colt Parker
CEO of Parker with Sons.


After reading his email and studying the e-signature that had been embedded on the screen I realized that I had work tomorrow. And suddenly I was furious. I only get 2 out of seven days as it is and now he seemingly wants to take that away from me too!

 I shoot him back a reply.

From   : ceo_parker.colt@parkerwithsons.com
To         : sec_moore.holly@parkerwithsons.com
Subject: RE: Dubai

Dear Mr. Parker,
apologies for my blunt attack but I have you see you five days in a row, I need a break you know? My brain wont function.

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