•Maddie P.O.V
"So what do you want to do?" I ask matt. "I don't know." He shrugs. "Oh I know, we can do like a challenge for my new you tube video?" He suggests. "Yea sure." I say. We both get up from laying on the bed, and get ready to film the video. "Hey guys it'a Matthew Espinosa, and I'm here with my beautiful girlfriend Maddie!" He says. "Hey guys, I smile. "Ok so earlier, I tweeted for you guys to pick a challenge we should do." And most of you said, you wanted us to do the chubby bunny challenge, so lets get stated. I grab the marshmallows and 2 bowls. "1,2,3.. Go!" 1. Chubby bunny." I say and pop one in my mouth. "Chubby bunny, matt says with already 2 in his mouth. "Chubby bunny, I say with now 3 Marshmallows in my mouth. At the end of the video I ended up with 4 marshmallows and matt had 6. "Haha I won!" Matt says. I stick out my tongue at him. And we both laugh. "Alright guys thanks so much for watching, both of all our social medias will be in the description below, also if you have time, you should check out her account. "Well Ill see you guys next week." Bye love you." We end the video, and go and make some breakfast. When all of a sudden my phone rings. "Hello?" I say. "Hey honey it's mom I'm coming home early today so I thought maybe you and I could spend the day together? She asks. "Yea that would be nice I say. "Alright great ill see you in hour so like 10:30 am. "Ok. "Alright sweetie ill see you soon love you." Love you too mom bye. "You have to go soon." I say. "Whyyyyy. He whines. "Because my mom is coming home soon and she wants to spend the day with me." I explain. "Whyyyy?" He whines again. "Your so annoying." I say. "I know, and so are you. He says kissing my lips gently. I smile. "So what do you want to do until I have to go?" He asks. "I don't know. I shrug. "Your so boring." He teases. "No I'm not!" I defend and giggle. I throw a pillow at him. "Yes you are." He teases and throws the pillow back at me. "Your throws are weak." I tease. "Is that a challenge I hear?" He grins. "Come at me!" I say. I grab a pillow and start running. I come up behind matt and hit him in the head. I run away and matt runs the opposite which makes us bump into each other. Matt hits me in the face with the pillow. I fake an injury and fall to the ground holding my face and fake cry. "Maddie I'm so sorry!" I didn't mean to hurt you. He says kneeling down. I smirk and grab my pillow smacking him in the face and run. I'm laughing so hard. Matt catches up to me, and hooks his arm around my waist and spins me around. I laugh. He puts me down. He starts to lean in and I tease him bye running away giggling. "Oh now your going to get it." He shouts. He comes up to me and I smack him with the pillow in the stomach and he falls to the ground groaning. "Sorry matt I giggle, and hold my hand out to help him up. He grabs my hand and pulls me down with him. I yelp and laugh. Now I'm on top of him. "I told you, you were going to get it." He chuckles. "Your such a goof, I say poking his nose. "Yea but I'm your goof." He says poking my nose. I laugh. "I love you." He says. I blush. "I love you too." We both lean in and he kisses me softly. We both stare into each others eyes. I glance at the clock. It's 10:20. "My mom is going to be here in 10 min. "You need to go." I say. We both get up. "Where do your parents think you are now?" I ask. "At my friends house. He chuckled. "Well ill see you later." I say pecking him on the lips. "Ok babe, I love you, he says kissing me on the Forehead. "I love you too." He leaves. Babe. I love it when he calls me that.my heart swells. I run up stairs and get ready to spend the day with my mom.
Hey guys ik this chapter is a little short, my wattpad wasn't really working it wasn't saving my chapter so I had to keep writing and writing. It sucked. And plus I'm not really now feeling well. Well I haven't been feeling well for a long time. But don't worry I will still update. Well until next time~Zoe Loves Matt💗

Fanfiction17 year old Maddie Woods falls into a deep depression when her father dies from a horrible car accident, Leaving her mother to now take care of Maddie on her own. Maddie is a very shy girl with not a lot of friends. She gets bullied every day by the...