Chapter 47

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I’m staring at this woman, and I know she is not human. I know I’ve seen her with Stella the other night. Her scent is one of the ones I smelt, but I couldn’t pinpoint what or who because the restaurant was crowded.
My next question is what the hell am I going to do? Do I walk away and figure out another way back to the Night Falls Pack or do I knock on the door and ask for help? The last thing I need to do is get tangled in any mess that has to do with Stella, but it is getting dark, and I really don’t feel like wandering in the woods all night, running into rogues or another pack is not what I consider enjoyable.
Before I can decide, the back door creaked open quickly and the woman was standing in the doorway, staring at me. She stood there staring at my large black wolf. She doesn’t look surprised or scared.
“Well, hello Alpha. What brings you all the way out here?” She said
I walked toward the trees closest to the house and shifted. I used the tree to cover myself while leaning my upper body to the side so I could speak with her.
“My apologies. I went for a run earlier today. I was distracted and didn’t realize how far I’ve gone. Once I turned around to head back, I came across your cottage. Do you happen to have something I could cover myself with?” I explained.
She went back inside but left the back door open. She disappeared momentarily before coming back with a large pair of blue and gray plaid pajama pants and a long-sleeved black shirt. She sat them down on the chair outside of the door, telling me to come inside when I’m dressed and turned back in.
I quickly put the clothes on and cautiously walked in behind her. She was standing in her kitchen continuing to do what she was doing when I first saw her.
“I remember you from the other night. How do you know Stella?” She asked.
“That was the first time meeting her. My wife dated her son years ago in college.”
She hummed but never looked up. Her facial expression never changed. She turned around and poured two cups of tea into these small antique cups and brought them both to the table. She sat down across from me and pushed one toward me.
“Drink.” She said and took a sip. I brought it up to my mouth, but barely drank any since I was unsure of what was in it.
“I’m sorry for being rude. My name is Jaxson.” She took a long sip before placing it down.
“Nice to meet you Jaxson. My name is Athenea. Stella is my half-sister.” My face dropped. Shit.
“Don’t worry. I know how my sister can be. She was quite rude. Sometimes she doesn’t know when to stop. If you don’t mind me asking, that beautiful young daughter of yours, is it true she is my niece?”
The air in my throat got stuck. I tried to swallow but it became exceedingly difficult. I reached for my cup and took a sip. My mind was racing, and I wasn’t sure how this conversation was going to go. I don’t know this woman. She could be completely innocent, but she could also use everything I say against us. But, on the other hand, this woman isn’t human, and she says she is related to Alena which definitely confuses me. I’ve never suspected of Alena being anything but human.
Before I could answer she reached for my hand and gave me a warm smile.
“Please calm down. I’m no threat to your family. Stella and I grew up together as children, but she married young and left. I loved my sister, but she grew up resenting me for something I couldn’t control. When my parents and my husband died years later in a fire, I reached out to her because she was the only family I had. It was clear that she still had ill feelings toward me but never rejected me. She invites me occasionally out for dinner with her group of friends. I’ve heard stories of my nephew dating your wife in college and I know what my sister did. I don’t think it was right, but I would like it if you could tell me about her. Stella is my only sibling, and I don’t have any children of my own.”  You could see the sadness in her eyes and from what I can feel she is telling the truth.
“Alena is fifteen years old. She is our oldest child. I’ve raised her since she was four and I love her as if she was my own. I will protect her with my life. She is strong. I’ve trained her myself and she can fight with the best but what makes her so special is her heart. She is beautiful inside and out. Recently there was an attack against her, she fought like a warrior and killed many. She risked her life to protect innocent children and saved them all before we could defeat them. Alessia has also been very open with Alena about her past, it’s always been Alena’s choice not to seek out her biological family. We would never force her either way.” I spoke
“I can sense how special she is. I wasn’t paying much attention at first but watching Alena grab Stella and slamming her into the wall was pretty impressive. She showed no fear and how strong she is. I hope one day I will get the privilege to meet her.” She spoke
“Athenea, I don’t know you. I can’t say that it will happen, but nobody knows what the future will bring. Alena may or may not choose to meet you. It depends on from here on out. I know she doesn’t want anything to do with Stella. I can’t tell you not to discuss Alena with her but I’m hoping the things we share regarding Alena will be kept private.”
She agreed to keep quiet about today’s conversation. I guess this will be the first test to see where her loyalty stands. If she wants Alena to consider her family, keeping Stella out of it would be a good start.
“Do you by any chance have a phone? I didn’t exactly think to bring mine and I need to call for a ride home. I need to get back to my family. I’ve been gone too long, and I don’t want them to worry.” I asked.
She handed me her cell phone with the address to her cottage. I called Thomas and he answered immediately. He informed me that everyone has been trying to contact me, but I had my block up. Alessia is the only one who can remove my block and she didn’t, but Thomas did tell me she has been trying to reach me. I guess that’s a good thing because I don’t know how I would feel if she hadn’t. I believe all the frustration I ran out of me today would have returned which I don’t want. I need to fix things with her. We just had a baby and the last thing I want to do is fight with her. Thomas pulled up the GPS and informed me that I was a little over an hour away and that he was on his way to pick me up. I hung up and returned the placed the phone on the table.
“May I ask you about your scent? It doesn’t smell human, and I was curious of what it is.” She chuckled.
“No, no its fine. I’m not human. I’m a witch but I don’t give off the same scent as most witches do because I’m strong. Actually, I’m one of the strongest in the world but I don’t use my powers often. I live like a human.”
“What? Why? I’m sorry. I don’t mean to intrude in your business. So, are you saying Alena is a hybrid?” I asked.
“No worries. Stella and I share our mother. Her father is human. He left my mother when she was pregnant with Stella. A few years later, my mother met my father. He was a warlock. When I was born not long after, they realized how strong I was. My mother loved both her children, but my father didn’t treat Stella the same. He never treated her badly, but he never loved her the way you love Alena. He thought Stella was weak because she took after her father. She held no power from our mom so when my parents would teach me, she was left out. Stella carries the gene but when she had her children, none of them possessed it either. I can’t be completely sure, but Alena smelled human. To be completely positive, I would have to see for myself.” She said.
We continued to talk about random things until Thomas arrived to collect me. I informed her that we would be in touch and that I would talk to Alessia and Alena and see what they wanted.
She never answered my question regarding why she doesn’t use her powers but maybe she will reveal it later down the line. Athenea appears to be a good woman so far and if she has what we need to protect Alena, you damn well better believe I will do anything to keep her safe.

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