After I'm done curling my hair I put on my long sleeved floral top some skinny jeans and my combat boots. I head down the stairs and my mom is down stairs waiting for me. I grab my jacket and we head out. We get in the car and head to go get some lunch. "Soo is there any boy I should know about?" She grins. I look away my face is a deep red. "Oh my gosh there is!" She sings. "What's his name? What is he like?" She asks. "His name is Matthew, he's amazing and sweet, caring and treats me right." I smile. "Awe honey that's great!" She praises. "When can I meet him?" She asks. I laugh. "What?" She asks. "Every time I bring a boy to the house, you make them uncomfortable." I explain. "No I don't!" She defends. I just shake my head and laugh. We end up going to Olive Garden. We walk in and sit at a table. "So how's work?" I ask. "Ugh boring." She says. "I don't want to talk about me, I want to talk about you.".she smiles. "What's his name again?" She asks. "It's Matthew." Weren't you guys like best friends?" She asked. I don't feel like telling her about how he used to bully me well at least not now. "Yea but we both found out that we liked each other and we wanted to be together." I say. "Awe honey that's great." She says with her eyes wet. "Mom you don't have to cry." I giggle. "I'm just so happy that your not alone as much." She explains. "Yea." I say. The waitress comes by and takes our order.
I walk slowly approaching Chris and his friends. "Can I help you?" I ask nervously. "Yea you can stay away from Maddie and you won't get hurt. He says. "Listen Chris, Maddie doesn't like you!" You hurt her bye cheating on her!" You almost raped her!" I yell. "You don't deserve her." I say and punch him in the face. The bat rolls out of his hand. I'm on top of him punching. He still has the bruises from the last time I did this. I keep punching him. All the things he has said to Maddie, did to Maddie, Is going in to each punch. I keep punching him until one of his friends drag me off of him. And one of them punches me in the stomach. Which makes me fall to the ground. Chris takes the bat and hits me over and over again. And then everything got dark.
After we eat our meal we decide to go home. "That was nice thank you for taking me out." I say. "No problem honey. She hugs me and we get into the car. A few minutes later we are home. We enter the house. "Mom?" I ask. "Can I invite matt over?" I ask. "Yes yes yes!" I want to meet him!" She chants. "Ok." I laugh. "Ill go call him." I say walking up stairs. I call matt and he doesn't answer. I call him again, no answer. Where would he be? I ask myself. I text him a few times. No answer. Maybe his phone Is off. I go down stairs, hey mom can I use your car?" I ask. "Yea for what?" She asks. "I'm just going to see if he's home. "Alright, be safe. Se tells me. " I will don't worry." It Takes me about 10min to get to his house. I arrive at his house and when I get out of the car I see matt laying on the ground with bruises and is all bloody. "Matt!" I shout and rush to him.
Authors note- hey guys I hope you liked this chapter! Thank you guys for 300 reads! That's amazing. You guys are awesome! Who went to digi fest for the free show in Boston? I was going to but my mom had work. I also wanted to tell you guys, I am writing a book with one of my best friends. It's called push and pull its a 5sos fanfic, it has almost 500 reads on it. If you guys could go check it out that would be amazing. Alright until next time- Zoe Loves Matt💗

Fanfiction17 year old Maddie Woods falls into a deep depression when her father dies from a horrible car accident, Leaving her mother to now take care of Maddie on her own. Maddie is a very shy girl with not a lot of friends. She gets bullied every day by the...