"Will..will you go out with me?"
"Well..before I answer your question, I have a question for you."
Yea, of course what is it?" He says taking my hand. I gesture for him to sit.
"I'm just confused, I thought you always hated me." If you liked me, why did you bully me?" I ask him.
"Maddie, I have always liked you, since the day we went to the beach together I haven't stopped thinking about you. "And the reason why I bullied you was because of my "crew" he quotes. "
And I also didn't know how to control my feelings for you, I didn't know how to tell you, so instead of telling you I just put my anger on you." He says.
"Oh" I simply say.
"Are you mad at me?" Matt says looking me straight in my eyes.
"No, I'm not." I say meaning it.
"But to answer your question my answer is yes. I say smiling and blushing.
"Really?" He says with the biggest smile on his face. He picks me up and spins me around. I can't believe I just said yes to be my bully's girlfriend....
The next morning I woke up next to matt holding on to my waist. I turned around to look at his face. "I know your starring at me." He mumbles smirking. I can feel my cheeks getting red. His eyes flutter open. "Hey beautiful." He smiles. "
"Good morning handsome I smile back. I turn over and look at the clock, it's 11:30. I try to get up but Matt's hands are locked on to my waist. "Mattt. I whine.
"Madddieee." He makes me.
"Seriously matt I need to get in the shower."
"Seriously Maddie I need you to stay in bed with me." He says smirking.
"Ok, I say locking my lips with his. Which makes him sit up. Once he sits up I let go and run to the bathroom and lock it.
"Maddie, wood your such a tease! He shouts in a whiney voice. My back is agents the door and I bight my lip. I turn on the shower and hop in. "
"Ow," My wrist are burning.
"Maddie?", are you In there?" Matt says through the door.
"Yea I just dropped a bottle of shampoo on my foot. I lie.
"Oh ok." I hurry up because my wrists are really stinging. I hop out and grab a towel for my hair and body. And then I realize... My bag is out there. I open the bathroom door. "Matthew?" Yea?" He asks.
"Can you hand me my bag?
" Why?" He asks.
"Because I need to get changed?"
"Why can't you just get changed out here?"
"Because I say.
"Well why he says , chuckling and grabbing my wrist to twirl me.
"Matt stop that hurts!" I shout.
"Maddie I'm sorry, I didn't know my grip was that strong. He apologizes.
"No Matt it's not that."
"Then what is it?"
"Nothing. I lie again. I stare at my wrist it's starting to bleed.
"Maddie, are you ok?" He asks stepping closer.
"Yes." I avoid contact with him.
"Maddie. He presses.

Fanfiction17 year old Maddie Woods falls into a deep depression when her father dies from a horrible car accident, Leaving her mother to now take care of Maddie on her own. Maddie is a very shy girl with not a lot of friends. She gets bullied every day by the...