Maddie's P.O.V
I woke up to my alarm clock beeping. I put my hand on it to turn it off, but it won't work. I get up and throw itacross the room. . "Yay another day of wonderful school." I said to myself. As I got out of bed. (Note the sarcasm) I grabbed my jeans a long sleeve shirt and my brown leather jacket. I put a little make up on. And slipped my on my doc martons.
"Hey honey my mother said with a smile."
"Hi." I planily respond.
"What's a matter? She ask, as she puts her mug full of coffee down on the table.
"Nothing, I'm just going to go.
"Bye honey.
Don't you ever wake up one morning feeling like complete crap, and you just want it to go away but it doesn't? Yeah that's how I feel pretty much everyday. My mother doesn't know about my depression it's kind of hard dealing with it on my own, it seems like no one ever cares, or is there to hear you out when you need it the most. You can't even ask one if your best friends to talk to you about it, because they would never understand. But the only thing my mother does know, is about my anxiety. I started realizing I had it when i was in the 6th grade, people would always call me "The anxiety girl" I would have them out of the blue, and people would make fun of me because I had to take special pills when I was in school. It really got to me. I walk to my bus stop and wait for the bus to come. A few min later the bus pulls up, and I make my way on the bus and sit in the middle by myself. My best friend Emma walks to school were she lives so she doesn't go on the bus with me. "Hey bitch, a girl said to me. And the torture...begins.
We reach school and I head to my locker, when all of a sudden, I'm pushed into the locker next to me. Bye the one and only Matthew Espinosa. I fell to the ground and struggled to get back up. "Oh sorry I didn't see you there." He smirks at me and walks away with his stupid group. . Emma comes running to me.
"What happened!" She shouts.
"What do you think"? I ask her.
"Who did it?" She asks.
"Again, who do you think?" I say.
"Ok that's it." She says getting up and walking towards the group of boys.
Emma is one of my best friends, she is usually the one who helps me get through these kind of things. Usually she would threaten to them, but I can't let her do that, it would just make it worse.
"Emma no, It's fine, I know your only trying to help but I can't let you do it, it would just make things worse." I say grabbing her hand.
"Fine." She huffs.
"I have to go to science, I'll see you soon." She says.
"Okay." I say back.
I walk to social studies. Great the class I'm in with Matthew..just great. I walk in and sit down at a desk. I hate how mrs.hemsworth has these desks. It's a table with too seats. But it's not horrible, I sit next to a girl and she's actually really nice to me. "Maddie, Mrs.hemsworth says.
"Um..yes?" I question.
"Mrs.evans has just moved, so you will be seated with someone else." Great.
"Oh, ok." I respond.
The bell has already rung and Matthew has just walked in. "Mr.Espinosa, would you like to explain why your late?" The teacher asks crossing her hands across her chest.
"I don't know." He grins.
"Well, you can take a seat right next to Mrs. Woods." She responds.
"Are you kidding me." I whisper to myself. He takes a seat next to me and says, "Hey." with a smirk. I roll my eyes and try to ignore him.
"Alright class we are now going to assign partners for the project about society." She explains. Oh great, I had totally forgotten about this project.
"Okay here are the partners. Alex, and Dannie, Cameron and Martin, Luke and Alice, etc.. Maddie and Matthew. "What?" I say a little too loud, everyone is staring at me. Way to go idiot.
"Mrs.woods, is there something wrong?" Mrs. Hemsworth asks.
"N-no." I respond, Matthew laughs and I turn to give him a glare. The class goes by quicker than I thought, and I am thankful. I catch Matthew glancing at me throughout the class but I ignore him.
"Okay, class dismissed" Mrs.hemsworth says as the bell rings.
"Ok we will meet at my house after school, got it? Matthew snaps.
"Excuse me?" I say.
"Oh, so now you get feisty". He says walking closer to me.
"N-no, I was just-
"Being feisty, he says putting his hands on my waist squeezing tightly sinking his nails into my waist.
"Don't touch me!" I shout.
"Oh does that hurt?" He says squezzing harder.
"Yes, stop." I whimper.
"Now, are you going to listen to me when I give you an order?" He grins.
"Yes." I gulp.
"Good." He says relasing his hands form my waist. I slowly walk away from him, and turn away.
"See you later Maddie." He teases me, obviously not in that kind of way more like, an annoying maybe wanting to punch in the face kind of way. I turn around and gieve him another glare. This day is going to be hell.

Fanfiction17 year old Maddie Woods falls into a deep depression when her father dies from a horrible car accident, Leaving her mother to now take care of Maddie on her own. Maddie is a very shy girl with not a lot of friends. She gets bullied every day by the...