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"So..... are You gonna tell me what's wrong with your ass or are you gonna sit there looking like your doubting all your lives decisions?" Aaron asked his best friend, tipping his head to the side while trying to ignore the honks of the cars behind them.

They had just dropped of Leandro's brother and his sister at the high school. And the moment Leo locked eyes with that blond very very creepy dude that gave them the finger he had stared straight ahead like he had lost his mind.

"Mate." Leandro muttered so soft that his best friend and future beta wasn't sure he had even heard him right.
"What?" He said leaning closer.
"Mate! That was my mate. That guy was my mate!?" He turned to his best friend with pure panic in his brown eyes. Just as dark brown as his hair. Grabbed on to his arm like he was holding on for dear live. Shaking him.
"Aaron that was my mate!"
Aaron pouted his lips and took a deep breath of air.
"Wel... at least he is interesting."

"He hates me!" Leo brought out on the verge of despair.
"I don't think it was a personal action."
"He was so hot!" Leo sighed like a starstruck teenagers.
"Yea if you like stone cold blondes who could probably end your life ."

Leo made a desperate sound and dropped his head in his hands.
"What do I do now!" He didn't go to school anymore. He graduated two years ago. His father was teaching him everything about being an Alpha. Taking him to meetings and showing him the pack business and slowly giving him more tasks to be responsible for. He also took some online classes about busnis and management in the evenings.

He hadn't found his mate in that time. Not even in the many other packs they visited. Or amongst the packs that visited them. And there where a great deal of them.
But he never really expected his mate to be a human... or a guy for that matter.

"I didn't know you where gay?" Aaron tried to change the topic. Running his free hand thru his light brown yelled up spikes.
"Me neither."
"Wel... at least he was hot. Nice jawline and such."
Leo hummed. He was not wrong. He started nervously biting on the leather bracelets around his wrist. He always wore a couple of those. His mother would slap the back of his head if she saw him do that. It was not the way an alpha should behave.

He never looked at guys that way before. It never really crossed his mind. But Aaron was right the guy was hot. And his mate. And hot.
He was the most handsome guy he had ever seen. Very very good genetics.
Suddenly every crush he had in his life meant nothing compared to this guy.
He had never seen anyone like that before. It should be illegal to be that beautiful!

"What do I do now?" He asked him after Aaron switched seats with him because he felt more like dying than driving.
"Oh... uhm wel you are usually the one with the answers. But uhm.. I think you should tel your parents. And then your brother!"
"Why would I tell Robbie?" Leo leaned back in the seat of the car trying not to think about those grey eyes that just ripped his heart clean out of his chest.
"Wel.. he goes to school with the guy, he could become friends with him and introduce you guys!"

Leo launched up.
"That's a good idea!"
"Yea.. sometimes I surprise people." Aaron said taking the turn to the packhouse.

Most packs hid away from people.
They pretended to be gangs or became small community's that slowly grew. Only werewolf's and Sometimes even more kinds of shifters lived there.
The Rossi pack didn't. They hid in plain sight. And they were never found out. Because humans hardly lived there. And if they did they would be watched and then introduced to the world of the supernatural. Once in this pack they all kept the secrets with pride.
The rossi pack was the one of the biggest packs in the country because of this.
No hunter ever found them.

Cause they were looking for a hiding place and they didn't understand that the entire town of "rivers edge" was the pack. 


"Hey brother guess who is sitting next to me with history?" His little brother Roberto sang over a personal mindlink. He could almost see his obnoxious grin.
Leo was having a mental break down on the couch while Aaron was sipping energy drinks thru a metal straw and played animal cross on his Nintendo switch.
"Well he is blond, has grey eyes, is surprisingly cold and has the best deadglare of the entire school!" Leo jumped up so fast that Aaron almost dropped his switch.

"My mate! Robbie is sitting next to my mate!" He explained loud enough for Aaron's parents to hear. After he told his parents they went to Aaron's place to take his mind of things. What didn't work by the way..

"Yey... now they can be friends and then you can go date him, tell him and then go and make babies."
'"I don't thinks that's..." Leo shook his head. Aaron wasn't listening anymore he was busy building an island or something.

"What is his name? Do you know his name? Can you become friends and take him home?"
"He is not easy to become friends with, Leo. You need patience bro. But his name is Rohan."

Leo sunk back into the couch with a crazy big smile on his face.
He hugged a babyblue pillow to his chest and sighed.
"Rohan." It had a nice ring to it. Rohan and Leandro....
"Roandro." Aaron said taking his eyes from the game for a second.
"Your ship name. Roandro. It's cute." He nodded to himself and continued playing.
Leo didn't know why anyone thought Aaron was the best pick for his beta but he probably had something that made him suitable.

He continued to harass his little brother with questions that mostly didn't get an answer but it was better than nothing. He couldn't wait until his brother came home from school so he could ask all the questions again!

Aaron convinced him to take his mind of things for a moment and go play a PlayStation game With cars. It was supposed to be a cute game where you drive cars around but grand theft auto was a little different than Aaron made it sound.

After hours of hanging around and doing nothing they could finally go pick up their siblings. After Leo changed his clothes for the fifth time in twenty minutes cause he sweat thru it. Leo couldn't wait! He really hoped he would see his mate again!
Aaron drove to make sure they didn't cause any mayor accidents.
They where only ten minutes early so Aaron parked and they waited in silence until classes where over.

Yellow, I just don't like a story with only one update so here is another!
I hope you like Rohan's mate Leandro Rossi ! 😍 (he is half Italian on his fathers side)

Please comment, vote and ..you know the drill 😘

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