19- Swearing

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DEDICATED TO JANECHICK637 for first voter :) thank you x
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We were on our way to the airport. The dynamics of my relationship with Colt hadn't changed. We weren't holding hands, we weren't sharing kisses and we weren't doing any sort of couple like thing. And I accepted that. We were taking it slow.

Waiting for us at the entrance, was Hussain along with two men. My eyes immediately caught dark brown orbs that belonged to the bald man. My breath hitched slightly. I couldn't recollect his face. But I have definitely seen him somewhere. Not being able to connect the dots frustrated me to my core.

"What's wrong with your face" Colt asked me with an amused grin, his hand on the door handle, ready to let us out.

"I've seen that guy somewhere" I said, pointing at the large man.

"He was there in the office" Colt took in a breath "When Hussain told us about the drugs thing" he raised his eyebrows. I already knew that he was there.

"No, before that. I've met him before" I said with more determination this time. Colt spared me a glance and then opened the door, standing by it as I got out. Zayad Al Muhammad wasn't there- but that wasn't surprising. He was probably too busy trying to figure out where his company went wrong and why there was a drug charge against them. I honestly felt bad for the poor man.

"Hussain" Colt nodded once while walking towards him and clasping his coat button.

"Colt" his eyes drifted over me once "Miss. Moore" he smiled sickeningly. I wanted to cringe.

"Good morning" I replied, glancing at the bald man, his arms were folded. And I notice the difference in his body language- he wasn't a bodyguard. The others were for sure, they were stoic and standing with their chests out, heaving in deep breaths like Dobermans. The man however, he was almost at par with Hussain.

Colt shook hands with the enemy and I had to follow suit. He clasped my hand and jerked me forward, Colt was immediately by my side, his hand ripping apart Husain's grasp.

"What the hell, Hussain" Colts voice vibrated through. My heartbeat was pounding in my ears, making the car honks sound like distant echoes.

"Just a friendly reminder that you have to negotiate your part, Parker" Hussain smiled- his teeth looking sharper than ever.

"I know that. You don't have to remind me" Colt said- now turning stoic.

"And know that if it doesn't work out- not only will you be out of business..." Hussain pulled my wrist again "But she'll be paying for your lack of commitment too" I twisted my wrist in his grasp, it irritated me that he was treating me like a rag doll. He finally let me go.

"You should leave" Colt said.

"Sick fucker" I blurted out without thinking. Colt pulled me away before they could reply. He trollied our bags into the safety of the airport. I knew for a fact that Hussain wouldn't try anything in such a public place. His wrist grabbing moment was contained.

Colt was almost smiling.

"What?" I asked.

"I thought you never swear" He said, raising an eyebrow.

"I wasn't thinking- but never-mind, the jerk deserved it" I told him seriously.

"I agree" He smiled, dropping one hand from the trolley and holding mine. I enjoyed the feel of his calloused palm in my own.


I literally wanted to kiss the ground when we landed. The plane journey had been exhausting. But I was glad- we decided on a place and time to meet for our first date. We were going to go to a coffee shop- to keep it simple. And during one of the work lunches- no one would question it.

We were sitting in the car now. I was getting dropped off to my family's house first. I was dying to meet them. Colt had become silent.

"I'm worried about you Holly" I heard him say. I was too shocked to respond, and I was confused- he sensed this and continued "I completely forgot was happening around us. Actually, I didn't forget, I ignored it. which is bad" he was talking to himself now. Basically scolding himself. I placed my palm over his as a way of comfort.

"We aren't supposed to stop living because of what's happening around us" I said. He sighed and looked at me, longing Clear in his eyes.

"What if this makes it worse?" I wanted to ask him what he was talking about, but I already knew, and it pained me to know that he was already beginning to question something that hadn't even started.

"Look, colt, I want this to happen. I think you need to decide what you want." I felt irritated.

"I want you to be safe"

"That's not your job"

"Like hell it is!" He yelled. I pulled my hand back.

"No it's not!" My volume was in sync with his "Im not some damsel in distress. I'm not that kind of girl. I refuse to be treated like one." I said sternly. "I was brought up in a broken family- where love hit us late- I was to take care of my sisters, to take care of the house! I learned how to take care of myself. I don't need a chauvinistic male to stitch up my wounds"

Looking and how his expression changed, I understood that he sensed the truth behind my words.

"Okay" he replied dejectedly "Im sorry, you're right. But I can't control the fact that I worry about you- you can't question this reaction, you know I care about you"

"And you can't question my ability to protect and care for myself" before he takes it it wrong way I add "thank you for caring so much- I think it's natural to worry, I worry about you too" this soothes him.

We stop outside my family home and I have half a mind to invite him in. Well, what the hell.

"Would you like to come inside?" I ask him, feeling shy, allowing my hair to cover my blush even under the moonlight.

"It's getting late" I can't read his emotions from this angle.

"Exactly, which is why you should join in for dinner" I smile, trying to forget our heated conversation earlier.

He looks up at me and gives me a soft smile and I melt a little inside.i loved the effect he had on me.. it made me feel wanted.

"Ah, why the hell not" he gets up and brushes the imaginary dirt off of his suit.

"You don't have to be so formal, take off the coat at least" I judge him playfully.

"No thanks, I want your father to like me" he winks and I want to crumble. I place my hands on his muscled shoulders and pull my self up to kiss him.

"Nonsense, I'm sure he'll love you" I give him some positive affirmations.

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