I head up to my room. I start crying, watching as the tears slide down my cheeks. I thought this bullying thing was over. Its obviously not. My subconscious mocks me. I honestly don't know why people bully me, is it because I'm annoying, ugly, weird, Maybe I'm not as skinny as other girls? I know I'm all of those things maybe even worse, but I just don't know why they even care. My head is throbbing I can't handle all this stress. The bullying, the cuts, the bruises, family issues, school work, boyfriend problems It's all to much. I take my cup and chuck it at the wall so it shatters on the ground. My mother has left for work and I am home alone. Again. She didn't even apologize for flipping out on me. I really can't stand her sometimes.
Matthews P.O.V~
I'm anxious to get home because I really need to sort things out withe her. It's been a really crazy week. I get in my car and drive to my house. When my phone rings. It's cameron.
"Hey man." He says.
"Hey what's up?" I ask.
"Nothing much, so how are you and Maddie doing?" He asks. My stomach drops. Damit.
"Oh um we're fine." I sound so fake I know it.
"Matt, what happened." He says sternly. "Did you hurt her?" He raises his voice.
"Not physically." I say.
"Matt what did you do." He asks.
"Well my ex girlfriend came up to us at school and was like "I had fun at the party with you." And Maddie thought something happened between us I got mad and kind of yelled at her." I admit.
"Matt you know she is going through a lot you can't put so much pressure on her." Cam says.'
"I know, I know. " i say.
"I want you to go apologize to her now and fix things." He says.
"Well I was just about to do that when you called me." I tell him.
"Well go do it now." He instructs.
"Alright, ill talk to you later." I say.
"Bye. "I hang up the phone. I head to Maddie's and In 5 minutes I arrive. I get out of the car and her moms not home. Oh. I head to the door and knock. I wait 2min then I see her. She opens the door.
"What do you want." She says. She has no emotion in her face her face is pale white.
" I wanted to come and apologize for what I said to you at school, I know you were just curious and probably angry and I respect that it the same thing happened to me, I don't know what I would do." I say out of breath. "I just want to say I'm sorry." I say. I take her and pull her to my chest I hug her tighter than usual.
"Thank you." She whispers.
"That's all I needed to hear." I can feel her smiling.
"Anything for my princess." I say to her. We both head In to the house.
"So what do you want to do for now?" She asks.
"Well I haven't updated a video in forever." I smirk.
"Fine." She says. "Let me just go put some makeup on." I grab her hand.
"Why?" I ask.
"Because I'm not going to show my face looking like this." She says.
" I think it looks beautiful." I tell her. I know she doesn't believe me.
"I have an idea." I tell her.
"What?" She asks.
"Well how about I put makeup on you?" Not that you need it." I say.
"You, put make up on me?" She laughs.
"I guess you haven't heard that I'm a expert." I smirk. She laughs.
"Fine." We both get the lighting and turn on the camera. "Hey guys it's matt and today I am going to be doing a video with my beautiful girl friend Maddie." I say. I turn to look at her and she is blushing.
"Ok so today I am going to be putting makeup on her. "I'm going to look like a lama." She says. We both crack up laughing.
"Ok so she put a bunch of make up on the table and I don't know what all of them are but I will try my best." I say. And Maddie laughs I love that laugh there is just a bunch of love In it. "Ok so lets get started. I start and take some foundation I think it's called I pour in my hand and I spill it every where.
"Why the hell is it so messy." I complain. She starts laughing. I put it on her face and I get in her mouth by accident.
"Oh you got in my mouth." She laughs.
"Sorry. I chuckle. When it's all on her face I get some powder and brush it on her face. After that I put blush on her that comes our way to red. "Look at those rosy cheeks!" I say. She laughs again. "Now here is some red lipstick, I put it all over her lips even maybe her chin. "Now I look like Miranda sings!" She cheer ".I love her" She shouts.
"I thought you loved me." I pout.
"I do love you." She smiles and kisses me on the cheek leaving red lipstick.
" I know." I smile. After that I take a eye liner and draw it on her eye.
"It looks umm good." I lie. We both laugh.
"Last but not least the eye shadow." I say. "
Lord." She laughs. I chuckle. I take blue eye shadow and put On her eyes.
"Alright I am now done!" I shout. I give Maddie a mirror. "
"Oh my god" She shouts. She starts laughing and she can't stop. God I love her smile and her laugh its music to my ears. "Thank you guys so much for watching!" Give this video a thumbs up if you liked it. Make sure to click subscribe on Maddie's account she is amazing." I say. And kiss her cheek. "Bye guys!" We end the video and Maddie heads of to go wash the makeup off. After she's done she comes In the living room with me and sits next to me. "I think you look even more beautiful with out makeup." I say kissing her jawline.
"Your funny."she says.
"I'm serious." I tell her. I really wish she would believe me.
"Maddie, I say lifting her chin so she's eye level. "Look at me." I say. She lifts her head so she's looking at me. "
You are beautiful just the way you are." She blushes.
"Ill sing it for you if you want." I smirk.
"Oh no I think I'm good-."
"When I see your face!" I start singing.
"There's not a thing that I would change, cause your amazing just the way you are!" I sing. Wow I really stink. She's sitting there laughing her head off. We both sit there laughing. we both catch our breath.
"I love moments like this." She says snuggling with me. I wrap my arms around her.
"Me too." I say and kiss her forehead. "Oh yea is your head ok?" I ask.
"How did-" she starts off saying.
"I went to the office and asked what had happened."
"Oh." Is all she says.
"Don't worry I will try my best to keep them away from you." I whisper In her ear.
"Thank you." She whispers.
"Maddie I-." I start to say but I am cut of by a knock at the door. .--------------------------------------------
OMG guys I'm so sorry I haven't updated in like a week I'm so sorry! I has been really busy I have 1 project t do 3 hw assignments and 2 test coming up. I'm sorry it's going to be really hard for me to update I'm sorry I will try my best. And who else like is in love with steal my girl by one direction LIKE OMG I NEED HOLY WATER IM IN LOVE WITH IT. Also Im going to New York today so excited. If you guys want to see any pics I will be posting some on my twitter it's @zoelovesmatt1 comment your twitters if you want a follow love you all! Until next time~Zoe Loves Matt💗

Fanfiction17 year old Maddie Woods falls into a deep depression when her father dies from a horrible car accident, Leaving her mother to now take care of Maddie on her own. Maddie is a very shy girl with not a lot of friends. She gets bullied every day by the...