3- A Friend From School [EDITED]

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“Holly, call up Langdon and ask him to book a flight for seven to Dubai. I’ll email over the dates” Langdon Gates is Mr. Parker’s agent.  It’s been two weeks since Mr. Biggs had tried his little stunt in the office, and he got suspended for a week for it too, courtesy of Mr. Parker. I definitely owe him one.

“Yes Sir” He frowned at the choice of my words before he could say anything he was interrupted by Mr. Biggs, who walks in, smirking in my way first.

As Biggs' leaves I spare a glance at Mr. Parker, who ushers me in with the calling of his index finger. I push open the heavy glass door.

“Yes Sir?”

“You’ll have to stay late tonight. We need to prepare for the Dubai trip, we must read over Al Muhammad’s files’” I feel confused. He said we that implies me and him.  But he has a dinner plan with Miranda, or at least thats what she told me when she called last night. He senses my doubt. “What is it?”
I shake my head once “You have plans tonight, right?”

He scratches the back of his neck “What?” He looks tired and as confused as I am “With who?”
“Miranda? Le Cordon Blue? Clients?”

Oh, oh shit! yes” He sounds annoyed. "Postpone it to tomorrow" 

 I clear my throat “Fine then, I’m going for my lunch break” I tell him and walk out with ease considering the fact that I could feel his eyes burning my back.

I pick up my purse and head towards the elevator. It’s stopped, however, by a slim hand with sharp red finger nails that I’d find better to call talons. Miranda’s chocolate hair flounces as she walks inside, standing as far away from me as possible. I keep my mouth shut, because if i dont then ill probably blabber out  the change of plans. In short, Miranda is not a person i'd think is worthy of a shroud of respect. In fact, i believe that in the near future, she'll get fired. She's basically rude and trys to flirt with the big birds. 

I say a quick hello to the guards and a thank you the door man as I exit the building. If I had looked up I would’ve seen Mr. Parker staring at me as I walked to the barista opposite the Parker with Sons building.

I sat down on one of the chairs outside and a waiter walked to me with a white leather menu card.
“What can I get for you today?” He smiles at me.

“I don’t need a menu” I say to him “I’ll just have a salmon bagel and an espresso shot, thanks” I look away and at the door of PWS.

“Okay” he sounds slightly dejected as he walks off.  I sit by myself enjoying the alone time until of course somebody ruins it by tapping on my shoulder. I turn around to face a thin, tall man with a bright smile and light green eyes, his face rings a bell but I can’t seem to put my finger on it.

“Hi” He says rather chirpily.

“Hello" I can feel the furrowing of my brows, i try to think of ways i can ask him who he is polietly, of course.
“Wait, before I embarrass myself, are you Holly? From Winchester High?”
I pull back slightly with a smile “Yes I am”
“I’m John Sawyer” I think back, and it instantly clicks, a short chubby boy with long hair that he swept on the side with a flick of his head. I remember him!
“No way!” I smile widely.
“You remember me!”
“I do!” we share a tight embrace and he lands up spending my lunch with me, he orders a ravioli and a coke. We begin eating when both our plates arrive, and we speak animatedly about all are memories.

I wipe my mouth in a lady like manner “I remember when Bradley pushed you off the swing and you-“ I’m interrupted by my own laughter he joins in “You farted!” I say loudly, that the people surrounding us turn to look, but we just cannot stop laughing.
“Hey! It’s not as bad as you getting dacked by your crush!”
My smile instantly fades and my lower lip trembles, he reaches his hand out to me, his gaze holding a concern “No, please don’t cry-“
“HA! I fooled you!” I felt like a fourteen year old again, pranking my friends and whatnot.
“You’re a cheeky one aren’t you?” He looks at me playfully. The bill joins the table soon and we’re fighting over who gets to pay.
“You’re not my boyfriend nor my husband, so I will pay” I say to him.
“Fine! Let’s just split it” He sighs in defeat.
As I lean in for a hug my phone begins blaring. I look at the caller ID and notice that it’s Mr. Parker, a smile creeps up on my face before I can control it.
“Boyfriend?” John asks, stuffing his hands in his pockets. I look up at him, startled for a second, and I blush a bright red.
“N-no, boss actually” I correct him, I pick the phone up.

“Get up here” he sneers the words out and I felt a sense of panic. I have to go.
As we say our final goodbyes I hand him my business card and tell him to tip the waiter with the change we get. I speed walk to the entrance and show the guards my ID. I push the ‘13’ button several times before it actually opens up. I clumsily store my purse in my cupboard and dash to Mr. Parker’s office.

I say the first thing that comes to mind “Sir, have you had lunch?”
“No! I haven’t! I was busy working up here while my secretary goes and canoodles with her boyfriend across the street!” He yells loudly, I’m sure people can hear the conversation, because these offices aren’t sound proof.
Canoodles? Mr. Parker! He’s not my boyfriend!” the situation wasn't registering in my head and that frustrated me. I stared at him with complete disbelief, of course I didnt yell, but i spoke with substance and truth.
“I don’t care if he is or isn’t! You should’ve been up here working!
“I’m allowed to have a lunch break Mister Parker, you allowed me to go” his name burns through my mouth. What is happening?.  I realise that i'm being too rude, he is my boss, i mumble an apology.
“No! From now on your lunch breaks will happen inside this building!” he says it in a tone that seals it “we will not discuss it any further” he’s seething with rage; I can see his face slowly lightening up to its normal shade. I turn around, expecting to see a mass of employees, but I don’t. Either they fled, or they were never here.  

As I sit at my desk emotions flood into me, I wasn't used to getting yelled at and i hated the fact that Mr. Parker was the first on that list. I didnt bother to conjure up a reason as to how and why he knew my lunch plans, that wasnt concering me yet. 

People start clearing out the office, and soon enough I have to go inside Mr. Parkers' to do work with him. Time flies when you don’t want it to.

My office phone starts ringing.


“Holly, close up your desk get your purse and come inside my office” I answer it with a quick alright, a small whisper. As i enter his office I place my purse on the couch and sit myself down on the double seater while he drags his leather chair over to the low rise coffee table, which has been decorated by stacks of paper, highlighters, post it notes and pens.

“First off, I want to apologize for my behavior earlier today, I crossed the line and I only realized it afterwards” I look up into his blue eyes.

“It’s alright, of course. Sorry for putting you into that situation, Mr. Parker" Is that what you're supposed to say when you mess up? Did i mess up? 
he sighs “Please call me Colt from now. I’ve told you this before. And it was my fault. Let's get to work" I smile at him. 

We continue working until my stomach makes an overwhelming sound that reminds me that I’m only human.
“You need food” He says, sounding almost soft.
“I’d love some”
“Well, what do you want?”
“Chinese sounds swell right about now”
“Right, okay. Kung Pao Chicken and rice?” I nod. Within 15 minutes a guard has brought the food up.

I’ve slipped my shoes off, but thankfully I wore my stockings today, so they’re protecting my feet. Colt’s tie if off and a few buttons are undone, revealing a few curls of hair on his chest. I notice that he hasn’t shaved in a while, his stubble is quite noticeable, but he looks handsome.

“Were you serious about me not allowed to eat meals outside the office?”

“Yes, I was very serious. So don’t test unknown grounds Miss. Moore. You won’t like it." He says in a joking manner. Wait, that means he's not serious, right? "Anway, you never know, sometimes i might need your assistance during breaks” He says, using chopsticks to pick up rice while glaring at me with a smirk on his face. I laugh nervously.  “How’s your boyfriend?” he sing-songs the label.

“He’s not my boyfriend. He’s a friend from my high school”

“Oh you guys had a reunion, how cute” He rolls his eyes effortlessly. I take in a deep breath, willing myself to stop staring at him.

But I cant.


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