I woke up the next morning with Matt's head on my stomach. I run my hands through his hair, his eyes flutter open. I move my hand away from his hair quickly, hoping he didn't see what I was doing or feel it. He stares at me confused, "I'm sorry. I apologize.
"Don't be, it felt good." He says in his morning raspy voice which makes me melt every time I hear it. I smile, then wiggle out of his grip to get dressed. It's 6:30 and we have to be at school in an hour and Matt still has to shower, so I pull him out of bed so we won't be late. He grabs his clothes and heads to the bathroom giving me a kiss before he gets in to the shower. I clothes his door, and check out the window to make sure Matts parents aren't home, and which they aren't. I grab my suitcase and grab one of my new pair of panties and a bras and begin to strip down my pajamas. I slip the undergarments on, and for once in my life I think they look.. nice sexy even. I know I'm only 17 turning 18 soon but I feel that I should finally feel comfortable in my own skin. I sneak a peek of my self in Matt's mirror and I think of what matt would think if he saw me in this.
"Holy shit." Matt gapes. I screech and grab my clothes and cover myself, but also trying very hard not to laugh, I guess I don't have to think anymore.
"What the fuck are you wearing?" He gawks.
"Why? You don't like it?" I ask almost feeling bad. I mean I know I'm not an expert of picking these type of things but I tried.
"No fuck I didn't mean it like that, you look amazing I just wow." He says. I feel my cheeks heating up. He grabs his towel and puts it over his torso. I cover my face before I start bursting into laughter. "It's to early for me to be having a boner right now." He groans and walks back into the bathroom. I laugh even harder. I grab my clothes, and change into them. I slip on my sandals and finish my hair and make up. Once I'm done I grab my back pack and Meet Matthew in the bathroom where he is styling his hair. I look up at him, and notice how much taller he is then me. His jaw line clenches as he grows in frustration because one of the parts of his hair won't stay.
"Come here, I say to him as he turns to face me then I realize he's to tall for me to reach him. I look around for a stool but I can't find one, as I'm about to make him sit on the toliet while I fix it, Matt grabs me by my waist and lifts me on top of the bathroom sink. I grab the gel out of his hand and squeeze some in my hand. I run my fingers through his hair, and begin to style it. He watches me as I storks my hands through his hair over and over again. He moves in closer between my legs as I sit on the bathroom counter and I wrap my legs around his waist. I finish his hair and I personally think it looks great. He looks in the mirror and agrees, He thanks me by kissing me on the cheek, " thanks babe." He says. My heart flutters each time he says it, the way he says it... its so sexy. I un rap my legs from his waist and jump off the counter. I check my phone and read the time and it says, 7:10.
"Matt it's 7:10! we have to leave now we only have 20 minutes to get there, and by the time we get into the car we will only have 10 minutes and then when we get there will only have 5 minutes to get to home room and-
"Babe, it's ok we will get there in time."He says kissing me on the forehead. I nod and take a deep breath before grabbing my bag.
"So what are you doing after school?" Matt asks.
"I'm not sure, I was going to find something to do but I can't think of anything" I explain.
"If you don't have any plans were going to hang out today, end of the conversation." He teases.
"Ok dad." I say but then completely regret it because it sounds utterly dirty and inappropriate.
"Don't ever call me that again or I'm going to have to take you on that counter in the bathroom." He teases. My mouth falls open and I swat at his arm.

Fanfiction17 year old Maddie Woods falls into a deep depression when her father dies from a horrible car accident, Leaving her mother to now take care of Maddie on her own. Maddie is a very shy girl with not a lot of friends. She gets bullied every day by the...