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"So You are sure?"The young woman nodded. She held her hand over the bleeding wound on her right arm as the doctor sat her down on a bed in the backroom of the small clinic.
His father and himself were called here for an emergency. They didn't expect two Border patrols to be dead and three others to be wounded.

This woman was the only one able to talk at the moment. Freddy was undergoing a small surgery and samson was out cold. And after they found out what the heck had happened they needed to go to the Kelly houshold to tell miss Kelly her husband and son woudnt be coming home anymore.
Leo felled like throwing up.

In rivers edge.

And not normal hunters. Not the once that worked with the council or the pack law. The once that had a permit and only went after rouges. No these were hunters from the old guard. Hunters that didn't leave little children alive. Hunters that systematically killed out entire packs. They took down the ash creek pack two months ago..

A few survivors had made it in to the Rossi pack. And now maybe the same group of hunters came to rivers edge...

"We have to give out a code seven." Danny, a human police officer his dad had called, said with a grim look in his eyes.
Code seven was no shifting until further notice.
"We can't risk anyone else getting hurt. Right now the only new people in town are the..." his fathers voice faded away and he sighed deeply.

"Rohan.... You don't think..."
"I certainly don't hope so.... If Rohan, a halfshifter is in the hands of old guard hunters than he is in grave danger."
Leo felt his legs fall out from under him and grabbed onto the wall to keep standing.
Hunters in the town.
Two of their pack members dead.
And Rohan might be living with a group of hunters.

"How are we going to react to this? Are we doing a coverup or are we sending out the message that there has been a murder?"
"They don't know were to find the pack right now. So they went after some wolfs in the forest. They must have tried to capture them to interrogate them...."
"Well they failed. We got away and we made sure they didn't follow us. We got one of them!" Riley Brekker said while the doc stitched her wound shut.

"Right... so we can't let this be out. We will sent a message to all pack members that hunters might be among us and the only way to keep yourself safe is to act human! They have no way of finding us out if we do."
"I hope so....'" Aaron's father Zack, the beta of the Rossi pack mumbled.
His father walked up to him and put his hand on his shoulder.

"We will get him out safe." He promised.
"What if he is with them?" Leo mumbled. Hardly able to get the horrible words out of his throat. But they couldn't just forgot about this option.
"If he is with them and he knows we are wolfs then we would have already been killed." Zack calmly stated.

"Maybe for some reason he choose not to tell them or he doesn't know yet. We need to inform pack law there is a old guard hunter cluster in rivers edge. And then we need to rid ourselves of them."
Zack crossed his arms and let his eyes go over every person in the room.
His father, Alfa Ricardo Rossi nodded.

"We need to keep a watch on the new people to make sure they are even involved. This could merely be a coincidence." Than his father turned to Leandro who was paler than he had ever seen the kid before. He looked like his whole life just got kicked out from under him.

"You need to get close to your mate fast and find out if we can trust him or not."
Leo nodded. He knew that he needed to put the pack before his mate right now.
But that might be the hardest thing he ever did.

After they went home Leo and Aaron went up his room. Leo had a ton of things left to do but he didn't feel like doing any of them.
Instead he watched how Aaron got his Nintendo switch out of the inside pocket of his jacket and started playing some game to distract them.

He tried to come up with ideas to get close to his mate. But for some reason human interaction something he never had any problems with before, just seemed impossible. It was like he had forgotten how to be a normal person.
He should just start a conversation. But about what!?
What did you talk about with your mate when you though he might be a hunter of life with hunters. When two packmembers died.

His father and mother came back looking older than ever from the Kelly household.
Telling an older lady she just lost her entire family wasn't something you wanted to do. He should pay her a visit tomorrow as well. Talk to her. Do what ever she wanted or needed.
They needed to be there for her right now.

In the evening there was a secret ceremony for the two lost wolves. Leo listened to family members talk about mister Kelly and his son. They where quiet and brave people who always put others before themselves.
Their son hadn't even found his mate yet.
Miss Kelly was silently crying next to his mother who had her arms wrapped around the woman. Giving her the support she needed.

They where buried and the code seven went around town. So everyone knew to be careful and that hunters where present in rivers edge.

Leo knew if he ever found the person who did this... he would kill them.
He didn't care if his father would want them to get turned in to the council to face trial. They deserved worse.

They just wrecked a family. Killed a husband and father. A eighteen year old kid and a son. Miss Kelly went home with her brother in law so she wasn't alone and tomorrow the day would go on as if nothing had happened.

Yellow, I hope you liked the short chapter, I am kinda in a writersblock right now cause I have no clue what the plot is gonna be yet which makes writing hard. But I have some Chapters ready to go so I won't stop updating!

So which one do you think the wolfs took down!?
And who of the ash creek pack do you think made it to the Rossi pack and would you be interested to have some chapters about them?

Thanks you for reading and please comment and vote and have a nice day!

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