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They stole a truck.

They really needed to apply for pack funding at the UNC. Because stealing cars wasn't something a responsible pack would do.
Damian Hotwired the red truck in a second. It was one of his best traits.
Alec had a haircut and he even wore a short today. They all felt really good about themselves .

Silas sat in the front with his son Jamie in his arms. They knew he needed to be in a car seat but they didn't have one but they did have a very powerful warlock so there was that. Jamie had his baby blue dot of hair brushed backwards and his purple eyes looked around sparkling with power.
Ishara gave him some mashed up fruit to eat before they left.

A big diaper bag with everything they needed like diapers, snacks, Damians favorite baseball bat and a small handgun was pushed in the leg space of the wizard.
Damian, Kit, sam and Izzy sat in the back of the truck. Izzy took a day of school for today. She was part of the pack and Alec was happy she was there
For some dark reason they thought it was a great idea to let someone who never drove a car in his life, drive the truck.

Alec regretted not getting a driver license or taking some classes.
A good alpha knew how to drive.
Or maybe not.
Maybe he could let someone else drive him places.
Sadly no one in his pack had a driver license. Sil was old and knew how to but he was having a bonding time with his son. Cause Damian stole him away to much.
Sam had been to busy in his life as beta for his last pack to ever bother.

They needed to drive about fifty miles as fast as they could to get to the Rossi pack.
One of the biggest packs in the entire country consisting of an entire town.
They had a hunter problem and one for the alphas kids and their future lunos where taken by them.
Alec somehow felt like they should hurry.

It was a little pull in the bottom of his stomach.
He would say it was just the chili they ate last night if he didn't know any better.
Usually when you gut said do something. You better do it.
Or pay the price.
Alec did not want to pay the price.
So he pressed the gas to the bottom on the truck and raced over the freeway.

Any speeding tickets would be given to the Local council because they where dicks.

Everything could change today.

A normal drowsy Wednesday. It was gonna rain and the sky was a dark grey. Not making anyone's mood any better.

If they managed to help the Rossi pack and convince them to believe the prophecy. And maybe the other two packs as well. They wouldn't put be alone in this anymore, they would have resources to help them find the last three marks of the prophecy. They could stop it.
Maybe for a very long time. Hopefully for ever.

Alec often wished someone who knew what they where doing would take over and stop this hit show.
But no one did.
So it was up to him. A twenty and a half year old alpha pretend with a pack consisting of a not so powerful anymore wizard, a baby, a rejected beta and his sweet human mate. A young dragon, a crazy thing, Damian and Kit.
So yea. Great odds.

They arrived at the pack and no fire was raining from the sky.
Which was a great start honestly.

They rushed out of the car and to the two story white villa.
They knocked and someone pushed the door open without bothering to ask who they where.
The living was stuffed to the brim with wolves all listening to a warrior wolf explaining a game plan to them.
Alec looked at his friends to see what they should do.
Then someone tapped him on the shoulder.

He turned to see Damian grab the persons finger and twist it so far it was about to break.
It was a boy around their age with light brown hair and a Nintendo switch sticking out his back pocket.
"Release him." Alec said and Damian let him go with a glare.
"Well thank you. Fuck. You must be alpha Alec."
Alec nodded.
"You look young. Come on. Let's talk outside for a bit. I called alpha for you but he is kinda busy with the game plan to save his brother and mate."
"I though the alphas son was taken?" Sam asked.
The boy looked at him.
"I'm Sam, his beta."
"I'm Aaron. The beta. Your not wrong, but there have been some changes in leadership." Alec looked at Sam to see an equally shocked look on his face. What the fuck had happened here?

He led them to the backyard where a lot of people where chatting with each other.
A girl with half her hair colored purple walked to them, glaring at them.
"Who are they?" She asked the beta without any respect.
Aaron frowned.
"This is my sister Casey. Casey this is alpha Alec. The one I was talking about."
"Right. They alpha who said the worlds gonna end." She sneered.

Damian who was standing right behind her snorted.
"Didn't you know. The worlds already ending." He growled with his scary voice.
The girl flinched and hid behind her brother.
Alec was so used to Damian shit, sometimes forgot Damian looked absolutely scary.

Everything about him was black except for his pale skin which was so scarred up he wasn't sure there was any whole skin left.
Damian radiated darkness and hate.

"He kinda reminds me of rohan." Casey said looking a little sad.
Aaron looked at Damian. Who growled back at him.
Then Aaron smiled sadly.
"Yea... he kinda does."
"Who is rohan."
"Our lunos. He and my alphas brother are taken by hunters."
"Okay so what are you waiting for. Let's go kill em." Damian said.
"Wish it was so easy. We have to find them first."

Suddenly Alec felt something click and he grabbed his betas arm.
Sam frowned and then cursed loudly making lots of people look at them.
"You don't think..."
"That's exactly what I think."
"What are you guys talking about?" Aaron asked.
"Let's go." Alec ordered and his pack turned without bothering to nod to anyone and rushed back to their car.
Aaron followed them. So did a guy with dark brown hair and dark eyes after they shared a look.
They jumped in the car and Damian jumped in the drivers seat to start the car back up.
"Is that car stolen?" Aaron asked sounding a tad impressed.

"What the hell are you guys doing!" The other one with the attitude of an alpha asked them. Making people look. Alec met his gaze without any trouble. He was an alpha himself.
"No time to explain but I think I know how to find you lunos." He told him.
The boy doubted for a second.
For a second he looked just like them.
A kid who didn't have a clue what he was doing.

Then he walked to the back of the truck and jumped it.
Aaron followed him yelling this was a bad idea.
But they didn't get far.
Alec hit his head against the window when Damian slammed the brakes and brought them to a sudden stop.
He was gonna yell at Damian but the sound left him when he saw the look on Damians face.

Damian wasn't afraid.
He was the thing you feared.
But the look on his face wasn't just fear.
It was something so pure and fragile Alec knew that Damian was about to fall apart for ever.
In front of the car stood a girl.
She was their age, maybe a tad taller.

She was gorgeous, she stood look some Latin warrior as if she jumped out of a book.
She radiated pure power.
Her dark hair was braided back in a complex looking braid and she wore a brown leather jacket. Her brown skin glowed even in this grey day.
Around her her pack members stared at her wondering what the fuck was going on.
But her dark Brown eyes were set on Damian.

Then he heard Damian speak.
The word was so soft and so broken.
So frightening.
It was nothing more than a breath leaving his lips.
If Alec wasn't so close to him he might have not even heard it.
But he did.
And it changed everything. Cause Damian said;


Yellow! So... Damian has a second change mate. For anyone who somehow missed it.
Damian's first mate was a bitch and she and her entire pack tried to kill Damian almost causing him to be the first one to die! Then snow found him in the woods.
And now he has a new one.... 🤭

They also met alpha Leo! And they might know where to find Rohan!

And someone else met their mate today. Two of my characters did. And it will nog be announced until the very last chapter. If anyone figures it out before the end of the book who are mates to each other (they met in this chapter and it's not Damian) I'll give you a shout out or maybe name a character after you 😉

Thanks for reading, hope you liked it! Please comment, vote and follow and eat a chocolate.

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