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Rohan was nothing more than a dark cloud of thunder waiting to explode when he walked in the school. His body hurt but he could easily ignore that. He needed to be careful. He now had what he wanted but he didn't want anyone to take it away. So he stayed clear of Casey and Robbie.

They looked at him funny and he ignored them to the best of his abilities.
He didn't listen to the teachers either and non of them had the balls to kick him out of the class room.

When lunchbreak came he felt two pairs of eyes burning on his back when he entered the cafeteria. They were keeping a closer eye on him. They wanted revenge. And if they couldn't find  werewolf, they would take it out on Rohan and his pack.

So he ignored the wave from Seth and walked to the other side of the room.
He only sat down for a minute before Robbie and Casey were on him.
But he felt the hunters watch him. Why were they so stupid!? Didn't they understand that after Sylvia died things became different??

"Why aren't you sitting with us?" Casey asked with her arms crossed in front of her. She was glaring down at him and he faced her with a cold look.
If they didn't understand he would make them understand any way he could.

'"I only needed you to get close to your brother. You have no use for me now."
He saw something in Robbies eyes that startled him a little but he didn't show it. Robbie nodded and walked away. Smart boy.

"You don't mean that!" Casey said with a frown. It wasn't a question it was a statement. Rohan didn't say anything else but then she slowly nodded like she understood and turned around.
"I'll tell him."She promised him.
At least Casey wasn't an fucking idiot.

He felt all the muscle in his shoulders tense when the chairs on both his sides moved.
With wicked smiles the two boys sat down next to him.
Every single instinct Rohan possessed screamed to run. To hide.
But Rohan wasn't that weak. Rohan was a killer and he feared nothing.
"Wel hello little halfbreed."

They couldn't do anything during school time. But every moment he was not near humans he was in danger.
He didn't think they would kill him.
But he wasn't sure about his pups.
He would rather have their deadly attention on himself than on them.
Even in his wounds weren't even healed yet.
Even if breathing hurt.

He would do anything.

He meant it.

Yellow !
As a celebration for the 10k on the first book of this series you all get a double update!
Also because I'm very happy people have commented on my books and it makes me feel happy and good so I want to give something in return!

I am also working on the plot for books three. And here are some sneak peaks.
Trans Hispanic boy, fairy world, magical curse, changelings, werewolf (cause duh)!
I really can't wait for book 3! 🤗
Thank you for reading please comment and vote and know you look fucking stunning and you own this world!

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