Chapter 21

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We looked up and I saw my dad standing in the doorway. His eyes were black, so I knew his wolf was present. I’ve never feared my dad in my life but right now at this moment, he’s scaring the hell out of me. Not that I fear for my safety but for Damon. If looks could kill, Damon would be six feet under right now.

“Daddy, can we talk?” I asked.

Aunt Jess gave me another hug and whispered in my ear to stay strong while Damon let go of my hand, dropped his head and walked out with Jess right behind him. He is scared to death of my dad. If this wasn’t so serious, it would almost be funny.

My dad came over and sat at the edge of the bed. I sat down next to him. I reached over and grabbed both of his hands and held them tight. I felt him tense at first but then he relaxed. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath but when he opened them, they were still black.

“Max, can I please talk to my dad? I love you and I love how protective you are over me, but I really need my daddy right now.” I said to his wolf.

He kissed me on my forehead and held me in a tight hug. When he pulled away, I saw that my dad was back. His light warm eyes staring back at me. I just gave him a smile and hugged him again.

“Daddy, please don’t be mad at me. I love you and I will always be your little girl, but I am growing up. I’m a very talented fighter thanks to you and you have raised me to be a smart, sassy young woman. I need you to be there and support me. I need you to trust me. I promise that I won’t do anything to disappoint you.” I said.

I threw myself against his chest and held him tight. I felt myself tearing up just at the thought of him still being angry with me then it turned into full blown sobbing. I don’t ever really remember him being mad at me. To him, I’ve always been that perfect child who could do no wrong. Yeah, there were times I should have been in trouble for petty things, but he always let it slide.

“Baby girl, stop crying.” He whispered.

He pulled me back and put his finger under my chin, lifting it up so I would look at him.

“Alena, I’m not going to lie to you, I don’t like this. I don’t want you to be with him because he’s only going to hurt you.”

“Daddy, I know the risks and I’m willing to take them. I know being with him isn’t a mistake.” I said.

“You are too young and naive to understand the consequences that come from this. He’s an alpha male, he’s been in a relationship for years and they were having sex. Do you really think he’s not going to pressure you into it when his hormones kick in? Do you think as time goes on; he’s not going to want to take your relationship to the next level? He’s a man who has alpha genes running through him. The intensity of wanting to mate is going to go before any promise he makes of not pressuring you and when you give in, which eventually you will because you love him then he’s going to leave you for his mate.” He said.

“Yes, I’m growing up but I’m only 15. It doesn’t matter what he wants or how he feels. I’m not ready for that and nobody is going to pressure me into anything I don’t want to do. I may not have your blood running through me, but you raised me to be strong. I don’t care if I love him, I’m not going to do that just because he wants it. If he were to pressure me then he doesn’t respect me and doesn’t deserve me.” I said proudly.

“Girl, you have no idea what people do in the name of love. It can make the smartest and strongest people weak. I know you know what I did before I met your mother. The choices I made during that time could have turned out very differently. I hurt your mother badly and I almost lost her. I chose someone else over her and I still regret it to this day.” He said.

“Yeah, I know your story and it’s been brought up by just about everyone today. I’m not Becca. I will never ask him to choose me, nor will I let him walk away from his mate for me. I know it will hurt if we are still together and he finds his mate, but I will get through it. I am strong and I am a fighter. I will be ok. If my mother healed and moved on from the death of my biological father, then I will be fine. I have my family who I know will be there for me. He is worth it, and I want to take that chance, but I want my father to support me. I want my father to know what I am doing, and I will not do anything I regret. I need my daddy to be ok with this. Please daddy, please be ok with this. I love you and you will always be number one in my world. You're my hero and you always will be.” I said.

 I tried to say it in a strong tone, but my voice cracked a little towards the end. I know I laid it on a little thick just to butter him up, but I meant every word. I don’t think I could ever be with Damon if my dad refused to back down, but I hope he heard me. I hope he really listened to me and understood how I feel.

Before he could respond, I heard a sniffle. I looked towards the door and saw my mom standing there. She had one hand on her stomach and the other across her heart. I could see the small smile even though she was trying to prevent herself from crying. Being pregnant, my mother is very emotional.

She came and sat on my other side. I had my dad’s hand embracing mine in my lap. She put her hand over ours and squeezed it tight. My dad took another deep breath.

“I can’t ever win with the two of you, can I.” He mumbled.

“Baby, you should have figured that out a long time ago, I don’t know what has taken you so long. Life would just be so much easier if you accept it.” My mom said. We all laughed.

“I’m standing by what I said. I don’t like this at all...but I will support you. Now, that doesn’t mean that I’m ok watching you all over each other. If I see it, I might kill him, so you better let him know that he better watch his hands, among other things.”  He said.

I jumped up and threw myself at him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and jumped up and down. I screamed and I cried. I was so excited.

“Before you get too excited, there are rules. He is not allowed in your room at all. When you want to spend time with him, it's in a common area. You don’t get to stay up late talking to him or disappearing. I don’t want this affecting your performance in training or your schoolwork. There will be no God Damn hickies! He’s not branding you and if I see it again, he’s going to have similar markings all over his face because I’ve beat the shit out of him.” He said. 

“Also, nobody says that you have to rush things. You both have developed feelings for each other outside of a relationship so now that you are together, things are strong and intense. Slow down. Get to know each other, be friends. Learn how to communicate and trust each other because without these things, your relationship will never last. You don’t have the mate bond to pull you together. You are doing it the old-fashioned human way.” My mom added.


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