I am now sweating it's so hot. Matt was laying down on top of me with his head on my lower stomach. We have school In less than an hour, we need to get up. I brush my hands through his soft brown fluffy hair. His eyes flutter open, and I stop. "Sorry." I apologize totally embarrassed.
"Don't be, it felt good." He said. I brush my fingers through his hair again. My alarm clock goes off and I try to get matt off of me but his grip on my waist gets tighter. He won't let go.
"Matt."Wake up. I say
"Mhmm." He whines
"Matt come on." I instruct him. He finally gets up and I head to go get changed.
"Shit." I whisper to myself.
"What happened?" Matt asks.
"I don't have any clothes to change into." I explain.
"You could wear that dress." He smirks. God his raspy voice is so hot.
"Your funny." I say sarcastically.
"Come on, Ill drive you too your house and you can get dressed there." He assures me.
"Ok." I smile. Matt gets dressed and we head to my house. We both enter in and I head up stairs to change while matt follows me up stairs.
I grab some jeans a long maroon shirt, black boots and add some makeup to my face. I begin to change when I notice matt standing there."Matt." I press.
"What?" He grins. "I always get out once you change, I am your boyfriend ya know, and it's not like I haven't seen you with out any-"
"Ok ok." I laugh. I change as quickly as I can. In the corner of my eye I can see him starring at me. I finish getting changed and grab my backpack. "You look beautiful." He says kissing my cheek and holding my waist. I blush uncontrollably. "Everything about you I love." He purrs into my ear. And kisses my neck. "Try not to start something that we can't finish at this time Espinosa." I tease. I can feel his smile on my neck. He pinches my but and I flinch.
"Matt!" I scold. He starts laughing then grabs my hand and we get in the car to go to school.
"Matt." I ask. "Mhm." He says. "What do you think will happen when we both go to college?" I ask. Why did I just ask that.
"What do you mean?" He asks. "Like do you think we will still be together?"
Thinking about this makes me ether want to cry or be scared. "When the time comes we will decide what will happen, but right now I hope we will still be together." He smiles taking my hand and kissing it. I smile at him. He puts his hand on my thigh and rubs up and down. I can see a future with him and I, I hope he can too. We arrive and at school and we head inside.
"Hey matt what's up?" His friend says right when we walk in.
"Not right now Alex." Matt says sternly.
"Oh I just wanted to say something." He smirks.
"Well I don't want to hear it." He argues.
Matt grabs my hand and we head to social studies. "What happened back there?" I ask.
"Nothing don't worry about it."
"Alright." I decide not to pick a fight with him right now we are getting along pretty well and I don't want to ruin it.
"Your being very, understandable today." He mocks me.
"Well we are getting along pretty well, and I don't want to ruin anything." I plainly say.
"That's my girl." He says kissing my head. We head into social studies and settle in. During the entire class, matt is poking me, tickling me, and pinching me, it's like he is acting like a little first grader trying to flirt with his crush. The bell rings and we head to our next class. "Bye babe." He says kissing me. "Bye." I blush. "Bye babe."
Emma mocks me. "Shut up, I say pushing her slightly. "Maddie we haven't hung out in forever, we need to." She explains. "I know, we will I promise." I promise her.
"Alright well Ill see you later."
"Bye. I wave to her.*END OF THE DAY*~
I walk outside to the crisp November air. I can't believe it has been 3 months that have past since matt and I have been together. Where have the times gone? I head to the front and see matt waiting for me. "Hey." I smile ".
"Hey." He smiles back. We get into the car and head home. "Can I come to your house?"matt asks.
"Yea sure why?" I ask.
"Because I'm really bored at my house." He explains.
"Ok well I have to study for my science test so your going to have to be quite. "
I tell him.
"Who study's these days." He whines
"I do." I defend my self.
"Well people like you, study." He teases.
"Shut up." I chuckle.
He laughs and squeezes my thigh.
His laugh is so beautiful, it's so full of happiness, I love it.
"What's going on in that mind of yours?
"Nothing really just thoughts.
About? He asks.
"You always want to no everything." I whine.
"Because I need to know everything." He grins.
"Your annoying." I laugh.
"So are you but I still like you." He teases.
We arrive at my house and head inside.
We both head up to my room and matt closes the door.
"Alright I need to study so you have to be quite." I remind him.
"Maybe I need to study too, so you have to be quite." He sounds like a 5year old.
I shake my head and begin flipping pages back and forth in my English book. I can't seem to focus cause every time I glance up, matt is starring at me. "What?" I finally ask.
I finish studying my book and place it on my desk.
"Are you done yet?" Matt whines again which feels like the millionth time.
"Almost." I say without looking at him.
"Maddie your taking forever."
"Well not all of us want to study for 6 seconds." I remind him.
"Ha-ha" very funny. He mocks me.
I shake my head.
"Ok fine ill take a brake." I huff.
"Finally."he says in relief.
We both head down stairs and try to find a movie on Netflix. "What do you want to watch?" I ask.
"You." He says looking Into my eyes.
"What?" I chuckle.
"I mean um, anything really." He corrects himself.
I just laugh and scroll through the list of movies..wow it's sad that I have mostly watched half on them..oops.
"I don't know what to watch." I give up.
"How about we do something else?" He suggests.
"Like wha- I am cut off mid sentence by his lips crashing onto mine.Oh
His tongue swipes across my lips. We both fall back wards on the couch and he's hovering over me. He starts kissing my neck all the way down to my stomach. "Matt." I moan. He grabs a hold of my waist and starts kissing my neck again. My hands roam his hair yanking it somewhat tightly. "Maddie." He moans.
He connects our lips again.
He starts to lift up my shirt when I stop him putting my hands on his chest. "I can't." I say shyly.
"Why not?" He asks confused.
"I'm just not ready yet, I feel like it's not the time yet. I explain."Oh ok." He responds by getting up.
"Matt I'm sorr-
"No Maddie it's fine." He Grumbles.
I stay quite just sitting there."I have to go." He says.
"Why?" I ask.
"I have stuff to do." He mumbles.
He opens the door and I stand there waiting for a good bye kiss that never comes as he slams the door behind him. Why do I always have to ruin things? I explain.Matt's P.O.V~
How can she says she is not ready?
She 17 fucking years old. When is she going to do it, college? That's like years from now. Well, I can't really blame her, she hasn't done it yet so maybe she just doesn't know what to do? I ask myself. Well when she is "ready" I will be her first and I will be the only one. She's mine and I can't let anyone else take what is mine. Robert.
That fucking prick thinks that it's ok to just "hang" out with Maddie well it's not. She better stay away from him and he better stay away from her or I will beat the shit out of him.
I am interrupted from my thoughts when my phone rings. It's Alex. Yup not answering that. I decline his call and realize that I have Been in Maddie's drive way this whole time. Why did I leave? Why do I make her feel like it's always her fault when really I fucked up? I ask myself. Maybe it's because your an asshole
My subcontious Mocks me.
I begin my car and drive to my house thinking to my self, how do I even deserve this girl?
Authors note~Hey guys I'm sorry I didn't update for almost 2 weeks, these dumb ass teachers thinks it's ok to assign projects like every fucking day. Honestly it's only November and I'm already done with this school year. Ughhh. Well until next time~Zoe Loves Matt💗

Fanfiction17 year old Maddie Woods falls into a deep depression when her father dies from a horrible car accident, Leaving her mother to now take care of Maddie on her own. Maddie is a very shy girl with not a lot of friends. She gets bullied every day by the...