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Alec wasn't hiding from his responsibilities at all.

He was eating chocolate croissant on the bench in front of the shop.

It was so good, but the downside was that he was covered in little croissant crumbs.
It was a nice morning. There wasn't a single soul to see in miles. Nothing but an empty dirt road and pine trees. And nothing to hear but the singing of some birds.

"Hi." A voice said. Alecs wolf was on edge right away. Readying pounce any threat. Any enemy that had dared to sneak up on him like that.

But it was just the girl who worked at the shop.
Her blond hair in was in a high pigtail. She was wearing a neon green work shirt and a short black denim skirt. Her long toned legs stood right beside him.
She was wearing a bright red lipstick and chewing gum that smelled chemically sweet.
"Hello." He gave her, before looking back at the dirt road in front of him.

"I've never seen you much before. You new?"
She sighed and sat down next to him.
"Your like my only costumer in two days. And you only ever buy chocolate croissants."
She noticed with a raised eyebrow. Alec smiled softly.
"They're good."
"Not that good."
He sighed and stretched himself out a little. He should had back soon to his screw up new pack to... do Whatever he was supposed to do.

"So what's your name."
He wasn't sure if it was good to give her his name. It wasn't like he was in hiding. But maybe just a little. But it wasn't like humans would even know who he was.
He wasn't even sure who he was.
"You look a little lost. I was just asking for your name."
"Alec... Alec Darren."
She smiled like she won.
"I am Jade."

Alec are the last pieces of his croissant and than dusted all the crumps of him.
It made jade smile.
"So your new huh?"
"live with your parents?"
"I live with some friends." His wolf squirmed a little.
She nodded.
She knew that. She saw him. He came here with different friends every other day.

As a responsible alpha maybe he really shouldn't eat so many chocolate croissants.

"So Alec, You free tonight?" He looked up a little startled to see her smile back to him. She was... flirting with him?!

Those dark thoughts about you know how came flowing back to him right away. Jacob pushing him against tousled sheets. Sharp theeth ripping the skin on his neck.
Soft kisses and soft words while his friends where being slaughtered.

"I just went thru a real bad break up so..." a bad break up didn't even come close.
"Ah." She nodded and stood up. Her long legs strode to the store.

"You shouldn't let some bitch decide your life like that. It's a break up. With means your free. Don't let them make you feel like your still stuck. Don't give them that power." Alec looked up feeling like he was shot. Jade just smiled.

"You looked so lost." She answered the question he didn't ask.
Was he doing that? Was he letting damn Jacob still dedicate his life? Even after everything! He should have learned from the first time. Never let someone like that have power over you!

"Thank you." Jade smirked.
"I will ask you out again, next time you come for those delicious chocolate croissants."
Alec felt himself smile back
"I might just change my mind."
She walked back in the store and Alec was alone.

He shook his head.
Don't give him that kind of power ...not again. He had done that in the past. For years he let them decide his life and ruin all his Happiness. He let them almost kill him. Twice. It wasn't right that a dead man had this power over him. That a dead man let him hide in the forest for months because he was scared. Because he was dead scared of everything outside of this safety bubble he created.

Your free.
Your friends are free.
Your starting over.
This time.
Your the one in charge.

And yes... jacob really was a bitch.

A dead one.

Yellow! An other chapter! Who else loves chocolate croissants, I mean I haven't even eaten them like ever but I just like them by default cause Alec likes them 😂
You all think he might get it on with jade or you think this book will be to gay for that? 🤗

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