Chapter 13

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I got a call from my mom today at lunch letting me know they are coming to get me this evening. Uncle Thomas called me and told me to be at the school at 5 pm. Once I told Courtney she was coming, she started screaming. My other friends were kind of upset but they knew it was my mom’s choice and not mine. If I had my way or knew that I would have been able to invite anyone, I would have asked if all could come but with Courtney being my closest and longest friend plus her being of higher rank, she was picked.

I had to rush home and pack because I wasn’t ready. I knew they were going to send for me, but I didn't think it would be this soon. I guessed that they would wait till the last minute to have me come but instead, here I am running around my room like a crazy nut trying to make sure I get everything. 

Usually, I'm very organized but if you were to look at my room right now, you would think a tornado went through it. I have clothes everywhere. I think there are more clothes thrown around my room than in my closet and let's just say I'm very blessed with my huge wardrobe.

I’ve never been anywhere like this before, so I don't exactly know how to pack. What kind of clothes is a princess expected to wear? Ugh.
I don’t want to call my mom and ask her because I don't want to stress her out. I told her I was ready for this, and I know if I get her on the phone, I'm going to have a freaking panic attack.

I have to call my mom anyway because I told her I would but I'm going to wait until after my crisis is over. I could just see her now. One hand on her hip and the other pressed against her forehead. Nope, as far as she knows, I got this. Yeah right.

“AUNT EMILY! PLEASE COME HELP ME!” I screamed on the top of my lungs.

I’m not sure where she is but I'm sure she heard me. I do believe I screamed loud enough for the whole house to hear me.

“I’M COMING!” She screamed back. Yup, she heard me.

I sat on the bed, completely defeated when Aunt Emily burst through my door.

“What’s wrong?” She asked

“I don’t know what to pack! What am I supposed to wear? I don’t know and I don’t want to ask Mom, so could you tell me please.” I begged her.

She laughed at me. Like really laughed.

“Alena, you need to chill out. Wear whatever you want. Nobody is going to say anything about your clothes. Just make sure you have clothes for training. Bring regular clothes that you would normally wear. Maybe bring a sweater that goes with everything in case you are out at night. You need just a few nice shirts that you could wear with some nice jeans and maybe a casual dress or two. Then some shoes that go with your outfits. Do I need to tell you to get your stuff out of the bathroom or do you have that already?” She said while still laughing at me.

“Aunt Em, this isn’t funny! I begged my parents to take me with them and I want them to take me seriously.” I whined.

“I might be laughing at you because it still amazes me that you're all grown up, but you got this. Let’s get everything I told you to pack. Don’t forget your night clothes and your undies.” She said. 

I couldn’t help but groan at her. She is killing me, but she did stay and help me go through everything that was scattered around.

After about an hour, I had two oversized large suitcases packed. I’m not sure I packed enough but she assured me that I was fine. She reminded me that they do have washer machines where I'm going. Ugh. How could I forget that? That's it, I’m losing it.

Uncle Jake brought my bags downstairs while I gathered my stuff for school. I grabbed my laptop and all my chargers and put them in my oversized handbag, looking around one last time before walking downstairs.

I walked into the living room and saw everyone sitting around. Jace and Aryanna came running up to me and almost knocked me over, giving me a hug.

“I’m going to miss you.” Aryanna whispered in my ear.

“I’m going to miss you too. I won’t be gone too long. I’ll call you when I get there.” I said to her. 

I love my little sister.  This is the first time ever going anywhere without her and even though I’ll be back soon, it makes me want to cry

“I’m going to miss you too. I wish I was coming with you.” Jace said.

“I’m sure you will next time. Take care of everyone while I'm gone.” I said.

“I love you both.” I squeezed them making them both groan because it was so tight.

I said goodbye to everyone else before getting into the car with Uncle Jake. As soon as I closed the door, Courtney’s mom pulled up alongside us and they got out. Uncle Jake helped get her bags into the back. She had three bags with her. I knew I didn't pack enough.

Once we started driving away, I pulled my phone out and called my mom.

“Hello.” She answered.

“Hey Mommy, I just wanted to let you know that Courtney and I are in the car with Uncle Jake heading to the school now.” I said.

“Good, I’m so excited to see you tonight. You're going to be driving about five hours so you're going to get here kind of late, but your father and I will be waiting for you.” she said.

“Mom, don’t you think you should be in bed if it's going to be that late?” I asked.

“Do you really think I’m going to be able to sleep when my baby is traveling without me? I won’t be able to relax until I see you myself. If I had my way, I’d be the one coming to get you, but you know your father would have an aneurysm and if it wasn’t for the fact that I am pregnant, he’d be coming. Besides, as many times as I call you on the way, it's going to be like I'm there with you anyways.” She said.

“Mom, seriously, I’ll be ok. I know how dangerous it is for me to be out there. I know about the threats, but you have the best men with me plus if I have to, I can fight and defend myself.” I said.

“How do you know about the threats against you?” She asked.

“Do you honestly think I can’t hear Dad flipping out when he finds out about them? I’ve heard both of you talking a lot plus I have my sources. They keep me informed. You're not the only one who they are loyal to.” I said.
I heard my mom sign in frustration.

“I didn’t want you to know about them. I want you to live your life as normal as possible. I will find out who your sources are, you better believe that.” She said.
I couldn’t help but laugh. 

“My life is anything but normal. I’m the human daughter of the werewolf queen. I love you but you're supposed to be the smart, realistic one. Come on, stop worrying about me. If those pathetic morons think they can outsmart my mom, they have another thing coming. Do they not realize what you would do to them if they tried, not to mention the army of badass warriors that would come for them?” I said.

“Very true. I love you too. Call me when you get in the car with Uncle Thomas.” She said.

“Yes, Your Majesty.” I said laughing. I know my mom hates me calling her that.

“Watch it. Talk to you soon.” She said and hung up.

A couple minutes later, we pulled into the school parking lot. There were several cars parked and lots of people standing around.
The only other female going with us is Alicia. She is the future Third in the Howlers Pack.  I don’t really know her, but I’ve noticed that she pretty much keeps to herself. You only see her with Daniel and Jordan, the soon to be alpha and beta.

They grew up together and have been best friends. Some people are surprised that Daniel chose Alicia because she is a girl but if you saw her fight, you would know why, plus she is really smart.

Uncle Thomas isn’t here yet so while we wait for him. Courtney and I stayed in the car. Uncle Jake called him and he’s five minutes away. He got out to inform everyone to get ready because they were just about there.
As I got out of the car, the first person I saw was Damon. He was looking right at me.

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