I just stand there with a blank expression on my face.
"Matt, it's Caroline." She gives me a smile.
"Y-yeah, I know it's just um wow; your here? I thought you moved?"
"Yeah I'm here visiting my grandparents. How have you been?" She asks. How is she here? What's been happening to her? Does she still hate me?
"Um, I've been good, what about you?" I ask this is too weird.
"I've been good, great even. I'm really happy." She gives me a huge warm smile. How is she happy? I basically ruined her life.
"That's ah really good, but um I just wanted to apologize for everything I did to you last year, I was really fucked up then. "But I swear I have changed, I met a girl-
"Hey, matt you ready to go?" I hear Maddie ask me from behind me. Shit.
"Maddie, ugh this is Caroline." I introduce her.
"Hi, it's nice to meet you." my girlfriend shakes her hand.
"So um how do you two know each other?" She asks as sweetly as she could.
"Oh we um, dated like 1 or 2 years ago." We both say at the same time.
"Oh, that's really nice." Maddie smiles at both of us.
"Well I better get back to my boyfriend, he's probably looking for me it was really nice to see you again."
"You've got an amazing boy on your hands," She tells Maddie. As she walks away she whispers in my ear, "by the way I forgive you, thank you." She smiles at me and walks away. I feel like a huge weight of stress has been lifted from my shoulders. This secret has been haunting me for so long and finally I can bee free and not have someone pushing on my shoulders.
Maddie walks away to go pay for her dress, and I walk up with her and she hands a 100 dollar bill to the lady, but I take it from her hand and hand the lady my credit card.
"What are you doing?" She seems annoyed.
"I can't let you pay for that," I tell her.
"They're my dresses, I will pay for them," She says through her teeth.
"No you won't," I take her purse and hand my credit card to the lady and she scans the card. She thanks the woman for her dresses and walks away from me to go to another store. I did it again.
"What is your problem?" I ask her catching up to her.
"Nothing," She says without making eye contact with me. I grab her elbow and pull her back.
"Bullshit, I say through my teeth.
"You know there is something wrong you just won't tell me, why do you always do that?" I ask her.
"Look I didn't want to fight today, so can we just forget about it." She's getting angry I can tell, her pupils grow big and her cheeks are flushed she's breathing heavily.
"We don't need to fight I just want to have a simple conversation with you, I need to know how you feel. I know what just happened was huge. And I didn't want to hurt you-
"No, Matt what hurts is that you can't ever just tell me the truth. You never let me in, I don't know why you can't ever just let me in why can't you just tell me things? I trust you, I forgive you for the most horrific things that you have done to me, and I always tell you things, why do you feel like you can't ever tell me things? It's just not fair." She says defeatedly.
"I know, baby and I'm sorry for that. I'm trying my hardest, I want to be open with you but-
"But what Matt? What?" She asks me looking straight into my eyes.
"It's hard," I say.
"What is hard?"
"Being open with you, I have done some fucked up shit in my past and I feel like your going to judge me. I keep things from you because I feel like your going to judge me. I don't want to have to keep my thoughts to myself. But sometimes you leave me with no choice." I say honestly.
"Matt you can tell me anything, I don't think you realise that I'm a forgivable person. I forgive you for all of it, yes I don't like when you do that but I want you to know that you mean everything to me and the thought of you keeping your thoughts to yourself, scares me. I don't want you to be how you were last year or all of those years after we stopped being friends. But I also don't want you to change who you are for me, yes you could change the way you treat me, but other than that I love you no matter what." I just stare at her for a few seconds then immediately I wrap my arms around her and hold her tight.
"I'm sorry, I really am I don't mean to be like this." I apologize.
"I know." Is all she says. I let go of her because I can tell that a million people are looking at me and it's annoying the shit out of me.
"Will talk more about this tomorrow, let's just go get this stupid suit, and get out of here. I grin at her and she laughs.
Maddie's P.O.V~
A few more hours later, Matt tries on his suit and it looks very nice on him. It fits perfectly, but he keeps groaning about how itchy and annoying it is. Finally, we grab his suit and walk out of the mall.
"Finally, that shit is over," He says. And I laugh.
"Were ok? Right?" He asks me.
"Yeah of course, why?" I assure him.
"I don't know, just wondering considering what happened today," He says.
"I know I know." A few moments later we arrive at Matts house.
Hey guys! I know this chapter is really short! and I haven't updated in like forever, actaully in like a month im sorry i have been so busy. I will try and update as much as I can I love you all. MERRY LATE CHRISMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR I LOVE YOU ALL MY LITTLE CUTIES I LOVE YOU BY.

Fanfiction17 year old Maddie Woods falls into a deep depression when her father dies from a horrible car accident, Leaving her mother to now take care of Maddie on her own. Maddie is a very shy girl with not a lot of friends. She gets bullied every day by the...