Matthew's P.O.V~
Before you read i just wanted to make sure and let you guys know this is a flashback, like before they were fighting just wanted to adress that. Love yall
I woke up with Maddie sprawled across me. I smile to my self as I see her holding on to my torso and her soft brown hair covering part of her face. She is so beautiful, and I am so lucky to have her. I brush her hair out of her face, and her eyes flutter open. "Good morning beautiful." I welcome her with a kiss on her forehead. "Good morning." She smiles.
"So what are we doing today?" I ask her.
"What do you mean?" She asks.
"Well, tomorrow is kind of Christmas, so." I chuckle.
"Oh my god, your right!" She struggles to get out of bed but I grab her by the waist and hold her down.
"Your not going anywhere, I whisper in her ear. She wines and pleads for me to let her go but I'm not buying it.
"Come on stay in bed for a little longer, I say kissing her nose then her face and then her lips. She giggles.
"Come on we have a lot to do, my mother is supposed to come home today with her boyfriend, and I still have to get the a bunch of presents for everyone." She wines.
"What are you worried of what your going to get me." I tease. I have already gotten her gift, I got her a few things and then one big thing, and i really hope she likes it.
"No, she grins. I can tell she is lying.
"You don't have to get me anything, I don't really need anything." I shrug.
"No, I cant' let you get me something and have me not get you anything." She says.
"Who said I got you anything?" I tease her again.
"Well I was just saying, if wouldn't be fair if you did and i dind't and also I didn't say that you had to-
"Babe i'm kidding, I chuckle. She rolls her eyes and wiggles out of my grip.
"Awe baby, I was just kidding." I get up from the bed.
"You made me feel bad." She pouts crossing her arms.
"I'm sorry, I wrap my arms around her waist from behind and kiss her on the neck.
"I didn't mean to make you feel bad." I grin.
"Well come on we have to get ready, I have to go to the store and get a bunch of things. She says and unwraps my hands form her waist and grabs some of her clothes from her draw. She grabs her panties and bra and some other clothes.
"Are you taking a shower?" I ask her.

Fanfiction17 year old Maddie Woods falls into a deep depression when her father dies from a horrible car accident, Leaving her mother to now take care of Maddie on her own. Maddie is a very shy girl with not a lot of friends. She gets bullied every day by the...