I have walked around the house, multiple times, went out side to the cool march air, tried to eat something, but nothing had seemed to keep my interest. I had just noticed that, my house is so dark, all the windows have shades over them, no light seems to be coming through them. It hasn't been sunny for ages, I just want it to be spring so I can actually go outside and live my life. But ever since this happened all I want to do is lay in my bed and do absolutely nothing.
I don't know what to do anymore, I graduate high school in three months, and I haven't even decided what college I want to go too or what career I even want to pursue. I still remember the day matt and I..; I need to stop thinking about him, it's obvious that he doesn't want me anymore. I have made a choice that I am willing to stick to, and hopefully it will bring peace to me soon. But right now all that has brought to me, is laying in my bed depressed as ever and just madness. My thoughts drift off, when my phone begins to ring. I grab it and look on the screen. It's Robert.
I haven't seen him or even talked to him in so long, I have missed talking to him, I have missed my best-friend.
"Hello?" I answer.
"Hey, are you alright?" He asks.
"What do you mean?" I question.
"I heard what happened, it's all over school." He says.
"Oh, well yea um I'm fine." I stutter.
"Maddie I know you, your not fine, I'm coming over." He ends the call. I sigh and hang up waiting for him to arrive. I guess it would be nice to talk to someone about it. Id forgotten that my mother is down stairs, so I warn her that Robert is coming. Minutes later I hear a knock at my door, I look in the mirror and admire myself. I look like hell. My eyes are red and puffy my cheeks are flushed my hair is in a messy bun, and I'm in sweat pants and a T-shirt. I shrug and run down stairs to open the door, and smile at him.
"Hey, he says hugging me. I embrace his hug, and I feel like a little bit of weight has lifted off my shoulders just by his hug. I have really needed this. We let go, and he walks in while I close the door behind him. "Hello." My mother comes up behind me and shakes Roberts hand, I roll my eyes.
"Hello mrs. Woods." He introduces him self.
"It's nice too meet you, she smiles. They chat for a little while, then we make it up stairs. He follows me up the stairs, too my room.
"So start talking." Robert shoots. I chuckle and look at my feet.
"I don't know where to begin." I say honestly.
"Well start of easy, how are you feeling? He asks in his Canadian accent.
"Like hell." I laugh. He laughs along.
"But in all honesty, I'm not sure how I feel, Im mad at myself for feeling bad for breaking up with him, but I shouldn't be sad, I'm the one who broke up with him, he should be the one feeling like this, it's just not fair," I say out of breath.
"It's ok if you feel bad, it's not your fault, not everyone can hold there emotions all at once." He explains.
"I mean why does even keep trying, it's obvious he doesn't love me the way that I loved him." I sigh.
"Don't get mad at me but, I think he still does, Maddie I see the way he looks at you, he has this way with you that no one else has. I know what he has done too you wasn't ok, but ya know people make mistakes, for matt he makes many, but deep down I think he may still love you." Robert Perseus's me. After he finishes talking, instead of responding I wrap my arms around him as tight as I can.
"Thank you so much." I whisper. He hugs me tighter. We stay like this for a few minutes before we let go.
"I'm glad I have a friend like you." I smile.
"Me too." He smiles tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. His faces flushes, and so does mine.
"Come on, lets go do something other than sitting here doing nothing." He says reaching for my hand.
"Okay, I say taking his hand.
"Wait, I stop.
"What?" He asks confused. I look down at my outfit that I currently have on. "Oh." He laughs.
"Ill be a few minutes." I excuse myself to go change. I grab a pair of jeans, a white tank top and a nice sweater. I walk into the bathroom and peel off all of my clothes, and put on my new ones. I grab my makeup bag and apply light make up. Once I'm done I walk out of the bathroom, and Robert is sitting on my bed patiently.
"I'm ready." I smile.
"You look nice." He compliments me. I blush and thank him, and we walk down stairs. I inform my mother that were going out and will be back later. Robert says good bye and thanks her for having him over. He's so polite,i wish matt..he was like that. Robert opens the door for me, and I thank him. He jumps in the car, and we drive off to who knows where, but I'm just glad I'm actually getting out.
Matthews P.O.V~
What was wrong, with me for all of these years? Playing around with different girls each week, going to parties getting drunk. I absolutely despised, the fact of having a girlfriend, I thought it was stupid to just be stuck with one person. I never knew how much I would miss it until it was actually taken away from me. I remember the first time Maddie spent the night with me. I thought to myself as I laid on my bed. I lightly smooth my hand over the spot where she laid next to me. I'd do anything to have that again. I just don't know what else to do, I have tried everything, nothing seems to work. It has only been two days that we have been broken up, it feels like hell. I don't know how much longer I can take it...
--------------------------------Hey guys! I hope enjoyed the chapter, it was fun to write. So really soon I'm going to be getting a new computer and Im super excited, so that means I get to update more! I hate writing on my phone it's annoying and tiny. Well how are you guys taking it? With Maddie and Matthew broken up in all? Do you think she should go for Robert? Or back with matt, leave a comment below. Love you guys. Well until next time~ Zoe loves matt💗

Фанфик17 year old Maddie Woods falls into a deep depression when her father dies from a horrible car accident, Leaving her mother to now take care of Maddie on her own. Maddie is a very shy girl with not a lot of friends. She gets bullied every day by the...