18- Nerves

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  • Dedicated to Sam

SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED. i've been so busy- so sorry. 

i hope you like this chapter - i havent edited it :P too lazy 

I was sitting on the couch staring at my phone with wide eyes. How am I supposed to go about this situation? It’s clearly moving on to the next level. I  re-read the text Colt sent me. My boss mind you.

COLT:  we’ll talk about your concerns tonight.

I didn’t reply to his quickchat message. But I’m not an idiot, I knew exactly what he was referring to.  It was now 12 am. It has been an hour since I reached the hotel, and I was thoroughly bored. This is no time to sit around idly and wait around for my boss, so I decide that I might as well go down to the bar and have a drink – perhaps call Janine for some advice.

I was wearing my jeans and a hooded jacket now, I waited impatiently for the elevator, and a part of me kept on glancing at the screenshot of Colts message – which I sent to Jani of course. Trying to distract myself I started singing a song.

The elevator doors finally opened.

“It takes two to make a thing go right” the elevator doors opened, I walked in, barely noticing the man beside me.  However, conscious of the stranger, I lowered my volume.

“It takes two to make it outta sight” I plugged in my earphones. Wanting to listen to the beats. I started tapping my foot.

The elevator doors opened, revealing a lavish foyer and a gold plated sign that read “Atlantis Discotheque”  I followed it. The remix of ‘It Takes Two’ continued playing while I sung along with the opening hook.

Upon entering the nightclub, I noticed how the décor was different to the bar where Colt and I had a drink earlier. I pushed past all the sweaty bodies and tried to block out the blaring music from that side.

Half an hour later I was sitting in a booth – completely bored. Jani tried to call once but the signal in the club was terrible. I ignored the signs of leaving. There was some commotion going on in the middle of the club. I could hear grunts and what sounded like sacks of potatoes being thrown onto the floor – obviously they were punches. It echoed in my ears, soon, a group of men – not even two- were on top of each other, pushing the other, wrestling on the floor. I got up and used my petit form that served as a benefit today. Pushing past the people, I left the club. But I felt guilty immediately. I would’ve liked to help the people who were the victims but in these situations it’s hard to differentiate between good and bad.

I walked to the bar instead – the same warm hangout. I enjoyed a drink and actually got a chance to talk to Jani. Using my earphones, I listened to her voice.

“You and Colt have been doing the dirty- too often might I add” I could hear her snicker.

“Don’t word it like that! You make it sound wrong” I laugh and she joins in.

“Holly clearly wants the D”

“That’s actually disgusting” I make a face.

“Well, you certainly didn’t deny it” I knew that if she was sitting opposite me- I’d see her eyebrows wiggle.

“Gross. Did you see the screenshot?”

“What screenshot?”

I clicked my tongue in annoyance “Check your phone, woman” I groaned.

“Wait a second” she mumbled while probably searching through her phone “What is he talking about?” She asked – referring to his text – sounding happy.

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